


A gunslinger’s embroiled in a war with a local drug runner.





Pick-up Guy: [sitting at the counter inside the Tarasco Bar] This reminds me of a joke. This guy comes into a bar, walks up to the bartender. Says, “Bartender, I got me a bet for you. I’m gonna bet you $300 that I can piss into that glass over there and not spill a single, solitary drop.” The bartender looks. I mean, we’re talking, like, this glass is like a good ten feet away. He says, “Now wait, let me get this strait. You’re tryin’ to tell me you’ll bet me $300 that you can piss, standing over here, way over there into that glass, and not spill a single drop?” Customer looks up and says, “That’s right.” Bartender says, “Young man, you got a bet.” The guy goes, “Okay, here we go. Here we go.” Pulls out his thing. He’s lookin’ at the glass, man. He’s thinkin’ about the glass. He’s thinkin’ about the glass. Glass. He’s thinkin’ about the glass, glass. Thinkin’ about his dick. Dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass, dick, glass. And then, *foosh*, he lets it rip. And he-he’s pisses all over the place, man. He’s pissin’ on the bar. He pissin’ on the stools, on the floor, on the phone, on the bartender! He’s pissing everywhere *except* the fucking glass! Right? Okay. So, bartender, he’s laughing his fuckin’ ass off. He’s $300 richer. He’s like, “Ha, ha, ha, ha!” Piss dripping off his face. “Ha, ha, ha, ha!” He says, “You fucking idiot, man! You got it in everything except the glass! You owe me $300 punta.” Guy goes, “Excuse me just one-one little second.” Goes in the back of the bar. In back, there’s a couple of guys playing pool. He walks over to them. Comes back to the bar. Goes, “Here you go, Mr. Bartender, 300.” And the bartender’s like, “What the fuck are you so happy about? You just lost $300, idiot!” The guy says, “Well, see those guys over there? I just bet them $500 a piece that I could piss on your bar, piss on your floor, piss on your phone, and piss on you, and not only would you not be mad about it, you’d be happy.”




  • 由于影片预算相对较低,全片一直反复使用2名特技演员。
  • 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺一开始不在演员表中,虽然角色是以他为基础的。后来当他表示了对演出的兴趣他立刻就获得了这个角色。
  • 导演在DVD花絮中说,拍安东尼奥·班德拉斯和萨尔玛·海耶克做爱的镜头时,整个摄制组的成员都到场在旁观看。
  • 詹妮弗·洛佩兹曾为女主角试镜。
  • 安东尼奥·班德拉斯在片中的琴都是自己弹的,包括开篇字幕的音乐Cancion Del Mariachi。
  • 导演原来给Malague a Salerosa这首歌写了个摇滚版,后来被用在《杀死比尔2》的结尾字幕中。
  • 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺客串了一个小配角。


  1. 酒保被打死后他的尸体消失了,后来又重新出现。
  2. 枪战中吧台上的酒瓶被打碎了2次。
  3. 酒吧打斗戏之后摄像师模糊的样子被投射在钱柜上。


罗伯特·罗德里格斯以七千美元拍成的电影处女作《杀手悲歌》(El Mariachi)造成了一个不小奇迹,于是好莱坞将他纳入商业电影体制,给予更多资金和更大的明星,让他重拍该故事。


墨西哥导演罗伯特·罗德里格斯以七千美元拍成的电影处女作《杀手悲歌》( El Mariachi)造成了一个不小奇迹,于是好莱坞将他纳入商业电影体制,给予更多资金和更大的明星,让他重拍该故事。

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前一篇文章电话谋杀案 Dial M for Murder
下一篇文章邻家小鬼 Dennis the Menace

2 评论

  1. 我看上去烂但我就是爽啊。全片的重点大概就是昆汀领便半小时左右的那段酒馆枪战了……我觉得渡边信一郎肯定对此着迷的不得了,不仅在Cowboy Bebop首集搞了段酒吧枪战,还把那对亡命鸳鸯的人设搞得超像男女主角。最后的吉它三雄战毒枭……简直印度神棍大片始祖。

  2. 罗德里格兹用十倍的预算重拍的处女作《杀手悲歌》,十分劲爆。一个被黑暗所笼罩的杀手在约翰尼德普煞有介事的口吻中缓缓登场,拔枪,装弹,上膛,人物应声而倒,快剪辑的凌厉与夸张的肢体动作,瞬间俘获观众的心,怎一个帅字了得,而酒吧枪战一场戏,标志性的双枪飞射几乎可以断定罗德里格兹是吴宇森的铁粉,学的有模有样。但后半段加入琴箱飞弹和琴箱机关枪等恶趣味元素,则彻底变成了暴力杀戮秀,让复仇的悲情气质荡然无存,比较可惜。值得一提的是,杀手型角色一旦设计成会弹奏西洋乐器钢琴,吉他,萨克斯,不管他如何残暴,观众都会在心理上给予一定程度的原谅,从而产生:杀戮也可以十分浪漫潇洒的视听错觉。但如果设置成东方乐器如古筝,二胡,笛子等,则会心生寒意,对此人的评价一下子就从:对方值得同情,变成了:此人绝非善类,例如《功夫》。