What, Bennefield, I need an escort to take a shit? Shut up!
拜托 连上厕所也要有护卫吗? 闭嘴!
Now I’m gonna call Control. You stay right there.
我要通知控制室 你给我留在这
Aw, fuck that. I mean it, man!
去你的! 我是说真的!
Okay, Moebius, open the door. You broke my nose, man.
密比斯 把门打开 你打断了我的鼻梁 老兄
Shut up, fat boy.
闭嘴 胖猪!
Mr. Rivetti, I’m impressed. I never liked him, sir.
瑞崴迪先生 很不错嘛! 我从来就不曾喜欢过他 长官
Rivetti, go to the laundry, get four sets of coveralls.
瑞崴迪 快到洗衣室去 去拿4套防弹衣
And four caps. Aye, sir.
和4顶头盔 是 长官
Good boy.
Davis. Can I talk to you a second?
戴维斯 跟你谈谈好吗?
Come on.
Everybody ready? Yeah. Let’s do it.
大家准备好了吗? 好了 行动吧!
We’re with you, sir. Let’s go.
我们跟你走 长官 我们走吧
Approaching launch depth.
Very well. Make your depth 150 feet.
很好 上升到150英尺
Zero bubble. Commence hovering.
零气泡 开始静浮
Zero bubble. Commence hovering. Aye, sir.
零气泡 开始静浮 了解了 长官
Conn/Weapons:Estimated time to weapons system 1 SQ:3 minutes, 30 seconds, sir.
呼叫控制室这里是武器室 一级战备武器系统需要准备时间3分钟30秒 长官
Russian missiles will have launch capability in 12 minutes.
Opening missile hatches.
Weps. Weps, this is Hunter. Listen to me.
武器官 武器官 我是亨特 听我说
Where are you? Don’t worry about where I am.
你在哪里? 不要担心我在哪里
You cannot proceed. We got other ships out there that can handle this.
你不能这么做 外面有另一艘潜艇能应付敌军
Now, you can’t be influenced by the captain or anybody else. You gotta make up your own mind.
你不能受到艇长和其他的影响 你得要自己决定才行
Conn/Weapons:Estimated time to missile launch, three minutes and counting, sir.
呼叫控制室这里是武器室 估计导弹发射时间为3分钟 倒计时开始 长官
Weps. Weps, listen. Don’t do this.
武器官 武器官 听着 千万不能这样
Don’t do this. Once you launch, they cannot come back. They cannot come back, Weps.
千万不能发射 一旦发射出去就收不回来了 武器官
And you know the repercussions if we’re wrong, goddamn it.!
Weps, if we fire now, we’ll be firing while we’re blind and crippled. Do you understand me?
武器官 如果我们现在发射的话是乱打一气 根本不知道实际情况
Where the fuck are you? Do not remove that firing trigger.!
你到底在哪儿? 千万不要启动按钮!
Do not open the safe. Weps, it’s up to you.
千万不要打开安全栓 武器官 一切全看你了
You’re the only one that knows the combination. It’s up to you, Weps.!
你是唯一知道密♥码♥的人 你能自己作出决定 武器官!
It’s up to you.
一切全看你了 武器官
Mind your fuckin’ panel!
You guys ready? Just about, sir.
大家准备好了吗? 准备好了 长官!
Radio/X. O:Vossler?
呼叫通讯室我是副艇 瓦斯勒?
X.O. /Radio:Sir.
回复副艇长这里是通讯室 长官
I don’t know, sir. Vossler, calm down. Just calm down.
我也不知道 长官 瓦斯勒 冷静点 不要紧张
Take a deep breath. Are you calm? Yeah, sort of.
吸一口气 冷静了没? 大概吧
Get the radio fixed, Vossler. I could have built one by now. How long is it gonna take you?
把通讯设备修好 瓦斯勒 这么久我甚至能做一台新的 你还要多久?
I don’t know.
Well, how much time do you need?
Shit! Let’s go.
该死的! 我们走吧
Missile tubes 1-5 and 20-24 at 1 SQ, sir.
1到5和20到24号♥导弹发射管已经进入一级战备状态 长官
Ship is hovering on automatic. Dive’s at 1 SQ, Captain.
潜艇自动静浮 潜入一级战备状态 长官
Missiles at 1 SQ. Ready to launch, sir.
一级战备状态的导弹准备发射 长官
Sir, weapons system is at 1 SQ.
长官 武器系统进入一级战备
Missiles are ready for launch, sir. Very well.
导弹发射准备好了 长官 很好
Weapons. Aye, sir.
通知武器室 是 长官
Weapons/Conn:Remove the tactical firing trigger.
呼叫武器室这里是控制室 启动战术导弹发射按钮
1 MC. Aye, sir.
再来一次 是 长官
Weapons, this is the captain. Unlock the tactical firing trigger.
呼叫武器室我是艇长 打开战术导弹发射按钮
Missiles are ready to launch, man.
导弹发射准备好了 老兄
Shit. Mr. Zimmer.
该死的! 齐默先生
No one is to touch this key.
I’m going to launch from missile control. Aye, aye, sir.
我要去导弹控制室发射导弹 是 长官
Westergaurd. Sir? Dougherty. Come with me.
威斯特格登 在 道迪 跟我来
Mr. Mahoney, take the conn. Aye, sir. I have the conn.
迈赫尼接管控制室 是 长官 我接掌控制室
What are you doing, man? We’re at 1 SQ. We’re ready.
