



[noun] a shortcoming, imperfection, or lack
[名词] 缺点、不完美或不足


Defect 是一个与许多熟词诸如 effect, affect, infect, refect, perfect 等结尾相同的单词。该词于15世纪初期经古法语 defect 或直接经拉丁语 defectus (失败;缺乏;弱点、缺点、缺陷;反叛、叛逃)进入英语最初作名词指“缺乏、欠缺”,主要指使形式完整或功能有效所必需的东西缺乏,比如是非观念的缺乏(a defect in the sense of right and wrong)。

不过发展到现在, defect 主要用来表示“缺点、缺陷、毛病”,同样意味着缺少或缺乏某种对于事物完整或完美来说至关重要的东西,不一定是表面上明显可见的,也包括上面外刊例句中提到的人生理上的“缺陷、障碍”等,比如:

  • 被告已为他的船投保了海难或船体潜在缺陷造成的损失或损害险。
    The defendant had insured his ship against loss or damage caused by perils of sea or latent defect in hull.

而用作动词时, defect 则常用搭配 defect (from sth) (to sth) 指为了加入敌对国家、政党、事业等而“叛逃、背叛、变节、倒戈、脱离、退出”原本的国家、政党、事业等,比如:

  • 上周他试图叛逃到西方。有人告发他是外国间谍。
    He tried to defect to the West last week. He was denounced as a foreign spy.

最后值得注意的是, defect 的名词读音与动词读音略有不同,在首图下方的音标栏中可见该词有两个读音,其中前者为名词读音,后者为动词读音。


Your defect was not that you knew so little about life, but that you knew so much.

出自英国作家、诗人、散文家奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)的狱中情笺《自深深处》(De Profundis)。


Child marriage, once rife, is ebbing. So is cousin marriage, with its attendant risk of genetic defects, though it is still fairly common in the Middle East and parts of Asia.
Brazil saw a surge in birth defects related to the mosquito-borne Zika virus.


defect 是一个名词和动词,具有不同的意义和用法。以下是关于 “defect” 的详细用法和一些短语:


  1. Physical defect:身体缺陷
  2. Genetic defect:遗传缺陷
  3. Structural defect:结构缺陷
  4. Birth defect:先天缺陷
  5. Visual defect:视觉缺陷
  6. Defect in character:品格缺陷
  7. Defect of speech:言语缺陷
  8. Defect of judgment:判断缺陷
  9. Defect of memory:记忆缺陷
  10. Defect of logic:逻辑缺陷
  11. Defect of understanding:理解缺陷


  1. Defect from:背叛,叛逃
  2. Defect to:投奔,转投
  3. Defect to the enemy:投敌
  4. Defect to another party:转投其他政党
  5. Defect to a rival team:转投对手队伍
  6. Defect to a different company:跳槽到另一家公司
  7. Defect to the opposition:加入反对派
  8. Defect in a product:产品缺陷
  9. Defect in a system:系统缺陷
  10. Defect in a plan:计划缺陷
  11. Defect in a strategy:战略缺陷

请注意,根据上下文和语境,”defect” 的意义和用法可能会有所变化。有些短语可能具有正面含义,而有些可能带有负面含义。


blemish: a small mark or flaw which spoils the appearance of something
flaw: a mark, fault, or other imperfection that mars a substance or object
fault: an unattractive or unsatisfactory feature, especially in a piece of work or in a person’s character

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。