Mom, I can’t talk to you right now, okay? I’m having sex with a white woman.
好了 我们做到哪了?
Okay, where were we?
我是白人 你就去浴室自♥慰♥吧
I was white, and you were about to jerk off in the shower.
Oh, shit!
Come on.
我是告诉过我妈你是墨西哥人 就因为这个你连她都恨?
I would’ve said you were Mexican, but I don’t think it would’ve pissed her off as much.
Why do you keep everybody at a certain distance, huh?
是因为你感觉到什么了吗?恐惧? 别这样 玛丽亚
– What, you start to feel something and panic? – Come on, Maria.
You’re just pissed ’cause I answered the phone.
That’s just where I begin to get pissed.
I mean, really, what kind of man speaks to his mother that way?
你是说这个啊 你对我妈妈知道得有多少呢?
Oh, this is about my mother. What do you know about my mother?
If I was your father, I’d kick your fucking ass.
好了 就算是我不对吧
Okay. I was raised badly.
脱掉衣服上♥床♥ 再给我”上一课”怎么样?
Why don’t you take your clothes off, get back into bed and teach me a lesson?
你要我给你”上一课”是吗? 那我给你上一堂地理课吧 怎么样
You want a lesson? I’ll give you a lesson. How ’bout a geography lesson?
我爸爸是波多黎哥人 我妈妈是萨尔瓦多人
My father’s from Puerto Rico. My mother’s from El Salvador.
Neither one of those is Mexico.
Ah. Then I guess the big mystery is
who gathered all those remarkably different cultures together
and taught them all how to park their cars on their lawns?
老爸 你还好吧?
Pop, you okay?
If I could piss, I’d be okay.
I’m… Jesus.
I’m done now.
Give me a hand.
Wait a goddamn minute!
– Wait a minute. – Whoa, whoa, whoa.
好的 好了
All right. Okay. Okay.
等会儿 等会儿 先别动
Wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop!
我得回去 好吧
– I gotta go back. – Okay.
What, are you gonna stand there and stare at me?
考克林射杀了他 是吧? 是的
– So Conklin just shot him? – Mm-hmm.
他们互相认识吗?是仇杀吗? 长官
– They know each other? It’s a grudge thing? – Sir.
Not as far as we can tell.
You think this is racially motivated?
很多人都听到了枪声 却没有人看到
Well, a dozen people heard the shots. Nobody saw anything.
现在谁在弄这案子? 格雷厄姆·沃尔特
– Who do we have on it? – Graham Waters.
沃尔特 告诉他除了我之外跟谁都不能说这事
Waters. Tell him he speaks to no one but me.
四点开记者招待会 让沃尔特三点半来到这儿
Call a press conference for 4:00, and I want Waters here at 3:30.
And would someone please find Flanagan.
最近怎么样 莫·派特
Oh! What up, Mo Phat?
那家伙是专抢老太太的钱包的主 你还跟他来这套?
Man robs purses from old ladies and you, “Hey, how’s it goin’, Mo Phat?”
That nigger will steal teeth from a cripple, man.
他叫小偷 那咱叫什么?
You callin’ him a thief? And we do what?
The man steals from black people.
Only reason black people steal from their own
那就是他们惧怕白人 拜托 老兄
– is ’cause they terrified of white people. – Man, please.
你想想 在谢尔曼橡树园 伯班克 圣塔摩尼加这样的地方里
Think about it. Sherman Oaks. Burbank. Santa Monica.
All scary-ass places for a brother to find himself.
你试试把莫·派特 那样的家伙扔到托卢卡湖旁边的星巴克里
Drop Mo Phat at a Starbucks in Toluca Lake,
that nigger will run like a rabbit soon as somebody say “decaf latte.”
What the fuck did you do to my car?
很抱歉开走了你的车 吉恩女士
Sorry I take your car, Miss Jean.
I turn key to my car, but nothing.
James wanted to take this to school.
But I don’t want the kids to fight over it.
这些是干净的还是脏的 都是干净的 太太
– Are these clean or dirty? – All clean, senora!
玛丽亚 我要告诉你的是 我希望在我醒来之后看到这些餐具放在餐柜里
You know, Maria, just once I would like to wake up and find these dishes in the cabinet.
明白了 夫人 没问题
Si, senora. No problem.
I’m startin’ to understand now.
By your work, you’re settin’ an example for our neighborhood.
给像刚才那大个子那样的人看 对吧?
Sort of like a big brother kind of thing, right?
Yeah, you laugh, man.
But you have never seen me steal from a black person ever in your life.
What the hell do you think you doin’ right now, man?
Wavin’ down the bus.
把手放下 笨蛋 你是不是发神经了?
Put your hand down, dog! Are you outta your mind?
You actually expect me to get on a bus?
