Yes, sir. Now, I can tell you’re a real musical-type young fellow.
是啊,先生 现在,年轻小伙子 我来告诉你一把真正用于音乐上的款式
Good-looking boy too. Know what you’re talking about.
也是造型亮丽 知道你在讲什么吗
Now, I got something right here… Something right here for you.
现在,我有一些东西在这里… 这里有一些给你的东西
They call this here a Pignose.
Now, you just hook it on your belt, plug it right in there…
现在,你只要把它挂在你的皮带上, 就把它挂在那里…
…and you’re amplified.
I can walk around with this amp on? Oh, sure thing.
“按谱”打开后我可以走来走去吗? 喔,当然可以
I mean, you’ll be a walking concert. Let me check this out.
我意思是,你将有一个活动的演唱舞台 让我们来试试看
You got that on? Yeah, go ahead.
你把开辟打开了吗? 是啊,继续继续
All right. This is a great rig. It’s great.
很好 这是一个很棒的配备 它真的很棒
I can go electric and portable. So you’re right. I’ll be a walking concert.
我能够走上电吉他和移♥动♥的空间 所以你是对的,我成为一个活动舞台
You ain’t lacking in confidence, I’ll give you that.
Now, we’ll cut off a couple of inches off this tubing here…
现在,我们用这根管子切一根几英 寸的滑音管…
…and make you a slide. You wanna play some Delta blues…
…而能让你弹奏滑音 你想要弹一些”Delta”专辑里的蓝调…
…you gotta use a slide.
All right, now, if you can come up with $400, you can take the whole rig.
好的,现在,假如你有400块美元 你可以拿走所有的配备
Mighty fine watch. Let’s move on down here and let’s talk some business.
非常好的手表,让我们接下来看看 能不能在这里谈成一笔交易
Look here. Let’s see what we got here, now.
看这里 让我们瞧一瞧我们有什么
Look, this watch is worth over $ 1100.
His mama bought it for him, you understand what I mean?
他妈妈买♥♥给他的, 你懂我在讲些什么吗?
How long…? Take a look at this hat.
多久…? 看一眼这顶帽子
All I need is a Mississippi string tie, I’m ready to roll.
所有我需要的是一条密西西比样式 的领带,我准备好要开始了
Yeah, you need a lot more than that.
Come on, Willie.
Move your ass right back out that door, sucker.
Come on, get the hell out of here.
So that’s the way it’s gonna be? All right.
所以事情是这样发生的? 很好
Come on, missy. You won’t be the first woman to ever cut me.
拜托,娘娘腔 你不是第一个 曾经这样对待我的女人
Let me tell you, you won’t be the first woman I ever whup her ass either.
让我告诉你吧,你也不是第一个 曾经让我插她屁♥股♥的女人
That’s the way you want it? It’s your funeral. Come on, keep coming.
这是你想要这样? 这是你的葬身之地 快一点啊,快过来啊
Come on. Come on.
来啊 来啊
Go ahead. Are you gonna stand there or are you gonna carve me up?
继续啊 你是想要站在那边 还是要过来砍我?
Jump! Shit.
攻击! 他妈的
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Pulling a knife on an old man, half blind
拿着一把刀对着一个老人家, 还是半盲的老人家…
…then wanna chase him back out in the rain.
Back in my day, hobos respected each other.
在我以前的时候, 便车客都会互相尊重
What name you go by? Frances.
你叫什么名字? 法蓝丝
They call me Blind Dog Fulton.
Also known as Willie Brown.
也叫做威利 布朗
Also… What about him?
也叫做… 他怎么了
Lightning Boy Martone. Also known as Eugene.
阳光小子 马东 也叫做 尤金
Lightning Boy and Blind Dog.
“阳光小子” 和 “盲狗”
What the hell are you guys supposed to be?
We’re both bluesmen. Well, I’m the bluesman.
我们都是蓝调乐手 喔,我是蓝调乐手
He’s from Long Island.
We’re hoboing. What about you?
我们要搭便车 你打算如何?
I’m hitching from Philadelphia, going out to L.A.
I got a dancing gig out there.
Yeah, well, this road ain’t no place for a sweet-pants like you.
哦,这条路可没有一个地方 像你穿的这么可爱的裤子
Now, you take that from the greatest hobo that ever lived.
How old are you, anyway? You under 16?
不管怎样,你几岁了? 你小于16岁?
Yeah, you’re right, Willie. I’d say she’s definitely jailbait.
是啊,你说的对,威利 我想说她铁定是未成年少女
Oh, yeah? I don’t see too many signs of puberty on you, honey.
喔,是吗? 我可在你身上 看到许多青春期的迹象,甜心
Anyway, I’m 17. How old are you?
不管怎样,我17岁 你多大了?
I’m 17.
What are you, a runaway? Yeah.
你做了什么,逃家吗? 是啊
Four-time vet.
I think I threw them a curve, heading south.
我想我丢了一个变化球给他们 往南方去
Yeah, well, they threw us a few curves too since Lightning broke me out.
