
vt. 欺骗;哄骗;诱惑;【罕用】迷惑;逃避;使失望




1、de- “down” + lud- + -e.


delude 欺骗
de-, 向下,离开。-lud, 玩弄,欺骗,词源同allude, collude.


Delude 是一个动词,意为欺骗、迷惑、愚弄。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Delude oneself – 自欺欺人
  2. Delude into believing – 欺骗使相信
  3. Delude with false promises – 用虚假承诺欺骗
  4. Delude with sweet words – 用甜言蜜语欺骗
  5. Delude with empty assurances – 用空洞的保证欺骗
  6. Delude by pretending – 假装欺骗
  7. Delude with a false sense of security – 以虚假的安全感欺骗
  8. Delude with deceptive tactics – 用欺骗性策略欺骗
  9. Delude with fake evidence – 用假证据欺骗
  10. Delude with misleading information – 用误导性信息欺骗
  11. Delude with a fabricated story – 用编造的故事欺骗
  12. Delude with unrealistic expectations – 用不切实际的期望欺骗
  13. Delude with false claims – 用虚假声明欺骗
  14. Delude with a false identity – 用虚假身份欺骗
  15. Delude with a clever ruse – 用巧妙的伎俩欺骗
  16. Delude with empty flattery – 用虚伪的奉承欺骗
  17. Delude with false pretenses – 以虚伪借口欺骗
  18. Delude with a cunning plan – 用狡猾的计划欺骗
  19. Delude with a well-crafted deception – 用精心编织的欺骗欺骗
  20. Delude with false information – 用虚假信息欺骗
  21. Delude with an elaborate scheme – 用复杂的计划欺骗
  22. Delude with persuasive tactics – 用说服性策略欺骗
  23. Delude with false assurances – 用虚假保证欺骗
  24. Delude with a false alibi – 用虚假 coibi 欺骗
  25. Delude with a deceptive appearance – 用欺骗性外表欺骗
  26. Delude with deceptive advertising – 用欺骗性广告欺骗
  27. Delude with a fabricated excuse – 用编造的借口欺骗
  28. Delude with a clever disguise – 用巧妙的伪装欺骗
  29. Delude with a false promise of wealth – 用虚假的财富承诺欺骗
  30. Delude with false hope – 用虚假希望欺骗
  31. Delude with false pretensions – 用虚伪自负欺骗
  32. Delude with false declarations – 用虚假声明欺骗
  33. Delude with deceptive practices – 用欺骗性的做法欺骗
  34. Delude with misleading statements – 用误导性的陈述欺骗
  35. Delude with a fabricated document – 用编造的文件欺骗
  36. Delude with deceptive charm – 用欺骗性魅力欺骗
  37. Delude with false pretense of friendship – 以虚伪的友情借口欺骗
  38. Delude with empty gestures – 用空洞的姿态欺骗
  39. Delude with a clever act – 用巧妙的表演欺骗
  40. Delude with a cunning strategy – 用狡猾的策略欺骗
  41. Delude with false sympathy – 以虚伪的同情欺骗
  42. Delude with deceptive intentions – 用欺骗性意图欺骗
  43. Delude with false accusations – 用虚假指控欺骗
  44. Delude with a fabricated story – 用编造的故事欺骗
  45. Delude with false testimonials – 用虚假推荐欺骗
  46. Delude with deceptive tactics – 用欺骗性策略欺骗
  47. Delude with a misleading appearance – 用误导性外表欺骗
  48. Delude with false pretenses – 以虚伪借口欺骗
  49. Delude with a cunning plan – 用狡猾的计划欺骗
  50. Delude with a well-crafted deception – 用精心编织的欺骗欺骗
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
