Frances, get your ass in here or I’m gonna get nasty, now.
法蓝丝,快点给我进来 否则现在我会用低级的作法
Okay, I’ll be right in. I’m coming right in, okay?
好啦,我马上进去 我这就来了,好吗?
Well, hurry up, darling. Henry’s waiting.
喔,甜心 快一点 亨利在等着
Shit. What?
该死 什么?
What? Frances.
什么? 法蓝丝
When he comes out, you put his lights out.
We’ll grab his wallet and get out of here.
Are you crazy? You wanted to rescue me, didn’t you?
你头壳秀逗啦? 你不是想要来救我吗?
So when he comes out, knock him on his ass.
所以当他出来的时候, 往他屁♥股♥踹一脚
Dear God, she is more problem than she is worth.
Here he comes.
Goddamn it.
How come you still got your clothes on?
What the hell’s going on here, bitch?
Get him, Eugene! Get that son of a bitch, Eugene.
扁他,尤金! 扁那个狗♥娘♥养♥的,尤金
Come on, get him! Goddamn it! Get off of him!
快点,海扁他! 该死的! 给我放开他!
Back off, mister. Or these walls will be getting a free paint job.
滚远一点,先生 不然墙上会溅满你的鲜血
All right, now. Just hold on. Don’t shoot.
没事了,现在 冷静一下 不要开枪
Little underdressed, Lloyd.
She’s right. Maybe you better put your coat on.
她说的对 也许你该把你的外套穿上
Listen, why don’t we all just quit here…
…things are getting just…
Just a bit out of hand.
You just have a seat on the bed there, mister.
Where’d you get the gun?
Same place you got your guitar, at the pawn shop.
A bluesman never travels the road without a pistol. No, sir.
一个蓝调乐手绝不能没有手♥枪♥ 在这一条路上闯荡 不是,先生
His wallet and his keys are probably in his pants in the bathroom.
他的钱包和钥匙有可能 在浴室里他的裤子里面
You heard what the lady said, Lightning Boy.
你已经听到这位小姐说什么了, 阳光小子
Are we gonna steal his car too? That’s right.
我们是不是也要偷他的车呢? 正确
Go get the wallet and the keys. Let’s just get out of here.
去把钱包和钥匙拿过来 让我们赶快离开这里
What’d you expect out here, a picnic?
Now, you gonna be somebody or you gonna call your mama on the phone?
现在,你给我像个男人的样子 不然你就去打电♥话♥给你妈妈?
Listen, Lloyd…
…we’re gonna borrow that car of yours for about 24 hours, okay?
…我们想要借你的车用用 大概要一天的时间,可以吗?
If we get any heat before then…
…well, then, I’m just gonna have to tell a statutory story, since I’m only 15.
…哦,到时候,我就会讲述一个 法定上的故事,从我只有15岁开始
Yeah, we’re gonna blow the whistle on your family meat market.
没错,我们将会鸣着警笛 来到你的家族式肉体市场
It wouldn’t be too good for your business, would it, Mr. Motel Man?
这对你的事业可不会太好, 对吗,汽车旅馆先生?
Now, like the lady said, 24 hours.
You’ll find your car safe and sound in the parking lot…
你将会发现你的车安全 而且似乎会在停车场里…
…of the bus station in Jacksonville, Florida.
Willie teach you how to play this thing?
No, I’ve been on it since I was 6. 6?
不是,从我6 岁就开始在弹了 6 岁
Late bloomer, huh?
It took my parents a few years to decide what they wanted me to play.
它花了我父母几年时间来 决定他们想要我弹什么乐器
I think my father wanted me on accordion.
I was just kidding, Eugene.
I mean, who the hell plays guitar when they’re 6 years old?
我意思是,到底有谁会在 他们6岁的时候去弹吉他?
You’re supposed to play with crayons. Oh, yeah?
你需要去玩蜡笔什么的 喔,是吗
Willie, tell Frances how old you were when you started blowing harp.
威利,告诉法蓝丝当你开始 吹口琴时是几岁
Started on harmonica at 3.
Made my first music dollar with Mr. Son House at the big fish fry in…
在桑恩毫斯的黑人酒馆里 赚到了我生平第一次的卖♥♥唱收入…
Hey, I think that was a state trooper back there.
Are you kidding? That’s a guy in an old Chrysler.
你在开什么玩笑? 那只是一个在老旧克莱斯勒上的家伙
Oh, yeah? You ever hear of unmarked cars?
喔,是吗? 你有没有听过伪装过的车子呢?
I learned when you running, you stay running…
当你跑的时候我会学着点, 你先别跑…
…till you get where you’re going.
Bullshit, Willie, we’re driving a stolen Cadillac here, man.
狗屎,威利,我们开着一辆偷来 的凯迪拉克轿车啊,老兄
We ripped off money from the guy who owns the Cadillac.
拥有这辆凯迪拉克 是被我们抢钱的那个家伙的
We got an 80-year-old fugitive in the back…
…a runaway in the front, man. I think we’re pushing our luck. Come on.
