
vt. 使降级;使降职




demote 使降职
de-, 向下。-mot, 移动,词源同motive, promote. 即向下移动,降职。


Demote 是一个动词,意味着降职或降级。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Demote an employee – 降职员工
  2. Demote a manager – 降职经理
  3. Demote a player – 降职运动员
  4. Demote a student – 降职学生
  5. Demote a worker – 降职工人
  6. Demote someone to a lower position – 将某人降职到较低职位
  7. Demote to a lower rank – 降职到较低军衔
  8. Demote to a lower level – 降职到较低级别
  9. Demote for poor performance – 因表现不佳而降职
  10. Demote for misconduct – 因不当行为而降职
  11. Demote for incompetence – 因无能力而降职
  12. Demote due to budget cuts – 因预算削减而降职
  13. Demote due to restructuring – 因重组而降职
  14. Demote to a lower grade – 降职到较低级别
  15. Demote to a lower class – 降职到较低班级
  16. Demote to an entry-level position – 降职到入门级职位
  17. Demote to a non-supervisory role – 降职到非监管角色
  18. Demote from a leadership position – 从领导职位降职
  19. Demote from a managerial role – 从管理角色降职
  20. Demote from a higher rank – 从较高军衔降职
  21. Demote from a senior position – 从高级职位降职
  22. Demote from a supervisory role – 从监管角色降职
  23. Demote due to company downsizing – 因公司裁员而降职
  24. Demote due to lack of qualifications – 因资格不够而降职
  25. Demote due to a disciplinary issue – 因纪律问题而降职
  26. Demote to a junior role – 降职到初级角色
  27. Demote to a lower pay grade – 降职到较低薪资级别
  28. Demote to a lesser role – 降职到较低职责角色
  29. Demote to a subordinate position – 降职到下属职位
  30. Demote to a junior staff position – 降职到初级员工职位
  31. Demote to a less responsible position – 降职到较不负责的职位
  32. Demote to a lower wage bracket – 降职到较低工资档次
  33. Demote to a non-managerial role – 降职到非管理角色
  34. Demote to a junior rank – 降职到初级军衔
  35. Demote to a lower tier – 降职到较低层次
  36. Demote to a less specialized role – 降职到较不专业的角色
  37. Demote to an assistant position – 降职到助理职位
  38. Demote to a lower status – 降职到较低地位
  39. Demote to a junior role – 降职到初级职位
  40. Demote to a junior level – 降职到初级级别
  41. Demote to a lower position within the organization – 在组织内降职
  42. Demote to a less prestigious role – 降职到较不声望的角色
  43. Demote to a lower classification – 降职到较低分类
  44. Demote to a less influential position – 降职到较不具影响力的职位
  45. Demote to a junior rank – 降职到初级军衔
  46. Demote to a lower tier – 降职到较低层次
  47. Demote to a less specialized role – 降职到较不专业的角色
  48. Demote to an assistant position – 降职到助理职位
  49. Demote to a lower status – 降职到较低地位
  50. Demote to a junior role – 降职到初级职位
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
