Conn/Sonar:Torpedoes in the water! Bearing 048, 050!
这里是声纳控制室 水中出现鱼雷! 方位048和050
Left full rudder! Left full rudder! Aye, sir! All ahead full, zero bubble.
左满舵! 左全舵 了解 长官! 全速前进!
Sir, don’t you want to fire back? Torpedoes are ready, sir.
长官 不要反击吗? 鱼雷准备好了 长官!
No, we’re in too close. Our weapons won’t have time to arm. All ahead flank!
不 我们太接近了 我们没有时间发射武器 全速侧倾!
Chief of the watch to Maneuvering, give me max speed now! Maximum speed. Aye, sir!
舰务长 你注意操作 全速前进 全速前进 了解 长官!
Sonar/Conn:Let me know when our range to that Akula is open to 1,000 yards!
声纳控制室 请注意 距离敌艇一千码范围时通知我!
Conn/Sonar:Aye, sir! Goddamn it, let’s just shoot this fucker. What’s 1,000 yards for?
这里是声纳控制室 了解 长官 妈的 只管反击就好了还等什么一千码?
‘Cause it takes 1,000 yards for the torpedoes to arm. Jesus, who’d you fuck to get on this ship?
因为发射鱼雷需要一千码距离 你到底是走谁后门进来的!
Conn/Sonar:Torpedoes 150 yards and closing fast, sir!
这里是声纳控制室 鱼雷距离150码 快速接近中
Bearing 070, 074.!
巡航方位是070! 074!
Launch port countermeasures!
Countermeasures away, sir! Rig ship for impact! Rig ship for impact! Aye, sir!
诱雷弹发射完毕 长官! 准备撞击 准备撞击 了解 长官!
They missed! They missed! Yeah!
他们打偏了! 他们打偏了!
They passed astern! They were too close to arm, sir!
它们越过了艇尾! 距离太近无法反击 长官!
Conn/Sonar:Range to the Akula:950 yards and opening fast!
这里是声纳控制室 距敌艇950码 且速度很快!
Go to manual on the arming mechanisms, tubes two and four.
Snapshot, two and four. Snapshot, two and four. Tubes fired electrically, sir.
快速发射第2和4号♥鱼雷! 快速发射2和4号♥! 发射完毕 长官
Sonar/Conn:Give me exact ranging and speed on our weapons.
声纳控制室请注意 报告武器位置和速度
Range:300 yards at 50 knots, sir!
距离300码 速度50节 长官
200 yards, 50 knots.!
200码 50节!
100 yards, 55 knots!
100码 55节!
75 yards! Weapons ready for arming, sir!
75码 鱼雷已准备好爆破
Steady course 231. Aye, sir. 231.
稳住航向231 了解 长官 航向231!
Arm torpedoes two and four
now! Torpedoes armed, sir!
发射! 已发射 长官!
We’re locked on the Akula!
You got him, sir! You got him!
你打中它了 长官!
Conn/Sonar:Incoming torpedo. They must’ve got one off before they got hit, sir.
这是声纳控制室 有鱼雷来袭! 一定是它在受创前发射的 长官
Right full rudder. Launch starboard countermeasures.
Countermeasures away, sir. Dive!
右舷诱雷弹发射完毕 长官!
Make your depth 1,200 feet! Point it down now! Take her deep! Take her deep!
急潜! 潜到1200英尺! 马上急潜到1200英尺!
Full dive on those planes! Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!
全速下潜! 赶快…赶快!
Hang on, everybody!
Is everybody okay? Yeah!
大家没事吧! 没事
Open aft the main drain suction!
Start the drain pump! Go, go, go!
启动排水机! 快 快点!
All stations make damage report to Control.
所有部门注意 报告损失
Control, this is Bilge Bay!
控制室 这里是底舱
We’ve got out-of-control flooding! Request damage control!
这里的渗水状况难以控制! 请求支援!