…一个逃家的男孩在前面, 各位,我们可要冒个险了 拜托
Pull up over there. Shit. What?
把车子在那里停下来 该死 什么?
You heard me, right over there.
It’s funny, I thought I’d be missing New York by now.
But I don’t.
I miss my mom. And I miss my little brother, he’s great.
我想念我妈 和我弟弟,他很棒的
But I don’t miss Hank. He’s my stepdad.
但我并不想念汉克 他是我的继父
He gives you a hard time? Yells at you and shit?
他让你日子很难过吗? 对你高声怒骂吗?
Hank? He hardly ever talks to me.
汉克? 他从来很少跟我讲话
I don’t want no bullshit about papers and licenses and that kind of stuff.
我不想要跟文件和执照那一类 有关的狗屁倒灶东西
You understand what I mean?
Well, sir, that Cadillac you got there is a mighty fine-looking car.
喔,先生,你那辆凯迪拉克 可是非常抢眼的车子
Now you talking business.
Well, what about your mother? Why doesn’t she throw him out?
哦,你母亲怎么了? 为什么她不暗示他呢?
She doesn’t believe it.
She knows I don’t like him, so she thinks I’m making this up…
她知道我不喜欢他, 所以她想这样对我作些补偿…
…just to get him out of the house.
So Hank keeps hitting on me and I just keep running away.
所以汉克就不断打我 而我就不断逃家
You really got a dancing job? Oh, yeah.
你真的有一个舞蹈的工作? 哦,有的
It’s 100 bucks a night.
A hundred bucks a night? Yeah.
一百块美元一个晚上? 是啊
Sounds like some dancing.
Guys like Son House, Charlie Patton, Robert Johnson…
像桑恩豪斯,查理佩顿, 罗伯特 强生这些家伙一样…
…they were the best slide players in the world.
Total influence on rock ‘n’ roll.
Come on, Willie, we’re gonna get you to this barn and get some rest, okay?
快点,威利, 我们想带你到谷仓休息一下,好吗?
Don’t worry, Lightning, I ain’t gonna drop down dead on you tonight.
不用担心,阳光小子, 今天晚上我不会丢下你不管
Willie was one of the last guys to play with Robert Johnson before he died.
威利是罗伯特 强生在他死之前 最后一个和他一起演奏的人
Wait a minute. You think he’ll teach you…
等一下 你想他会教你…
…this lost song you keep talking about and that will make you famous?
…你一直提起的这首歌♥ 跟它会让你成名有关吗?
Right. I’m gonna learn the tune, you know.
Get it down to the note, add a little of my own stuff.
I’ll make it special, but it’s my ticket to the blues scene.
我要把它弹奏的很特别, 但是它是我到蓝调舞台上的门槛
I hate to tell you this, Lightning Boy…
…but it all sounds like a crock of shit to me.
Me too.
Hey, you feeling okay, Willie? Let me be now. I’m tired.
嘿,你情况还好吧,威利? 现在,不要管我 我很累
All right. Look, if you need anything, just holler.
好的 看着,如果你需要任何事情, 就大声?出来
I said, let me be now. I’m tired.
我说过了,现在不要管我 我累了
What’s with Willie?
I don’t know. He looks really tired. I mean, he’s almost 80 years old.
我不知道 他看起来真的很疲惫 我是说,他将近80岁的身体
This trip’s gotta be wearing him down.
Jesus, if something happens to him out here…
Do you think we should get him to a doctor?
I can’t. I can’t. They’ll find out who he is.
我不能这样做 我不行 他们会查出他是谁
They’ll ship him back to Harlem to die.
I’m not gonna let that happen. I promised I’d get him home.
我不会让这件事情发生的 我保证我会带他回到家
Do you really think there is a home, Eugene?
Well, what the hell’s that supposed to mean?
How are we supposed to know he’s this famous blues dude?
我们如何猜想的到 他是很有名的蓝调王子?
You got any proof? Well, yeah, he told me.
你有什么证据吗? 哦,是啊,他告诉过我
I trust him, that’s all. Look, Eugene…
我相信他,就这样 看着,尤金…
…I’m in love with the old guy too. He’s a son of a bitch, but he’s okay.
…我也是很爱这个老家伙的 他不是什么好东西,但是他还算好的
But I know a con man when I see one and I think he made up…
不过当我看到一个骗子我会知道的 而我认为他是假扮的…
…this whole story to get at a gullible kid…
…所有这些故事是给一个 容易上当的孩子所说的…
…so he can stay out of rest homes and hospitals.
You’re full of shit. Oh, yeah?
你真是满嘴的大便 喔,是吗?
What are you gonna do if he kicks off here?
It could happen. He is Willie Brown.
这是可能发生的 他是威利 布朗
He’s the first acknowledged master of the country blues harmonica.
The guy is a legend. You understand?
这家伙是一个传奇 你了解吗?
You’re just a runaway with a quick mouth.
Why don’t you get off my case. Go migrate someplace else.
为什么你你不停止这个话题 到什么地方去
Do me a favor. Leave us alone.
Don’t worry, I’ll be out of here in the morning.
Look, I really didn’t mean anything.
