it’s not like it matters if she breaks something.
-Just go open the video store.
-Open the video store !
给我闭嘴 傻B
Shut the fuck up, junkie.
-Would you just go open the video store?
-是啊 你个该死的店员
-Yeah, you cock-smokin’ clerk.
我跟你说过多少次 不要在店前搞这些买♥♥卖♥♥?
How many times have I told you not to be dealing in front of the store ?
我没有做买♥♥卖♥♥ 你们在说什么?
I’m not dealing. What’re you talking about ?
-你有吗 伙计? -你想要什么?
-Have you got anything, man ? -What you want ?
-借下你的车 -我不想和你说话
-Let me borrow your car. -I don’t want to talk to you.
-好啊 但把你的车借给我啊
-Fine. Just let me borrow your car.
-Why should I loan you my car ?
-我要去租部电影 -你想去租部电影
-I want to rent a movie. -You want to rent a movie.
-What’s that for ?
-你在音像店工作! -我那家店比较差劲
-You work in a video store ! -I work in a shitty video store.
我想去家好的音像店 买♥♥些好的电影
I want to go to a good video store so I can get a good movie.
And a pack of cigarettes.
-乖猫猫叫什么名字? -烦人的顾客
-Cute cat. What’s its name ? -Annoying customer.
Fucking dickhead.
Can you imagine being halfway decent to the customers sometimes ?
-把你的车借给我 -我欠你什么吗?
-Let me borrow your car. -May I be blunt with you ?
If you must.
我们分别是Quick Stop Convenience店和 RST Video店的店员
We are employees of Quick Stop Convenience and RST Video, respectively.
所以 我们对此应该有某种义务
As such, we have certain obligations that,
although they may seem cruel and unusual,
-does mean manning the store until closing.
-I see.
So playing hockey and attending wakes
are standard operating procedures ?
There’s a difference.
Those are obligations that couldn’t have been met at any other date.
现在 租带子 那是没有理由的
Now, renting videos, that’s gratuitous,
not to mention illogical,
being that you work at a video store.
-开门吗? -是的
-Are you open ? -Yes.
-I don’t care for your rationale.
-必须这样做 要我车就的这样做
-it’s gonna have to do, being it’s my car up for request.
-我能为你做些什么吗? -一包香烟
-Can I help you ? -A pack of cigarettes.
-What’s your point ?
-我的观点是 你是店员
-My point is, you’re a clerk,
paid to do a job.
You can’t just do anything you want while you’re working.
“”Space alien revealed as head of Time-Warner.
Report stock increase.””
They print any kind of shit in this paper.
他们当然会这样 3元
They certainly do. Three dollars.
-你的争论是头衔约定行为 -什么?
-Your argument is that title dictates behavior. -What ?
The reason you won’t Let me use your car is because
I have a title and job description,
-并且希望我依照这一原则 对吗?
-and I’m supposed to follow it, right ?
I saw one one time that said,
“下一周 世界将会毁灭”
“”The next week, the world is ending.””
In the next week’s paper, they said,
“”We were miraculously saved at the zero hour…
by a koala-fish mutant bird.””
Crazy shit.
So I’m no more responsible for my decisions here than, say,
a death squad soldier in Bosnia ?
That’s stretching it.
You’re not being asked to slay children or anything.
-是的 还没有 -我记得有一次…
-Yeah, not yet. -And I remember one time–
我要打破你的头 你♥他♥妈♥的傻B!
I’m gonna break your fucking head, you fucking jerk !
-对不起他是想弄我的 -是吗? 呃 他弄错了
-I’m sorry. He meant to hit me. -Yeah ? Well, he missed.
这儿 我退你钱 并向你道歉 好吗?
Here, let me refund your money and we’ll call if even, all right ?
I’ll never come in here again.
如果再让我看到你 我会把你脑袋打开花的!
And if I see you again, I’m gonna break your fucking head open !
-你干嘛那样干? -两个原因
-What the fuck did you do that for ? -Two reasons.
