
n. 等高线;轮廓线;作等值线
v. 画等高线(contour的现在分词)


单词 “contouring” 是化妆领域常用的术语,意为“轮廓塑造”,是一种化妆技巧,通过使用阴影和高光来改变面部轮廓的外观。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释,不加粗:

  1. contouring makeup – 轮廓塑造妆容
  2. Face contouring – 面部轮廓塑造
  3. contouring palette – 轮廓塑造盘(化妆品)
  4. contouring brush – 轮廓塑造刷
  5. contouring techniques – 轮廓塑造技巧
  6. contouring cream – 轮廓塑造膏
  7. Nose contouring – 鼻子轮廓塑造
  8. Cheekbone contouring – 颧骨轮廓塑造
  9. contouring for beginners – 初学者的轮廓塑造
  10. contouring for round face – 圆脸的轮廓塑造
  11. contouring for square face – 方脸的轮廓塑造
  12. contouring for oval face – 椭圆脸的轮廓塑造
  13. contouring for heart-shaped face – 心形脸的轮廓塑造
  14. contouring for diamond-shaped face – 钻石脸的轮廓塑造
  15. contouring for mature skin – 成熟肌肤的轮廓塑造
  16. contouring and highlighting – 轮廓塑造和高光
  17. contouring products – 轮廓塑造产品
  18. contouring for a slimming effect – 塑造苗条效果的轮廓塑造
  19. contouring for a defined jawline – 塑造清晰下颚线的轮廓塑造
  20. contouring for a sculpted look – 塑造雕塑效果的轮廓塑造
  21. contouring for special occasions – 特殊场合的轮廓塑造
  22. contouring for a natural appearance – 塑造自然外观的轮廓塑造
  23. contouring for photoshoots – 拍摄用的轮廓塑造
  24. contouring for a youthful look – 塑造年轻外观的轮廓塑造
  25. contouring with powder – 使用粉底的轮廓塑造
  26. contouring with liquid products – 使用液体产品的轮廓塑造
  27. contouring for different face shapes – 不同脸型的轮廓塑造
  28. contouring for a chiseled appearance – 塑造雕刻效果的轮廓塑造
  29. contouring step by step – 逐步的轮廓塑造
  30. contouring and bronzing – 轮廓塑造和古铜色妆容
  31. contouring for a dramatic look – 塑造戏剧性效果的轮廓塑造
  32. contouring for a red carpet look – 塑造红地毯妆容的轮廓塑造
  33. contouring for bridal makeup – 新娘妆容的轮廓塑造
  34. contouring with cream products – 使用膏状产品的轮廓塑造
  35. contouring for a sun-kissed glow – 塑造阳光吻过的光泽的轮廓塑造
  36. contouring for a seamless blend – 塑造无缝融合的轮廓塑造
  37. contouring with a beauty sponge – 使用美妆海绵的轮廓塑造
  38. contouring for a defined nose bridge – 塑造清晰鼻梁的轮廓塑造
  39. contouring for a youthful complexion – 塑造年轻肤色的轮廓塑造
  40. contouring for a radiant look – 塑造光彩效果的轮廓塑造
  41. contouring for a polished finish – 塑造精致妆容的轮廓塑造
  42. contouring with matte products – 使用哑光产品的轮廓塑造
  43. contouring for a long-lasting result – 塑造持久效果的轮廓塑造
  44. contouring for a soft transition – 塑造柔和过渡的轮廓塑造
  45. contouring for a glamorous appearance – 塑造华丽效果的轮廓塑造
  46. contouring for a flawless look – 塑造完美妆容的轮廓塑造
  47. contouring for a matte finish – 塑造哑光妆容的轮廓塑造
  48. contouring with a fan brush – 使用扇形刷的轮廓塑造
  49. contouring for a luminous complexion – 塑造明亮肤色的轮廓塑造
  50. contouring for a well-defined face – 塑造清晰轮廓的轮廓塑造
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
