Mr. Zimmer, where’s that EAM?
齐默先生 那份电报在哪?
You all right, son? Yes, sir.
你还好吗? 还好 副艇长
That’s it? Uh, uhhuh. It’s incomplete, sir.
只有那样? 这电报不完整 副艇长
We lost it when the radio buoy cable got severed. All right.
无线电电缆断掉时 我们失去讯息 好吧
All right, gentlemen, let’s get on with it. All ahead one-third.
好啦 各位 咱们继续干活 三分之一速度前进
Steady as you go.
All ahead one-third. Steady. Aye, sir.
Make your depth 150 feet.
Zero bubble. Up slow and silent to launch depth.
水平航行 慢慢升到发射深度
Up slow and silent to launch depth. Aye, aye, Captain.
慢慢升到发射深度 是 艇长
Captain? Got the EAM.
艇长 紧急行动令
What do you think? I think there’s nothing on this.
你觉得如何? 我觉得上面没讲什么
Yes, sir. It, uh, it got cut off during the attack.
没错 艇长 传送在被攻击时中断了
Then it’s meaningless.
Sir, this is an EAM pertaining to nuclear missile launch. No, Mr. Hunter.
这是关于核导弹发射的电报 不 亨特先生
That’s a message fragment. Because it got cut off during the attack, sir.
这是电报的片断 因为传送在被攻击时中断了
The message could mean anything. It could be a message to abort.
它可能指任何事 可能是取消
It could be a message that… It could be a fake Russian transmission.
可能是… 可能是俄♥国♥假的传送
Which is exactly why we need to confirm, sir.
All I’m asking for is the time we need to get back on line. Calm down, Mr. Hunter.
我们需要时间接上线 冷静点 亨特先生
I am calm. You don’t appear to be calm.
我很冷静 你看起来不太冷静
Conn/Weapons: Missile systems ready to launch in four minutes.
控制室这里是武器室 四分钟后导弹系统发射准备完毕
Step aside, seaman. Yes, sir.
站到一旁 水兵 是 艇长
We have orders in hand, and those orders are to make a preemptive launch.
我们接到命令 要做先发制人的发射
Every second that we lose increases the chances that by the time our missiles arrive
我们每失去一秒 就增加危险性 在我们的导弹到达前
their silos could be empty ’cause they’ve flown their birds and struck us first.
Yes, sir. You know as well as I do that any launch order
是 长官 你跟我同样知道
received without authentication is no order at all.
Ye Captain That’s our numberone rule. National Mili…
是 艇长 那是我们首要的规定 国家…
That rule is the basis for the scenario we’ve trained on time and time again.
那是我们受到训练 这条规矩是一切行动的基础
Yes, sir. It’s a rule we follow without exception.
是 长官 那是我们要严格遵守的规则
Captain, National Military Command Center knows what sector we’re in.
艇长 国家军事指挥中心知道这位置
They have satellites looking down on us to see if our birds are aloft
and if they’re not then they give our orders to somebody else.
如果并非如此的话 他们会将我们的任务交给别人
That’s why we maintain more than one sub. It’s what they call “redundancy.”
这就是我们会有数艘潜艇的原因 这就是他们所谓的重复配置了
I know about redundancy, Mr. Hunter. All I’m saying
我知道什么是重复配置 亨特 我只是想说
All I’m saying, Captain, is that we have backup.
艇长 我只是想说我们拥有支援
Now, it’s our duty not to launch until we can confirm.
我们的责任 是发射前得先确认
You’re presuming that we have other submarines out there ready to launch.
Well, as captain I must assume that our submarines could’ve been taken out by other Akulas.
身为艇长 我得推测别的潜艇也许已被敌舰消灭
We can play these games all night, Mr. Hunter, but I don’t have the luxury of your presumptions.
我们可以继续玩这种游戏 亨特 但是 我可不苟同你的推测
Sir Mr. Hunter, we have rules that are not open to interpretation
长官 亨特先生 我们的规定
personal intuition, gut feelings
hairs on the back of your neck, little devils or angels sitting on your shoulders.
Captain We’re all very well aware of what our orders are
艇长 我们很清楚自己的任务
and what those orders mean.
They come down from our Commander-in-Chief. They contain no ambiguity.
它们都是总统下达的 它们没有模棱两可的地方
Captain Mr. Hunter, I’ve made the decision.
艇长 亨特先生 我已作了决定
I’m captain of this boat. Now shut the fuck up!
我是这艘潜艇的艇长 你给我闭嘴滚出去!
Weapons/Conn:Shift targeting
武器控制室请注意 将潜射巡航导弹
to target package SLBM 6♥4♥741/2.
This is the captain.
Captain, I cannot concur. Repeat my command.
艇长 我不同意 重复我的命令
Sir, we don’t know what this message means. Our target package could have changed.
长官 我们还不知道这命令含义 我们的目标区也许已经改变了
You repeat this order or I’ll find somebody who will!
你给我重复这道命令 否则我将撤换掉你!
Hell, no, you won’t, sir. You’re relieved of your position.
你不会这样做的 长官 你的职务被解除了
Cob, remove Mr. Hunter from the control room. Get Lieutenant Zimmer in here right now! No, sir. No, sir.
舰务长 把亨特先生带离控制室 传齐默中尉来 现在就去! 不 长官
No, sir, I do not concur and I do not recognize your authority to relieve me on the command under Navy regulations.