耶,喔,自从阳光小子救我出来后 他们也丢了一个小便球给我们
You broke him out of jail?
Well, no, it was like a nursing home.
哦!不是 它更像是一个看护中心
A nursing home? Oh, give me a break.
一个看护中心吗? 哦! 饶了我吧
Excuse me while I go put my pants on.
Pack up. What?
背包拿好 说什么?
Pack up. Why?
行李打包好 为什么呢?
Get your bags packed.
Get your stuff together.
Which way you guys headed? South, towards…
你们要往那一个方向去呢? 南方,往南走…
…Yazoo City and Vicksburg. – Staying on 61?
…亚卢市和维克斯堡 – 在61号♥公路上面?
Damn right, that’s the road home. Come on.
没有错,那是一条回家的路 走吧
What are you doing? Just wait. I’ll tell you about it later.
你在搞什么? 等一等 我等一下再告诉你为什么
It’s raining.
Well, I got a longer hike. I’m going down to Jackson. I’ll see you around.
这样啊 我还有蛮远的路要赶 我要往杰克森郡去 下次再见罗
Yeah, sure. I hope you make it to L.A. fast.
哦,当然 我希望你能尽快赶到洛杉矶
Come on, we can’t let that get away. What? She’s bad news.
快点,我们不能让她溜走 什么? 她是一个扫把星
That thing’s got a leg on it.
Now, it’ll get lots more rides than your thumb. Come on.
这只脚的手法比你的大姆指还高明 走吧!
Yeah, could you take me as far south as you can?
Sure enough. Oh, great.
当然行 哦,太棒了
This dude’s taking us to the next town. >From there we’re going separate ways.
这个花心大少会载我们到下一个城镇 从那里开始我们各走各的
Hey, no problem. We don’t want you slowing us down anyway.
嘿,没问题 我们并不想拖慢你的脚步
What the hell is going on here?
What, are y’all trying to run off my business?
Hey, hey, boy, I’m talking to you.
嘿 嘿 臭小子,我在跟你讲话
Hey, relax, we’re going. You’re damn right you’re going.
嘿,冷静点,我们要走了 你♥他♥妈♥的给我赶快滚
And you can tell that old mud duck to get his ass off my property.
而你给我告诉那个糟老头叫他把 他的老屁♥股♥移开我的财产上面
Lay off. You got no right talking to people like that.
够了 你没有权利像这样跟人讲话
Where you from, boy?
New York.
Well, Mr. New York, I tell you what.
See now, I’ll go in my office and I’ll get my.357 Magnum…
等着瞧,我回去我的办公室而 等我回来我会带着我的点 357手♥枪♥…
…and I’ll bring it out here…
…and then you and I can discuss just who’s got the right.
Come on, let’s go.
Don’t come back.
All right, all right, folks. Come on, it’s Lloyd’s turn to buy. Darling?
好啦,好啦,乡亲们 走吧, 该轮到洛埃买♥♥单了 甜心?
Louise, where the hell have you been lately?
I’ve been looking all over for you all week.
I didn’t know that kind of thing still went on.
Well, now you starting to learn some deep blues.
哦,现在你开始学会了一些 深沉的”蓝调”(忧郁)
She’s not doing what I think she’s doing, is she?
She’s only 17. What if that bum does something to her?
她不过才17岁, 如果那个痞子对她做了什么?
I can’t believe she’s doing this. It’s a dangerous road, Lightning.
我不敢相信她做的这些事 小子,这是一条危险的道路
And 17 ain’t no minor in this state.
Why don’t we just call this, oh, an introductory offer?
为什么我们不这么称呼,喔, 一个初级的援♥交♥呢?
You know, on the house. And in return…
你知道嘛,在这间屋子 用什么来做回报…
…to show you what a nice fellow I really am…
给你看看什么叫做好男人 我就是…
…why, I’m gonna let you push ass out of this room all night long.
Didn’t look to me like she was going against her will.
Looked to me like she thought she knew what she was doing.
像她想法一样看着我 她知道她正在干什么
Hell, I got girls coming up from Jackson…
嘿 我上过几个从杰克森上来的女孩…
…work out of here on weekends.
Now, I keep a real orderly shop.
Nobody gets in trouble.
Matter of fact, a girl as young…
…and pretty as you are…
…well, I bet she’d be real popular around here.
…哦,我敢打赌她一定会是 这附近里面受欢迎的女孩
We probably got a deal, huh?
I mean, I always liked showering with a healthy, young girl.
我的意思是,辣妹! 通常为了有益身心我会淋个澡,
Why don’t you go start the shower, okay. I like it nice and hot.
你可以先去淋个澡,好吗 我比较喜欢又热又舒服的
You want it hot? Yeah.
你喜欢热水澡? 是啊
You’re gonna get it.
You’re gonna get it steaming, baby.
Now, you get those clothes off, you hear?
What are you doing here? Are you crazy?
你在这里做什么? 你疯了是不是?
Come on, let’s get you out of here. Come on.
快点,我们赶快离开这里 快点
