-我知道得 -是的
-So I’m told. -Yeah.
我原来有个朋友在马戏团 表演嚼玻璃为生
I had a friend that chewed glass for a living. in the circus.
-他因为嚼荧光灯玻璃得了癌症? -不
-And he got cancer from chewing fluorescent bulb glass ? -Nah.
-被公共汽车撞死了 -哦 我能帮你什么吗?
-Got hit by a bus. -Oh. Can I help you ?
哦 呃 取决于 你这里也许有厕所吧?
Well, uh, that depends. You got maybe a toilet in here ?
-是的 但是只让员工使用 -我知道
-Yeah, but it’s for employees only. -I understand.
但是我 呃 想也许你会让我用
But l, uh, thought maybe you’d let me use it anyway.
我人老了 并且我 真么说呢 有点不能控制
I’m not so young anymore and I’m, how do you say, a little incontinent.
-当然 在后面 从冰箱过去 -谢谢 小家伙
-Sure. in the back, through the cooler. -Thank you, sonny boy.
瞧 呃 你们这里有什么样的厕所纸?
Say, uh, what kind of toilet paper you got back there ?
-白色的 -我不是说颜色
-The white kind. -I didn’t ask about the color.
我是指 是粗糙还是柔软的?
I mean, is it rough or is it cottony ?
-实际上 是粗糙的那种 -哦 好孩子!
-Actually, it’s kinda rough. -Oh, boy !
It’s gonna knock the hell out of my hemorrhoids.
I thought maybe you could Let me have a roll of the soft stuff.
I see you sell the soft stuff back there.
-是的 但是…
-Yeah, but–
-不要这么小气嘛! 有什么不同呢?
-Come on, boitshik ! What’s the difference ?
You said yourself you have the rough stuff in the back.
-是的 当然 你自己拿吧 -谢谢 小伙子
-Yeah, sure. Go ahead. -Thank you, sonny boy.
You’re a lifesaver.
瞧 年轻人 我不会在打搅你了
Say, young fella, I hate to bother you again,
但是 呃 也许我应该在后面有点可以读的吧?
but, uh, maybe I could have something in the back there to read ?
A paper or something ?
Sometimes it takes me a while,
and I like to have something to read while it’s going on.
是的 当然 随便
Yeah, sure, go ahead.
One of the magazines you got in the back behind the counter.
-色情杂♥志♥? -是的!
-The porno mags ? -Yeah !
我喜欢卡♥通♥ 那能让我发笑
I like the cartoons. They make me laugh.
They draw some of the biggest titties you ever saw.
Not this one. Maybe the one you got underneath this one.
-他们是最大的奶头 -这里
-They got bigger titties in there. -Here.
-不要再来烦我了 -哦 谢谢 好孩子
-Now leave me alone. -Oh, thank you, sonny boy.
I appreciate it.
Hell of a game.
一个球? 我把关了店了
One ball ? I close the store,
they come all the way here, for one ball ?
曲棍球就是曲棍球 至少我们还玩了
Hockey is hockey. At least we got to play.
12分钟不算玩 上帝 还没怎么热身
Twelve minutes is not a game. Jesus, it’s hardly even a warm-up.
-婊♥子♥ 婊♥子♥ 婊♥子♥ 你要喝点什么嘛?
-Bitch, bitch, bitch. You want something to drink ?
-Yeah, a Gatorade.
-嘿 所有Gatorade到哪里去了? -对了 他们喝完了
-Hey, what happened to all the Gatorade? -Exactly. They drank it all.
-Know what Sanford told me ?
-I can’t believe Caitlin’s getting married.
-Julie Doyer死了 -是的 对
-Julie Doyer died. -Yeah, right.
-不 我认真的 -哦 我的上帝!
-No, I’m serious. -Oh, my God !
Sanford的兄弟在泡他表妹 他今早发现的
Sanford’s brother dates her cousin. He found out this morning.
-怎么死的? 什么时候? -她脑子有问题昨天
-How ? When ? -Embolism in her brain. Yesterday.
-上帝! -当时她正在YMCA的游泳池里游泳
-Jesus ! -She was swimming in the pool in the YMCA when it happened.
-She died mid-backstroke.
-l haven’t seen her in, like, two years.
Correct me if I’m wrong,
but wasn’t she one of the illustrious 12 ?
-是的 排第六 -你和死人做过爱
-Yeah, number six. -You’ve had sex with a dead person.
-I’m gonna go to her wake.
-不 你不会去的今天才死的
-No, you’re not. it’s today.