Mr. Mahoney, get a damage control party down there! Aye, sir.
迈赫尼 通知灾害控制小组下去 是 长官
Forward damage control party, get Lieutenant Hellerman! Flooding in the bilge bay! Get him down there now!
灾害控制小组注意 联络赫莱门中尉 底舱渗水 叫他马上下去
Conn/Maneuvering:We’ve lost propulsion, sir!
这里是操作室 推进器停转了 长官!
Chief of the boat, how are we doing? Sir, we are going down! I need propulsion!
舰务长 情况怎样? 长官 我们开始下沉了 我需要推力!
Forward ballast tanks are damaged, sir!
前方压舱糟已经损坏了 长官!
Forward air pressure:Zero!
Maneuvering/Conn:Restore propulsion as soon as possible.
操作室注意 尽快修好推进器
Conn/Maneuvering:Restoring propulsion as soon as possible. Aye, sir!
这里是操作室 尽快修好推进器 了解了 长官
Control/Bilge Bay:Flooding has slowed!
呼叫控制室 这里是底舱 渗水程度缓和了!
I think we got it under control, sir.! Passing 1,500 feet.
我想我们已控住局面了 长官! 目前正通过1500英尺
At 1,850 it’s all over.
Passing 1,600 feet.
Barnes, get over here! Help me with this loose valve!
巴恩斯 过来这里!
Passing 1,650 feet.
What the fuck’s going on? Take it easy!
到底发生了什么事? 不要紧张
Conn/Bilge Bay:Flooding has recommenced!
呼叫控制室 这里是底舱 水又开始渗透了!
It looks like three men are trapped!
Bilge Bay/Conn:Try and get those men out of there as soon as you can and seal that bay.
呼叫底舱 这里是控制室 尽快撤离那些人 然后封住隔间
Sir, if we don’t seal the bilge bay now, we’ll lose the ship.
长官 如果现在不封住隔间的话 我们就会失去这艘潜艇
Bilge Bay/Conn:Can you get the men out?
呼叫底舱 这里是控制室 你能否撤离那些人?
Sir, there’s no fuckin’ way! If I go down there, I’ll never get out!
长官 我没办法! 如果我下去的话就无路可逃了!
Barnes, come on! You gotta come!
巴恩斯 加油 你得上来!
Move.! Move.! Barnes, come on, come on.! You can do it.! Move it.!
赶快 巴恩斯 加油 你一定会成功!
Bilge Bay/Conn:Seal that bay.
呼叫底舱 这里是控制室…把隔间封起来
Barnes, let’s go! Come on! I gotta close the hatch!
巴恩斯 快呀 我得关舱门了!
What the fuck are we doing here?
Bilge Bay/Conn:I say again, seal that bay!
呼叫底舱 这里是控制室 我再重复一遍 把隔间封起来!
Sir, there are men down there and they’re gonna drown!
长官 下面还有人! 他们会淹死的!
Lieutenant Hellerman, you have your orders.
赫莱门中尉 这是命令!
Now seal the goddamn bay before we all go down!
Barnes! Please get the fuck out!
巴恩斯 拜托 赶快离开那里!
Come on! Barnes!
赶快上来! 巴恩斯!
Conn/Bilge Bay:
Seawater hatch is sealed, sir!
舱门已经封住了 长官!
Very well.
Passing 1,800 feet.
Approaching hull crush depth, sir.
接近艇身承受极限 长官
Conn/Maneuvering:Turbine power restored.
呼叫控制室这里是操作室 涡轮动力恢复了!
Main seawater cross valve repaired.
And rising.
Propulsion limit. Ahead full, sir! Full ahead steam.
全速前进 长官! 全速前进
Take us up to periscope depth. Aye, aye, sir.
上升到潜望深度 是 长官
Give me five.
All right, we’re livin’. We’re livin’, gentlemen.
太好了 我们还活着 我们还活着 各位
Step aside, Tommy. I’m sorry, sir.
