
[verb] move (troops or equipment) into position for military action
[动词] 调动(部队或装备)就位以进行军事行动


Deploy 是一个与熟词 employ (雇用;使用、利用)不仅结尾相同,而且词根相同的单词。

其中, deploy 由前缀 de- (离开)+词根 ploy (折叠)构成,源自拉丁语 displicare (展开、分散),经法语 déployer (展开、铺开)进入英语后,最初用作军事用语表示“(使)展开、(使)疏开”,也就是使一个军事单位在宽度上展开,比如:

  • 连队展开并冲向小山。
    The company deployed and made a dash for the hill.
  • 排长把他的部队散开到路的两侧。
    The platoon leader deployed his men on both sides of the road.

进而 deploy 被用来引申指“部署、调度”,即调动军队或武器装备到准备进行军事行动的位置,比如:

  • 步兵部署在山脚下。
    The infantry was deployed at the foot of the mountain.

调动军队是为了将军事力量有效投入使用,从这个概念出发,随后 deploy 便开始用来泛指“施展、调动、利用、有效运用”或者说“发挥……的作用”,常作正式用语使用,主要指为了某个特意的目的而有效地利用或安排,比如:

  • 我在工作中并不能真正发挥才能。
    My job doesn’t really allow me fully to deploy my talents.
  • 这家不讲人情的公司在重新考虑其资源的使用之道。
    The impersonal company is reconsidering the way in which it deploys its resources.


  • Our job is not to flip-flop according to their models but to deploy capital over economic and technology cycles.
  • Donald Trump has been impeached for trying to kill the results of our last election, but we should have no illusions that whatever happens at his trial, the weapon he used is still freely available for others to deploy.


deploy” 是指使用、部署、调动或利用某物或资源的意思。以下是包含单词“deploy”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. deploy military forces: 部署军事力量
  2. Rapidly deploy resources: 快速调动资源
  3. deploy advanced technology: 应用先进技术
  4. Strategically deploy assets: 战略性地配置资产
  5. deploy personnel effectively: 有效地部署人员
  6. deploy emergency response teams: 调动紧急响应团队
  7. deploy troops to the frontlines: 将部队派往前线
  8. deploy a new strategy: 部署新策略
  9. deploy equipment for operations: 配备执行任务的设备
  10. deploy specialized units: 部署特种部队
  11. deploy resources efficiently: 高效利用资源
  12. Rapidly deploy disaster relief: 快速调动救灾力量
  13. deploy cybersecurity measures: 部署网络安全措施
  14. deploy assets to strategic locations: 部署资产到战略地点
  15. deploy software updates: 部署软件更新
  16. deploy surveillance systems: 部署监控系统
  17. deploy medical teams to disaster areas: 派遣医疗队到灾区
  18. deploy resources for research: 调动研究资源
  19. deploy aircraft for reconnaissance: 部署飞机进行侦察
  20. deploy forces for peacekeeping: 部署维和部队
  21. deploy communication networks: 部署通讯网络
  22. Rapidly deploy first responders: 快速调动急救人员
  23. deploy tools for data analysis: 使用数据分析工具
  24. deploy troops along the border: 沿边境部署部队
  25. deploy resources for disaster recovery: 配备灾后恢复资源
  26. deploy tactical units: 部署战术单位
  27. deploy new technologies in manufacturing: 在制造业中应用新技术
  28. deploy personnel to support missions: 派遣人员支援任务
  29. deploy counterterrorism measures: 部署反恐措施
  30. deploy mobile units for rapid response: 部署移动单位进行快速响应
  31. deploy assets for logistical support: 配备物资进行后勤支援
  32. deploy renewable energy solutions: 部署可再生能源解决方案
  33. deploy resources for humanitarian aid: 调动资源进行人道援助
  34. deploy forces to maintain order: 部署部队维持秩序
  35. deploy technology for remote work: 应用远程办公技术
  36. deploy surveillance drones: 部署监控无人机
  37. deploy measures to prevent cyberattacks: 采取措施防范网络攻击
  38. deploy assets to support research projects: 配备资产支援研究项目
  39. deploy security personnel at checkpoints: 在检查站部署安保人员
  40. deploy resources for disaster preparedness: 调动资源进行灾害准备
  41. deploy troops for training exercises: 派遣部队进行训练演习
  42. deploy technology for environmental monitoring: 应用技术进行环境监测
  43. deploy remote sensing equipment: 部署遥感设备
  44. deploy sensors for data collection: 部署传感器进行数据采集
  45. deploy additional resources as needed: 根据需要调动额外资源
  46. deploy response teams for public health crises: 调动响应团队应对公共卫生危机
  47. deploy resources for infrastructure development: 调动资源进行基础设施发展
  48. deploy strategies for market expansion: 实施市场拓展策略
  49. deploy assets to address emergencies: 调动资产应对紧急情况
  50. deploy specialized equipment for research: 配备专业设备进行研究


utilize: make practical and effective use of
employ: make use of
exploit: make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