不是 我是希望你能够把那车开回去
No. I was hopin’ we could push your car across town.
You know why? ‘Cause we just don’t do stuff like that no more.
You have no idea, do you?
You have no idea why they put them great big windows on the sides of buses, do you?
为什么? 只有一个原因
– Why? – One reason only.
To humiliate the people of color who are reduced to ridin’ on ’em.
I didn’t know that.
You could fill the Staples Center with what you don’t know.
对了 今天有国王队的比赛
You know the Kings are playin’ tonight.
你根本不喜欢曲棍球 你就别在这跟我瞎扯了
You don’t like hockey! The only reason you say you do is to piss me off!
I love hockey.
停 存下来 好 可以继续
Cut! Print. Moving on.
好了 下来就可以到场景12了
Okay, that takes us into scene 12.
佳姆 干得不错
Jamal, that’s what I’m talking about.
Right on.
卡姆 有时间吗? 有的 弗瑞德 我刚想找点咖啡喝
– Cam, you got a second? – Yeah, Fred, I just wanna grab some coffee.
是这样的 我想我们得再拍一次 兄弟
Yeah. Listen. I think we need another take, buddy.
That looked pretty terrific, man.
这可能说起来有点奇怪 是不是佳姆请了私人的语言教练?
This is gonna sound strange, but is Jamal seeing a speech coach or something?
What do you mean?
我作为一个白人说这话可能有点奇怪 但不知道你有没有注意到…
Have you noticed, uh… This is weird for a white guy to say,
but have you noticed he’s talking a lot less black lately?
没有 我没有注意到
No, I haven’t noticed that.
是吗? 比如象这次拍的这个场景 他应该说”别跟我扯那事”
Really? Like in this scene, he was supposed to say, “Don’t be talkin’ ’bout that.”
And he changed it to, “Don’t talk to me about that.”
Wait a minute.
你觉得就因为这个 观众就会认不出他是个黑人吗?
You think because of that, the audience won’t recognize him as being a black man?
得了吧 你不觉得有问题吗 卡姆?
– Come on! – Is there a problem, Cam?
Excuse me?
你不觉得有问题吗 卡姆?
Is there a problem, Cam?
不 不会有问题
No, we don’t have a problem.
我是说 如果他说话变了 那他所扮演角色的性格也变了
I mean, ’cause all I’m saying is, it’s not his character.
埃迪就会成为那个聪明的角色 而不是佳姆了 你说呢?
Eddie’s supposed to be the smart one, not Jamal, right?
你是这里的专家 但在我看来 这就是错误所在
You’re the expert here. But to me, it rings false.
我们要再拍一次 谢谢 兄弟
– We’re gonna do it one more time. – Thanks, buddy.
所有人回到位置上 我们再拍一次
Everybody back to one, please. Let’s do it one more time.
佳姆 你过来…
Jamal, um…
早上好 卡罗尔 谁来过找我吗?
Morning, Carol. Who do I have?
请等一下 朱吉罗先生打电♥话♥来取消了会面
Hold for a minute, please. Mr. Trujillo called and cancelled,
但有一位没预约的客人想见你 瑞安先生
but you have a walk-in, Mr. Ryan.
Send him in.
瑞安先生 是的
– Mr. Ryan. – Yeah.
My name is Shaniqua Johnson.
我觉得我们昨晚说过话 对吧
I believe we spoke last night.
是的 我是来道歉的
Oh, yeah. I wanted to apologize about that.
这些日子我的爸爸的病变得很严重 我整天睡都睡不好
I haven’t been gettin’ too much sleep. My father’s in a lot of pain.
Oh! I’m sorry to hear that.
This doctor he’s been seein’ says he’s got a urinary tract infection.
But he’s been takin’ this medicine for a month, and he keeps gettin’ worse.
And he’s been back to see Dr. Robertson?
Yeah. Between you and me, the man’s an idiot.
真的吗? 我的话并无恶意
– Really? – No offense.
你作为一个每个小时要看一百个病人的医生的护士 很多工作都是需要你做的
But the guy sees 100 patients an hour. I think his nurses are doing most of the work.
如果你着急的话 你可以让你♥爸♥爸另外再找一位医生看
Mmm. If you’re unhappy, your father’s welcome to see a doctor outside the network.
And if this new doctor says it’s not an infection,
而说这是前列腺的问题 需要动手术 你们会对此负责吗?
says it’s his prostate and it needs to be operated on, is that gonna be covered?
要知道罗伯逊医生他并不是权威 这样做有什么好处?
– Not unless Dr. Robertson authorizes… – What good is that gonna do?
抱歉 我帮不了你什么忙
I’m sorry. There’s nothing else I can do.
那好吧 你知道我做不到什么事吗?
All right. You know what I can’t do?
I can’t look at you without thinking about the five or six
more qualified white men who didn’t get your job.