不 长官 我不同意 基于海军法我不承认你撤换我职务的权利
Cob, arrest this man and get him out of here! Captain Ramsey
舰务长 把这个人抓出去!
under the operating procedures governing the release of nuclear weapons
拉姆齐艇长正在下令 发射核武
We cannot launch our missiles unless both you and I agree. Cob!
除非你和我同意否则我们不能发射导弹 舰务长!
What are you waiting for? Now, this is not a formality, sir!
你还在等什么呢? 这是不合法的 长官
This is expressly why your command must be repeated.
It requires my assent. I do not give it.
它得要有我的同意! 我不同意这样做!
And furthermore, you continue upon this course
再者 你若在确认前
and insist upon this launch without confirming this message first Son of a bitch!
继续坚持这样做 你个混♥蛋♥
I will be forced Chief of the boat! Backed by the rules of precedents
我被迫引用优先权 舰务长! 如果你违反
As captain and commanding officer authority and command
权职和命令 以作为
of the USS Alabama, I order you regulation 08150H6
阿♥拉♥巴马号♥艇长的权利 我下令 根据海军法第0815条
to place the X.O. Under arrest on the charge of mutiny! Of the Navy regulations
以叛乱罪逮捕副艇长! 根据海军法
I say again, I order you to place the X.O. Under arrest to relieve you of command, Captain!
我再说一遍 以叛乱罪逮捕副艇长! 下令撤换掉你的艇长职位!
On the charge of mutiny!
Cob! Captain, please. The X.O. Is right.
舰务长! 艇长 抱歉 副艇长没错
We can’t launch unless he concurs.
“To the USS Alabama:
Rebel controlled missiles being fueled.
Launch codes compromised. Dissidents threaten launch at continental United States.
发射密♥码♥也已获得确认 敌人企图攻击美国大♥陆♥
Immediately launch ten Trident missile sorties.”
马上发射 十枚三叉戟弹道导弹
They’re fueling their missiles! We don’t have time to fuck around!
他们正在装填燃料! 我们可没时间再胡闹下去!
Sir, I think you need time to think this over.
长官 我想你得仔细想一想
I don’t have to think this over!
Captain, I relieve you of your command of this ship.
艇长 我取消掉你的指挥权
Cob, escort the captain to his stateroom.
舰务长 护送艇长到他的舱房♥去
I’m assuming command. You’re not assuming anything.
我接管这里的指挥权 你不能接管任何职务
Chief of the boat, Captain Ramsey’s under arrest!
Lock him in his stateroom. Captain, please
把他关进舱房♥里! 艇长
Now, Cob! Aye, sir.
马上行动! 是 长官
Mitchell. Walker. Take the captain below.
迈赤姆! 沃克! 把艇长带到下面去
You’re way out of your league, Hunter.
你已经玩过头了 亨特
You’re not ready to make tough decisions yet.
What the hell are we waitin’ for?
Anybody here disagrees with what I’ve done
then you feel free to relieve yourself of duty now.
All right.
All stations. Aye, sir.
通知所有部门 是 长官
This is the executive officer.
I’ve assumed command of this ship under authority granted me by Navy regulations.
I have relieved Captain Ramsey ofhis duties
for acting in contravention of the rules and regulations
regarding nuclear weapons release.
It is my intention to delay the missile launch
maintaining our current state of readiness
pending confirmation of an emergency action message that was cut off during the attack.
Remain at battle stations missile.
Carry on.
What the hell are we doin’, Fred? I don’t know about you, but I’m pissin’ my pants.
我们到底在干什么 弗雷德? 我不了解 但我怕得要死
Come on, boy.
Conn/Weapons:Russians will have missile launch capability
武器控制室 请注意 俄♥国♥导弹能在39分内
in 39 minutes.
Chief of the boat.
是 长官
Thank you, Cob. “Thank you”?
谢谢你 谢谢你?
Fuck you. Get it straight, Mr. Hunter. I’m not on your side.
去你的! 坦白说 亨特先生 我不是你的人
Now, you could be wrong.
But wrong or right, the captain can’t just replace you at will.
That was completely improper, and that’s why I did what I did.
那是不对的 所以我才做自己该做的事
By the book. I thank you anyway.
依法行事 不管怎样 我还是要谢谢你
Radio/Conn:Mr. Zimmer, get those communications back on line now.
通讯室 请注意 齐默赶快修好通讯设备
We’re working on it, sir. Aye, aye, Captain.
我们正在抢修中 长官
Are you ready? Uh, ready. Go.
准备好了吗? 好了 开始吧
Jesus Christ. Fuckin’ thing. Come on. This whole system is crashed.
天 该死的东西 整个系统损坏了
Radio buoy is severed. What the fuck does he want us to do? Shit electrons?
通讯浮标切断了 他到底要我们怎样? 烂电子设备?
Hey, Vossler, we need communications, not smartass remarks. Aye, sir.
瓦斯勒 我们需要的是通讯而不是冷嘲热讽 是 长官
All stop, ten degrees up. Ten up. Aye, sir.
关闭所有设备 以10度浮升 以10度浮升 了解 长官
All stop. Aye, sir. Enters all stop.
关闭所有设备 是 长官 所有设备将关闭
Conn/Sonar:Holy shit, sir! He’s right on top of us! He’s turning toward!
这里是声纳控制室 该死的 长官 它就在我们头上! 它正朝我们这里驶来!
Range. 600 yards.
距离! 600码!
