
vt. 证实;使坚固




(记)robor(强壮) 谐音:萝卜使人强壮。
1. robust => corroborate.


corroborate 证实
cor-, 强调。-rob, 强壮,词源同robust.


corroborate (cor ROB or ate) This verb means “to bring in new evi-dence to strengthen or support an idea or argument.” The noun form is “corroboration.”

  • Naomi’s accusation of theft was given further credence after Leopold, who had witnessed the crime as well, corroborated her story.
  • Urban legends are seldom accepted as truth because there is rarely a third party to corroborate these tales.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》



  • 在目睹了这起犯罪的利奥波德证实了娜奥米的说法后,娜奥米对盗窃的指控得到了进一步的证实
  • 城市传说很少被接受为事实,因为很少有第三方来证实这些故事。



  1. Corroborate evidence – 证实证据
  2. Corroborate a theory – 支持一个理论
  3. Corroborate a statement – 证实一个陈述
  4. Corroborate a claim – 证实一个主张
  5. Corroborate a witness’s testimony – 证实证人的证词
  6. Corroborate an alibi – 证实不在场证据
  7. Corroborate a finding – 验证一个发现
  8. Corroborate a fact – 证实一个事实
  9. Corroborate a hypothesis – 支持一个假设
  10. Corroborate a report – 证实一份报告
  11. Corroborate the story – 证实故事的真实性
  12. Corroborate the information – 确认信息的准确性
  13. Corroborate the data – 核实数据
  14. Corroborate the account – 证实账目
  15. Corroborate the version – 验证版本的真实性
  16. Corroborate the details – 确认细节
  17. Corroborate the findings of a study – 证实研究的结果
  18. Corroborate a colleague’s findings – 支持同事的研究结果
  19. Corroborate historical records – 证实历史记录
  20. Corroborate eyewitness testimonies – 证实目击证词
  21. Corroborate a conclusion – 确认结论
  22. Corroborate the authenticity – 验证真实性
  23. Corroborate a source – 验证消息来源
  24. Corroborate the accuracy – 确认准确性
  25. Corroborate the validity – 证实有效性
  26. Corroborate the claims of a study – 证实研究的主张
  27. Corroborate an experiment’s results – 证实实验的结果
  28. Corroborate a finding with additional research – 通过额外研究证实一个发现
  29. Corroborate an opinion – 支持一个观点
  30. Corroborate a source’s reliability – 证实消息来源的可靠性
  31. Corroborate a historical event – 证实历史事件
  32. Corroborate the accuracy of a translation – 确认翻译的准确性
  33. Corroborate the credibility of a witness – 证实证人的可信度
  34. Corroborate a suspicion – 证实怀疑
  35. Corroborate a decision – 支持一个决定
  36. Corroborate a prediction – 证实一个预测
  37. Corroborate a rumor – 证实谣言
  38. Corroborate an anecdote – 证实轶事
  39. Corroborate an interpretation – 验证解释
  40. Corroborate the existence – 证实存在
  41. Corroborate the importance – 证实重要性
  42. Corroborate the accuracy of a measurement – 确认测量的准确性
  43. Corroborate a source’s claim – 证实消息来源的主张
  44. Corroborate a belief – 支持一个信念
  45. Corroborate a suspicion with evidence – 通过证据证实怀疑
  46. Corroborate the link between two events – 证实两个事件之间的联系
  47. Corroborate a finding through experimentation – 通过实验验证一个发现
  48. Corroborate a witness’s account with video footage – 通过视频镜头证实证人的陈述
  49. Corroborate a research paper’s findings – 证实研究论文的发现
  50. Corroborate the testimony of multiple witnesses – 证实多个证人的证词
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