站到一边去 汤米
The X.O. Ordered us Fuck the X.O.!
抱歉 长官 副艇长下令 去他妈的副艇长!
The ship has been hit, and I’m going in to see my captain.
本艇受创 我得见我的艇长
Now stand aside.
Stand aside!
Sir. How bad is it, Mr. Dougherty?
长官 受创程度有多大 道迪先生?
It’s bad, sir.
很严重 长官
I’ve just been looking at Hunter’s file here.
Closest to combat he’s been is a policy seminar.
他只加过政策研讨会 缺乏实战经验
Give me an order, sir.
请下命令吧 长官
As quietly as you can, you get to Mr. Zimmer and Mr. Westergaurd.
How about Linkletter? Nah, you won’t be able to talk to the TSO. He’s at the conn.
林力克特怎样? 不 你无法跟技术勤务员讲话 他人在控制室内
But you can get to Weps. We gotta have Weps. He’s the key.
但你可以联络武器官 我们得联合武器官 他很重要
You get me those men, a small security force, then come back and get me.
他找一个保安小组 然后再回来找我
Aye, sir. Don’t get overzealous now and try to recruit the whole ship.
是 长官 动作不要太大 维持艇内的静默
We’ll lead from the top down. Aye, sir. Right away.
我们会控制全局的 是 长官 马上办
Can I talk to you in the passageway?
我们到走廊去 我有话跟你说
Right now, Pete. Come on.
现在 皮特
What’s goin’ on? We’re not gonna let this go down with the X.O. At the helm.
发生了什么事? 我们不能让副艇长继续掌权
We’re not? No, we’re not. I been with the captain for years
为什么不能? 不 我们不能这样做
and this asshole Hunter shows up, and I’m supposed to follow him ’cause he says so?
我跟着艇长已经好几年了…该死的亨特出现 我就该听他的?
You’re not supposed to:You’ve been ordered to.
你不是该 而是奉命如此
That’s what this is about:Proper orders.
问题正好是如此 正确的命令!
Proper orders? He has proper orders. He won’t act on them.
正确的命令? 他也有命令得遵行 但他不理!
He’s in command now!
If they order him to launch, we’ll launch, and we’ll blow ’em all to hell.
如果他们下令他发射导弹 我们就会发射导弹 我们会把敌人炸个稀烂!
But I’d rather go down myself than get this one wrong.
Look, our procedures are clear.
你听着 这里的优先顺序很明确
In the absence of a contravening order, in a situation like this, we follow the orders in hand.
像这种 没有反对命令的情况下 我们得遵行现有的命令
Exactly. You know how many checks we go through to make sure a launch order is authentic?
正是如此 你知道发一道命令需要经过多少程序
The X.O. Agreed with those orders.
Now he just wants to throw them away? They don’t count?
He’s lost his nerve. Bullshit!
他已经失去了勇气! 一派胡言
I know this guy, Bobby! You Weps, we’ve been ordered to launch.
我了解这个人 博比! 武器官 我们接获命令发射导弹
Now, why in the world would we do that if they weren’t prepared to launch at us?
如果敌人不打算攻击我们 那我们又为何要如此呢?
We don’t know that for sure! That’s the whole point!
我们不确定这件事 这就是重点
That’s why he wants time to confirm the message.
That’s the whole fucking point is we don’t have time!
重点是 我们已经没有时间了!
Radchenko is fueling his birds. Now, why do you think he’s doing that? Why?
鲁先科正在装填自己的导弹 你认为他为什么要这样做? 为什么?
You don’t put on a condom unless you’re gonna fuck.
除非想做♥爱♥ 否则你不会戴保险套
Go back to your station. Excuse me. Go back to your station and stay there.
回去你的部门 什么? 回去你的部门待在那里
Come on, man.
拜托你 老兄
Peter, think about your family, man.
皮特 想想看自己的家人
I am. I am!
好吧 好吧
