
vi. 推迟;延期;服从
vt. 使推迟;使延期
n. (Defer)人名;(法)德费




defer 推迟,延迟
de-, 分开,散开。-fer, 拿,带,词源同bring, infer. 即分散开,引申义推迟,延迟。

defer 遵从,顺从
de-, 向下,离开。-fer, 拿,带,词源同bring, infer. 即拿走,转移,词义引申为转交,遵从,顺从。


Defer 是一个动词,意为推迟、延期、顺从。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Defer a decision – 推迟决定
  2. Defer a payment – 延期付款
  3. Defer to authority – 顺从权威
  4. Defer to someone’s judgment – 服从某人的判断
  5. Defer to a higher authority – 顺从更高的权威
  6. Defer to a supervisor – 服从主管
  7. Defer to a committee – 顺从委员会
  8. Defer to a court ruling – 服从法院裁决
  9. Defer to a senior colleague – 顺从资深同事
  10. Defer to tradition – 遵从传统
  11. Defer to a leader’s decision – 服从领袖的决定
  12. Defer to a teacher’s instructions – 服从老师的指示
  13. Defer to parental authority – 服从父母权威
  14. Defer to company policy – 遵循公司政策
  15. Defer to customer preferences – 顺从客户偏好
  16. Defer to expert opinion – 服从专家意见
  17. Defer to local customs – 遵从当地习惯
  18. Defer to a mentor’s guidance – 服从导师的指导
  19. Defer to international law – 遵从国际法
  20. Defer to a doctor’s advice – 服从医生的建议
  21. Defer to a partner’s decision – 顺从合作伙伴的决策
  22. Defer to a client’s request – 遵从客户的要求
  23. Defer to a professor’s expertise – 服从教授的专业知识
  24. Defer to regulatory requirements – 顺从监管要求
  25. Defer to customer feedback – 顺从客户反馈
  26. Defer to a higher power – 顺从更高的力量
  27. Defer to a team leader – 服从团队领导
  28. Defer to a judge’s ruling – 服从法官的裁决
  29. Defer to a coach’s strategy – 服从教练的策略
  30. Defer to established procedures – 遵循已建立的程序
  31. Defer to a board of directors – 服从董事会
  32. Defer to a government agency – 服从政府机构
  33. Defer to a religious authority – 顺从宗教权威
  34. Defer to a military commander – 服从军事指挥官
  35. Defer to a financial advisor – 服从财务顾问
  36. Defer to company leadership – 服从公司领导
  37. Defer to a jury’s verdict – 服从陪审团的裁定
  38. Defer to a coach’s decision – 服从教练的决策
  39. Defer to a project manager – 服从项目经理
  40. Defer to parental guidance – 服从父母的指导
  41. Defer to a court’s decision – 服从法庭的决定
  42. Defer to a school policy – 服从学校政策
  43. Defer to a customer service representative – 服从客户服务代表
  44. Defer to a colleague’s expertise – 服从同事的专业知识
  45. Defer to a legal authority – 服从法律权威
  46. Defer to a city council decision – 服从市议会的决定
  47. Defer to a software developer’s judgment – 服从软件开发人员的判断
  48. Defer to a landlord’s rules – 服从房东的规定
  49. Defer to a travel agent’s recommendations – 服从旅行代理的建议
  50. Defer to a team captain’s authority – 服从队长的权威
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
