

[noun] a person’s first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role
[名词] 某人以某个特定身份或角色的首次亮相或表演


Debut 是一个与常见单词 debug (排错、调试、除错)拼写十分接近的单词,该词源自法语 débuter (在台球比赛中打第一杆、在草地滚球戏中率先击球),18世纪中期经法语 début (首次亮相)进入英语后,主要用来表示表演者、运动员等“首次亮相、登台、公演、露面”,比如:

  • 首次出镜时,她刚满18岁。然后她在36岁时达到了事业的巅峰。
    She was scarcely 18 when she made her debut. Then she reached the apex of her career at 36.

从这个概念进一步延伸,既可以用 debut 形容歌手、作家、产品等“首次录音、出版、上市等”,比如:

  • 在做迎宾员以前她当过一阵子歌手。这是她的首张专辑。
    She had a spell as a singer before becoming an usher. This is her debut album.

也在过去用 debut 表示青年女子的“首次进入社交界”,而与之相关的单词 debutante 则是指“首次进入社交界的青年女子”,尤指“首次进入上流社交场合的富家年轻女子”,比如:

  • 那个浑身上下每个毛孔都散发着性感的女孩首次出现在伦敦社交界便艳惊四座,被视为同龄人里最美丽的年轻女子。
    The girl who oozed sexuality from every pore dazzled London society as the most beautiful debutante of her generation.

此外,等到了19世纪30年代后, debut 的上述名词含义也开始用作动词使用。而更值得注意的是,不要想当然地将 debut 误读作[ˌdiːˈbʌt],参见下方影视用例。


Making his second Dreamland debut.



  • It is a debut that will initially make little difference, but could, over time, change the way central banks conduct monetary policy.
  • Even though the company has lost money for the last several years, its stock sale valued the company at $25.7 billion, a valuation even higher than Twitter’s at its market debut last fall.


debut 是一个名词和动词,表示首次亮相、首次登台或首次推出。它通常用来描述某人或某物在公众场合或行业中第一次出现或展示的情况。下面是关于 debut 的常见用法:

  1. 名词用法:
    • Make a debut: 首次亮相
      • The young actress made her debut in a Broadway play.(那位年轻女演员在一部百老汇剧中首次亮相。)
      • The band’s debut album was a huge success.(该乐队的首张专辑取得了巨大的成功。)
    • Film debut: 电影首映
      • The actor’s film debut received critical acclaim.(那位演员的电影首映获得了评论界的赞誉。)
      • The director’s debut film won several awards at international film festivals.(导演的处女作在国际电影节上获得了几项奖项。)
    • Stage debut: 舞台首秀
      • The ballet dancer’s stage debut was highly anticipated.(那位芭蕾舞演员的舞台首秀备受期待。)
      • The theater company’s production marked the director’s directorial debut.(该剧团的演出标志着该导演的导演处女作。)
  2. 动词用法:
    • Debut in: 首次亮相于
      • The singer debuted in a popular TV show.(那位歌手在一档热门电视节目中首次亮相。)
      • The fashion designer debuted her latest collection at a fashion week event.(时装设计师在时装周活动上展示了她的最新系列。)
    • Debut as: 首次扮演
      • The young actor debuted as the lead role in a blockbuster movie.(那位年轻演员首次扮演一部大片中的主角。)
      • The child prodigy debuted as a pianist with a renowned orchestra.(那个神童作为钢琴家与一支知名乐团首次亮相。)
    • Debut with: 首次推出
      • The author debuted with a bestselling novel that garnered international attention.(那位作家首次推出的畅销小说引起了国际关注。)
      • The fashion brand debuted with a high-profile fashion show during Fashion Week.(该时尚品牌在时装周期间以一场备受关注的时装秀首次推出。)

以上是关于 debut 的常见用法,具体的用法会根据语境和句子结构的不同而有所变化。



  1. Make a debut – 首次亮相
  2. Stage debut – 舞台首秀
  3. Film debut – 电影处女作
  4. Fashion debut – 时装首次亮相
  5. Public debut – 公开亮相
  6. Professional debut – 职业生涯首秀
  7. Album debut – 专辑首次发行
  8. Literary debut – 文学处女作
  9. Theatrical debut – 戏剧首秀
  10. Solo debut – 个人首秀


  1. Make a grand debut – 以盛大方式亮相
  2. Make a dazzling debut – 以耀眼的方式首次亮相
  3. Mark the debut of – 标志着…的首次亮相
  4. Celebrate the debut of – 庆祝…的首次亮相
  5. Highly anticipated debut – 受到极高期待的首次亮相
  6. Successful debut – 成功的首次亮相
  7. Promising debut – 有前途的首秀
  8. Critically acclaimed debut – 获得好评的首次亮相
  9. Impressive debut performance – 令人印象深刻的首秀表演
  10. Launch a debut album – 推出首张专辑


  1. The singer’s debut concert – 歌手的首次音乐会
  2. Author’s debut novel – 作家的处女作小说
  3. Actor’s film debut – 演员的电影首秀
  4. Designer’s fashion debut – 设计师的时装首秀
  5. Athlete’s professional debut – 运动员的职业生涯首秀
  6. Director’s theatrical debut – 导演的戏剧首秀
  7. Artist’s gallery debut – 艺术家的画廊首次展示
  8. Dancer’s stage debut – 舞者的舞台首秀
  9. Musician’s album debut – 音乐家的专辑首次发行
  10. Writer’s literary debut – 作家的文学处女作


introduction: a person’s first experience of a subject or thing
premiere: the first performance of a musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a movie
inception: the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
