

[noun] a person’s death
[名词] 某人的死亡


Demise 一词源自古法语 desmetre (解职、把……放回原处),15世纪中期经英国法语进入英语后,即用来表示财产、土地等的“转让、让与”,主要指通过遗嘱永久转让或者通过租约在数年时间内转让,并到了16世纪40年代后,开始引申指国王死亡或罢黜后的王位、君权等的“传位、禅位”。

从这个概念出发, demise 到了1754年后开始进一步衍生指“死亡”,也就是引发财产、土地、王位、君权等转让的死亡,最初仅用来形容君主或某个重要人物的死亡,现在则可以泛作“死亡”的委婉语,比如:

  • 她丈夫的英年早逝使她悲痛万分。
    Her husband’s early demise anguished her deeply.

再从死亡这个概念出发,现在 demise 更多地用来喻指“终止、失败、倒闭”,多指某个以前被认为是很强大的企业、机构、商业、行业等的终结、失败或者说活动停止,比如:

  • 该行业的没落给数以千计辛苦经营的商贩带来了难言的苦楚。他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。
    The demise of the industry caused untold misery to thousands of hard-working tradesmen. They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.


Deprived of love since the tragic demise of his parents, fourteen-year-old Harry Potter thought he had found solace in his steady girlfriend at Hogwarts, Muggle-born Hermione Granger.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第四本《哈利·波特与火焰杯》(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)。


  • However, even in the rich world, big family firms are defying expectations of their demise.
  • But the deal may not go through, and with its demise the three-decade-old edifice of affirmative action may begin to crumble.



  1. Untimely demise (过早离世) – Referring to a death that occurs at an unexpected or premature time.
    • Example: The young actor’s untimely demise shocked his fans.
  2. Sudden demise (突然离世) – Describing a death that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly.
    • Example: The politician’s sudden demise left a void in the political landscape.
  3. Tragic demise (悲惨离世) – Referring to a death that is characterized by tragedy or sorrow.
    • Example: The accident resulted in the tragic demise of several passengers.
  4. Premature demise (过早离世) – Describing a death that occurs before the expected or natural time.
    • Example: The athlete’s promising career was cut short by his premature demise.
  5. Unfortunate demise (不幸离世) – Referring to a death that is seen as unfortunate or unlucky.
    • Example: The doctor’s efforts were in vain, and the patient met an unfortunate demise.
  6. Mysterious demise (神秘离世) – Describing a death that is surrounded by mystery or unresolved circumstances.
  7. Demise of a legend (传奇的终结) – Referring to the death or end of a person who is considered a legend or iconic figure.
    • Example: The demise of the music icon left a profound impact on the industry.
  8. Natural demise (自然离世) – Describing a death that occurs as a result of natural causes or old age.
    • Example: The elderly woman peacefully passed away due to natural demise.
  9. Demise of a relationship (关系的结束) – Referring to the end or breakdown of a romantic or interpersonal relationship.
    • Example: The constant conflicts led to the demise of their marriage.
  10. Political demise (政治的崩溃) – Describing the downfall or end of a political career or influence.
    • Example: The scandal led to the political demise of the prominent politician.
  11. Financial demise (财务的破产) – Referring to the financial collapse or failure of a company or individual.
    • Example: Poor financial management led to the demise of the once-thriving business.
  12. Corporate demise (公司的倒闭) – Describing the downfall or closure of a company or corporation.
    • Example: The fierce competition in the market eventually led to the corporate demise.
  13. Slow demise (缓慢衰亡) – Referring to a gradual or prolonged decline or deterioration leading to an eventual end.
    • Example: The industry’s slow demise was a result of changing consumer preferences.
  14. Inevitable demise (不可避免的终结) – Describing a death or end that is certain or unavoidable.
    • Example: The crumbling infrastructure foreshadowed the city’s inevitable demise.
  15. Economic demise (经济的崩溃) – Referring to the collapse or decline of an economy or economic system.
    • Example: The financial crisis resulted in the economic demise of the country.
  16. Demise of a dynasty (王朝的灭亡) – Describing the end or downfall of a ruling dynasty or royal family.
    • Example: The civil war led to the demise of the ancient empire’s ruling dynasty.
  17. Demise of a tradition (传统的消亡) – Referring to the disappearance or extinction of a cultural or traditional practice.
    • Example: Modernization and globalization have contributed to the demise of certain cultural traditions.
  18. Social demise (社会的衰败) – Describing the decline or deterioration of societal values, norms, or structures.
    • Example: The rise in crime rates signaled the social demise of the neighborhood.
  19. Imminent demise (即将结束) – Referring to a death or end that is about to happen soon.
    • Example: The doctor informed the family of the patient’s imminent demise.
  20. Emotional demise (情感的破裂) – Describing the breakdown or deterioration of emotional well-being or mental health.
    • Example: The traumatic event led to her emotional demise.
  21. Demise of a dream (梦想的破灭) – Referring to the failure or abandonment of a cherished dream or aspiration.
    • Example: The artist’s struggle and lack of recognition resulted in the demise of her artistic dreams.
  22. Social media demise (社交媒体的衰败) – Describing the decline or loss of popularity of a social media platform.
    • Example: The emergence of new platforms led to the demise of the once-popular social media app.
  23. Creative demise (创作的衰败) – Referring to a decline or loss of creativity, inspiration, or artistic output.
    • Example: The artist’s creative demise was evident in his recent works.
  24. Demise of hope (希望的消失) – Describing the loss or disappearance of hope or optimism.
    • Example: The prolonged conflict resulted in the demise of hope for a peaceful resolution.
  25. Demise of innocence (纯真的消失) – Referring to the loss or end of innocence or naivety.
    • Example: The harsh realities of life led to the demise of her innocence.
  26. Demise of a tradition (传统的消失) – Describing the disappearance or abandonment of a long-standing tradition or custom.
    • Example: The younger generation’s lack of interest led to the demise of the cultural tradition.
  27. Demise of a species (物种的灭绝) – Referring to the extinction or disappearance of a particular species.
    • Example: Human activities have contributed to the demise of many endangered species.
  28. Creative demise (创作的消亡) – Describing the decline or loss of creativity, inspiration, or artistic output.
    • Example: The artist’s creative demise was evident in his recent works.
  29. Demise of a dream (梦想的消失) – Referring to the failure or abandonment of a cherished dream or aspiration.
    • Example: The athlete’s career-ending injury led to the demise of his Olympic dream.
  30. Demise of trust (信任的破灭) – Describing the breakdown or loss of trust between individuals or in a relationship.
    • Example: The betrayal resulted in the demise of trust between the friends.


passing: a person’s death
decease: death
quietus: death or something that causes death, regarded as a release from life

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
