
[verb] become progressively worse
[动词] 变得越来越糟


Deteriorate 一词源自拉丁语 deterior (更糟糕、更低级、更劣等、更卑贱),17世纪40年代经晚期拉丁语 deteriorare (变得糟糕;使变得糟糕)的过去分词 deterioratus 进入英语后也是用来指“(使)恶化、变坏、退化、衰退”,普通用词,适用于表示任何在质量、价值、功能等上变得越来越糟的过程或状况,比如:

  • 不断恶化的天气状况
    deteriorating weather conditions
  • 这场讨论迅速演变成愤怒的争吵。
    The discussion quickly deteriorated into an angry argument.

除此之外, deteriorate 还被用来引申指“(使)解体、磨损”,也就是使分解为组成元素、组成部分或小颗粒等,比如:

  • 时间和雨雪风霜使纪念碑风化剥蚀。
    Time and elements deteriorated the monument.


She walked east along Van Buren Street through a region of lessening importance, until it deteriorated into a mass of shanties and coal-yards, and finally verged upon the river.
出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。


  • Syria and Swaziland have both seen their scores deteriorate.
  • As conditions deteriorate, lawyers say it’s time for last-resort oversight of Rikers Island.


deteriorate” 这个词的中文解释是 “恶化,变坏”。

以下是包含 “deteriorate” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. deteriorate rapidly – 快速恶化
  2. deteriorate over time – 随时间恶化
  3. Health deteriorates – 健康恶化
  4. Situation deteriorates – 情况恶化
  5. deteriorate gradually – 逐渐恶化
  6. Environment deteriorates – 环境恶化
  7. Economic deterioration – 经济恶化
  8. Quality deteriorates – 质量恶化
  9. Condition deteriorates – 状况恶化
  10. deteriorate into chaos – 恶化为混乱
  11. Relationship deteriorates – 关系恶化
  12. Mental health deterioration – 心理健康恶化
  13. deteriorate beyond repair – 无法修复的恶化
  14. deteriorate into violence – 恶化为暴力
  15. Political deterioration – 政治恶化
  16. Infrastructure deterioration – 基础设施恶化
  17. deteriorate into anarchy – 恶化为无政府状态
  18. Social deterioration – 社会恶化
  19. Situation rapidly deteriorates – 情况迅速恶化
  20. deteriorate into disarray – 恶化为混乱
  21. Health condition deteriorates – 健康状况恶化
  22. deteriorate into poverty – 恶化为贫困
  23. Economic situation deteriorates – 经济形势恶化
  24. deteriorate beyond control – 超出控制的恶化
  25. deteriorate into conflict – 恶化为冲突
  26. Environment rapidly deteriorates – 环境迅速恶化
  27. Physical health deterioration – 身体健康恶化
  28. deteriorate into decline – 恶化为衰退
  29. deteriorate into chaos and disorder – 恶化为混乱和无序
  30. Emotional well-being deterioration – 情感福祉恶化
  31. deteriorate into unrest – 恶化为动荡
  32. Condition steadily deteriorates – 状况逐渐恶化
  33. deteriorate into crisis – 恶化为危机
  34. Financial deterioration – 财务恶化
  35. deteriorate into failure – 恶化为失败
  36. deteriorate into an undesirable state – 恶化为不良状态
  37. Physical condition deterioration – 身体状况恶化
  38. deteriorate into chaos and confusion – 恶化为混乱和困惑
  39. deteriorate into lawlessness – 恶化为无法无天
  40. deteriorate into unrest and turmoil – 恶化为动荡和混乱
  41. deteriorate into a state of emergency – 恶化为紧急状态
  42. deteriorate into poverty and destitution – 恶化为贫困和赤贫
  43. deteriorate into despair – 恶化为绝望
  44. deteriorate into darkness – 恶化为黑暗
  45. deteriorate into decay – 恶化为腐朽
  46. deteriorate into crisis mode – 恶化为危机模式
  47. deteriorate into chaos and anarchy – 恶化为混乱和无政府状态
  48. deteriorate into disrepair – 恶化为破旧
  49. deteriorate into turmoil – 恶化为骚乱
  50. deteriorate into instability – 恶化为不稳定


worsen: make or become worse
decline: diminish in strength or quality; deteriorate
degenerate: decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
