
vt. 描绘;描写;画…的轮廓




delineate 描绘
de-, 向下,强调。line, 线,线条。即画线,描绘。


Delineate 是一个动词,意为描述、勾画或描绘。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Delineate a plan – 描绘一个计划
  2. Clearly delineate – 清晰勾画
  3. Delineate the boundaries – 描绘边界
  4. Delineate the details – 描绘细节
  5. Delineate the process – 描绘过程
  6. Delineate the features – 描绘特征
  7. Delineate the structure – 描绘结构
  8. Delineate the scope – 描绘范围
  9. Delineate the landscape – 描绘景观
  10. Delineate the contours – 描绘轮廓
  11. Delineate the map – 描绘地图
  12. Delineate the timeline – 描绘时间线
  13. Delineate the objectives – 描绘目标
  14. Delineate the framework – 描绘框架
  15. Delineate the character – 描绘角色
  16. Delineate the concept – 描绘概念
  17. Delineate the design – 描绘设计
  18. Delineate the pattern – 描绘模式
  19. Delineate the idea – 描绘想法
  20. Delineate the boundaries of knowledge – 描绘知识的边界
  21. Delineate the project area – 描绘项目区域
  22. Delineate the territory – 描绘领土
  23. Delineate the region – 描绘地区
  24. Delineate the cityscape – 描绘城市景观
  25. Delineate the map of a country – 描绘一个国家的地图
  26. Delineate the structure of a building – 描绘建筑物的结构
  27. Delineate the details of a plan – 描绘计划的细节
  28. Delineate the history of a region – 描绘一个地区的历史
  29. Delineate the characteristics of a species – 描绘一个物种的特征
  30. Delineate the plot of a story – 描绘故事情节
  31. Delineate the outline of an essay – 描绘文章的大纲
  32. Delineate the contours of a mountain range – 描绘山脉的轮廓
  33. Delineate the process of evolution – 描绘进化的过程
  34. Delineate the concept of democracy – 描绘民主的概念
  35. Delineate the scope of an investigation – 描绘调查的范围
  36. Delineate the landscape of a novel – 描绘小说的景观
  37. Delineate the features of a product – 描绘产品的特点
  38. Delineate the structure of a molecule – 描绘分子的结构
  39. Delineate the boundaries of a park – 描绘公园的边界
  40. Delineate the boundaries of a forest – 描绘森林的边界
  41. Delineate the boundaries of a property – 描绘财产的边界
  42. Delineate the boundaries of a study – 描绘研究的边界
  43. Delineate the boundaries of a field – 描绘领域的边界
  44. Delineate the boundaries of a project – 描绘项目的边界
  45. Delineate the boundaries of a document – 描绘文件的边界
  46. Delineate the boundaries of a discussion – 描绘讨论的范围
  47. Delineate the boundaries of a conversation – 描绘对话的范围
  48. Delineate the boundaries of an argument – 描绘争论的范围
  49. Delineate the boundaries of an agreement – 描绘协议的范围
  50. Delineate the boundaries of an understanding – 描绘理解的范围
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