一 我讨厌对小报新闻喋喋不休
One, I hate it when people can’t shut up about the stupid tabloid headlines.
-哦 上帝
-Oh, Jesus.
-二 为了证明一个观点 头衔不限定行为
-And two, to prove a point. Title does not dictate behavior.
-什么? -如果头衔能限定我的行为
-What ? -lf title dictated my behavior
as a clerk serving the public,
I wouldn’t be allowed to spit water at that guy,
but I did.
My point is that people dictate their own behavior.
Even though I work in a video store,
我还是要选择去Big Choice租电影
I choose to rent movies at Big Choice.
-同意吗? -你对活人死人都是个危险人物
-Agreed ? -You are a danger to both the dead and the living.
I like to think I’m a master of my own destiny.
-Please get the hell outta here.
-You know I’m your hero.
Sounds to me like somebody needs to hit the gym.
-Excuse me ?
-I heard you strain when you picked up that milk.
-只有七磅重 -我没有紧张 我是在叹气
-it only weighs seven pounds. -I didn’t strain. I sighed.
我可不这么想 那是在咕哝
I don’t think so. That was a grunt.
A deep inhalation of oxygen to aid in the stretching of muscles.
I’m a trainer.
I know what that sound signifies. You’re out of shape.
-什么? 我身上可没有那么多脂肪
-What ? There’s no fat on my body.
-No fat !
而且没有协调性 你活动太少了
No tone either. You don’t get enough exercise.
-开门吗? -是的
-You open ? -Yes.
-只买♥♥报纸 -35美分
-Just the paper. -Thirty-five.
嘿 呃 我问你一个问题
Hey, uh, let me ask you a question.
Think this guy’s out of shape ?
我不知道 从这看不好说
I don’t know. Can’t really tell from here.
-我 我才不呢 -他就是胖
-I am–I am not ! -He is.
How much can you bench ?
-我不知道 -我看最多60 或70个左右吧
-I don’t know. -I’d say about 60, 70, tops.
I know I can bench more than that.
-354 -不会吧!
-Three-fifty, four. -No way !
Feel that.
嘿 很硬 结实
Hey, that’s tight. Solid.
是啊 现在摸摸这儿 把你袖子捞起来 老板
Yeah. Now feel this. Roll up your sleeve, chief.
-哦 看在上帝的份上! -瞧 他不好意思了
-Oh, for God’s sakes ! -See, you’re ashamed.
You know you’re out of shape.
这儿 我的名片
Here. Take my card.
I can get you on an aerobics/free weights program.
-开门吗? -是的我体形很好
-Are you open ? -Yes. I’m not out of shape.
对不起 你整天都在这里吗?
Excuse me. Have you been here all day ?
-是的 从今天早上6:00开始
-Yeah, since 6:00 this morning.
-He’s got those love handles.
I don’t have love handles !
-你4:00还在上班吗? -是的
-Were you working here about 4:00 ? -Yes.
-it’s probably every day
from being around all this food.
-哦 我明白了
-Oh, I know.
If I had to work here all day,
我也发胀 变得体态肥胖
I’d be bloated and out of shape too.
-我体形很好 -能告诉我你叫什么名字吗?
-I’m not out of shape. -Can I have your name, please ?
Dante Hicks怎么了? 到底是干嘛得?
Dante Hicks. Why ? What’s this all about ?
你是Dante Hicks? 我的上帝 我还没有把你认出来
You’re Dante Hicks ? Oh, my God. I didn’t even recognize you.
-因为他体形都变了! -我认识你吗?
-Because he’s out of shape ! -Do I know you ?
是的你还认得Alyssa Jones? 她原来和…
Yeah. Do you remember Alyssa Jones ? She used to hang out–
-Caitlin Bree! -我是她妹妹
-With Caitlin Bree ! -I’m her sister.
You’re Alyssa’s sister Heather ?
-是的 -你 呃 说Caitlin Bree?
-Yeah. -You, uh, say Caitlin Bree ?
-是的 -漂亮的妞?
-Yeah. -Pretty girl ?