你到底在干什么 老兄? 我们已进入一级战备状态
Mr. Dougherty? Aye.
道迪先生! 在
Station your guards fore and aft. Last two, forward hatch!
调你的守卫到前舱和后舱 最后两位 到前舱门去!
First two, aft hatch!
前面两位 到后舱门去!
They’re gonna fire from missile control.
We gotta get back to the conn and disarm the system. Come on.
我们得回到控制室去解除掉系统 走吧
We’ll travel in the crawl spaces.
Mr. Ince!
Mr. Ince, remove the tactical firing key.
安斯先生 启动战术导弹发射按钮
Sir, it is my duty to Son, don’t talk to me about duty. Open the fucking safe!
长官 我的职责是 孩子 不要跟我谈职责 启开安全栓!
I can’t do that, sir.
我不能这样做 长官
I’m gonna count to three, and then I’m gonna blow your fucking head off. One.
我数到三 然后我会轰烂你的脑袋 一

It does me no good to kill you. You’re the only one that knows the combination.
我杀了你也没用 你是唯一知道密♥码♥的人
Petty Officer Hilaire
doesn’t know the combination!
Millions of lives are at stake here, Peter! Don’t make a dumb decision!
数百万条性命就在你的手上 皮特 别干蠢事!


Cob. Yo.
舰务长 在
You and Hunsicker are going to enter the conn from the bow.
Rivetti, Linkletter and myself will come in through the aft.
瑞崴迪 林力克特和我从后面进去
Rivetti, you jump right on Zimmer, okay?
瑞崴迪 你控制住齐默 好吗?
Come on. Come on!
Fire control ready? Aye, sir. Launcher ready?
发射控制准备好了吗? 准备好了 长官 发射器准备好了吗?
Aye, sir. Initiate fire.
准备好了 长官 启动发射
Freeze! Hold it, sir. Drop the weapon now!
不要动 停止 长官! 放下你们的武器!
Move forward! Move forward! Move, move, move! Get his pistol.
往前走 往前走! 拿掉他的手♥枪♥!
Fire one! Number one did not fire, sir.
一号♥发射! 一号♥发射失败 长官
Sir, the captain’s key has been removed.
长官 艇长钥匙被人拿走了
You’re a piece of shit. Son of a bitch.
你真是该死 王八蛋
All right, you and you, man the forward hatches.
你们两人 守住前舱门
Aye, sir. Aye, sir. You, you, man the aft hatches.
是 长官 你们两人 守住后舱门
Aye, sir. We’re going up to periscope depth.
是 长官 我们上升到潜望深度!
We’re going to reestablish communications and get that radio message.
Now, anybody got a problem with that? Chief of the boat, make your depth 78 feet.
谁有意见? 舰务长 上升到78英尺
Aye, aye, sir. Make your depth 78 feet. Five degree up bubble.
是 长官 上升到78英尺 5度角上潜
Mr. Linkletter, man that periscope.
林力克特先生 你负责潜望镜
Aye, aye, sir. Raising number two scope. Radio/Conn:Mr. Vossler.
是 长官 启用2号♥潜望镜 呼叫通讯室这里是控制室 瓦斯勒
This is Captain Kirk. I need warp speed on that radio.
我是柯克艇长 我要你全速修复那通讯设备
Yes, sir.
是 长官
Conn/Weapons:Russian missiles will have launch capability in nine minutes.
呼叫控制室这里是武器室 俄♥国♥导弹有可能在9分钟内发射
Oh, shit! What? What happened? Reattach that lead!
该死的! 怎么? 发生什么事? 再重装一次引线
Seventy-eight feet. At periscope depth, sir!
78英尺 潜艇到达潜望深度 长官
Mr. Linkletter. No close contact, sir.
林力克特先生 没有任何目标接近我们 长官
Very well. Chief of the watch, raise the VLF radio antenna.
很好 哨戒长 启动低频通讯天线
Raise the VLF antenna. Aye, sir.
启动低频通讯天线 是 长官
VLF antenna coming up!
Five, four, three.
五 四 三
Conn/Radio:Sir. I think she’s breathing. We’re getting close.
呼叫控制室这里是通讯室 长官 它有动静了 我们快成功了
Halt, sir! Shoot me. Shit. Shit.
不要动 长官! 开枪吧 该死的!
I got him.
I have the conn.
Give me my missile key.
Give me the missile key, Mr. Hunter.
把导弹钥匙交给我 亨特先生
I’m the commander of this fucking ship! Give me the god damn key!
我是这艘该死潜艇的艇长! 把那把钥匙交给我!
Conn/Weapons: Russian missiles will have launch capability in seven minutes.
呼叫控制室这里是武器室 俄♥国♥导弹有可能在7分钟内发射
Conn/Radio: Sir.!
呼叫控制室这里是通讯室 长官
Radio/Conn! Captain/Radio:Vossler, sir.
这里是控制室 回复控制室 我是瓦斯勒 长官
She’s breathing again. We are really, really close.
它有动静了 我们就快修好了
You got three minutes, Vossler. Three minutes and counting. Yes, sir.
你有三分钟 瓦斯勒 三分钟 倒时计时开始 是 长官
You got three minutes.
Come on.
Come on, Vossler. Come on. Come on. Keep it going. Keep it going.
拜托 瓦斯勒 加油 加油啊
Speaking of horses