-什么? -Posten的殡仪馆客厅要4:00才开
-What ? -Posten’s Funeral Parlor. Next show’s at 4:00.
-他妈的! 明天怎么样?
-Shit ! What about tomorrow ?
-只有一个晚上 明早她就埋了
-One night only. She’s buried in the morning.
-你帮我看看店 -我必须去 -等等
-You gotta watch the store. I gotta go to this. -Wait, wait, wait, wait.
-Has it occurred to you that I might be bereaved as well ?
-You hardly knew her.
True. But do you know how many people are gonna be there ?
-All her old classmates, to say the least.
-This is beneath even you.
对于这季度的社交活动 我是不会错过的
I’m not gonna miss what’s probably gonna be the social event of the season.
-You hate people !
-But I love gatherings. isn’t it ironic?
别傻了 得有人看店
Stop being an asshole. Someone’s gotta watch the store.
-如果你去 我也去
-lf you go, I go.
-She meant nothing to you !
She meant nothing to you neither
’til I told you she died.
-I’m not taking you to this funeral.
-I’m going with you.
-I can’t close the store.
-You just closed the store
to play hockey on the roof.
是啊! 这也说明我不能因我们都要去守丧而
Exactly ! Which means I can’t close it
for another hour just so we can both go to a wake.
You were saying ?
Thanks for putting me in such a tough spot.
You’re a good friend.
-她很年轻 是吧? -22 和我们一样
-She was pretty young, huh ? -Twenty-two. Just like us.
-淹死在游泳池里 -死的多么龌龊啊
-Embolism in a pool. -What an embarrassing way to die.
-那可不能和我表弟的死相比 -怎么死的?
-That’s nothing compared to how my cousin Walter died. -How did he die ?
-他折断了他的脖子 -那不也很龌龊吗?
-He broke his neck. -That’s embarrassing ?
我为了去洗他的鸡♥巴♥ 折断了脖子的
He broke his neck trying to suck his own dick.
-他妈的乱说 -我发誓
-Shut the hell up. -I swear.
-别说了 -对天发誓
-Stop it. -Bible truth.
-哦 我的上帝!
-Oh, my God !
-少来了 难道你没有尝试洗过你的弟弟?
-Come on. Haven’t you ever tried to suck your own dick ?
-没有 -是啊 你是如此压抑
-No. -Yeah, right. You’re so repressed.
-Because I never tried to suck my own dick ?
-不 因为你不敢承认
-No, because you won’t admit to it.
好像有点怪异 因为他尝试自己给自己口♥交♥
As if a guy’s a fucking pervert ’cause he tries to go down on himself.
你肯定对我们的也很感兴趣吧 伙计
You’re as curious as the rest of us, pal.
You’ve tried it.
-谁发现的? -我表弟? 妈妈发现他的
-Who found him ? -My cousin ? Mom found him.
那是一团遭他躺在床上 他的脚对折在一起
It was a mess. He was on his bed, his legs doubled over himself.
Mom freaked out.
-成功了吗 呃? 鸡♥巴♥在他嘴里吗? -是的
-Made it, huh ? Dick in his mouth ? -Yeah.
Balls resting on his lips.
-喔 你真成功了 -是的 但代价太高了
-Wow. He really made it. -Yeah, but at what a price.
-我可够不着 -够不着什么?
-I can never reach. -Reach what ?
-你知道 -什么 你的鸡♥巴♥?
-You know. -What, your dick ?
是的就像你说的 我想每个人都有点好奇
Yeah. Like you said, I guess everybody gets curious
and tries it sometime.
I never tried it.
Fucking pervert.
看着世界坠落 惊异过的如此之快
Johnny看看了他四周说 嘿 我最终完成了大事
-我知道把店门关了是个坏主意 -听你的
-I knew this was a bad idea to close the store. -Listen to you.
I can’t help it. At least on the roof,
I could see if anybody wanted to go in.
那儿没人 现在是星期六下午4:00
Nobody’s there. It’s 4:00 on a Saturday.
How many people ever come to the store at 4:00 on a Saturday ?
Let me in !
领导者和追随者 领导者和追随者
-I can’t fucking believe you.
我告诉过你的 不是我的错
I’m telling you, it wasn’t my fault.
-你把棺材打翻了 上帝饶恕!
-You knocked the casket over, for Christ’s sake !
-I was just leanin’ on it.
-it was an accident.
-Like someone knocks a casket over on purpose !
-把棺材打翻有怎么了 有什么大不了
-So the casket fell over. Big deal.
-Her fucking body fell out !
I put her back in it.
