Let me get you another drink.
马克 在东尼来之前 我得说明一件事
Mark, before Tony comes, I ought to explain something.
好呀 我正等着要听呢
Yes, I’ve been waiting for that.
I haven’t told him anything about us.
这不难想象 的确不好开口
That’s not surprising. It’s a tough thing to do.
你今天早上打电♥话♥的时候 我只简单的说你写犯罪小说
When you telephoned this morning, I simply said you wrote crime stories.
And I’d met you once when you were here before.
听来很有罪恶感 我从来没有在我的故事里用过
That has a pretty guilty ring to it. I’d never use it in one of my stories.
马克 我知道你会认为我很呆
Mark, I know you think it’s silly.
但等你了解东尼你就会明白 我为什么这么说呢
When you get to know Tony, you’ll understand why I said that.
亲爱的 我现在就明白但我还是爱你的
Darling, I understand now. That doesn’t stop me from loving you.
It’s not as simple as that.
-东尼变了 -谢谢
-Tony’s changed. -Thanks.
He’s a completely different person to the one I used to tell you about.
真的吗 是什么时候开始变的?
Really? When did all this happen?
That night I came to say goodbye.
当我离开了 你的住所回到这里来
When I left your apartment, I came back here.
I sat down on the sofa and had a good cry.
And then I fell asleep.
When I woke up…
东尼就拿着他所有的球拍袋子 站在那儿
There was Tony standing in the hall with his bags and tennis rackets.
他只说了他决定放弃打网球 并且安定下来找一个工作
He just said he decided to give up tennis and settle down to a job.
-就像这样? -就像这样…
-Just like that? -Just like that.
当然我起初并不相信他 但是他是认真的 没错
Of course, I didn’t believe him at first, but he meant it, all right.
从那时起 他就表现得非常好了
But he’s been wonderful ever since.
我想那就是 你停止给我写信时了
I suppose that’s when you stopped writing me.
玛歌♥ 对不对?
Margot, is it?
Do you remember the letters you wrote to me?
记得 我记得
Yes, I remember.
我看完了信之后 我就把信烧掉 我想那是最好的
After I read them, I burned them. I thought it best.
所有的信 除了其中一封
All except one.
You probably know the one I mean.
没错 我想我是知道的
Yes, I think I do.
What about it?
It was stolen.
有一天东尼和我要到乡间去 和朋友们共渡周末
Tony and I were going to spend the weekend in the country with friends.
当我们在月台上等时 我注意到我的手提袋不见了
While waiting on the platform, I noticed my handbag was missing.
And the letter was inside.
-是在哪里? -在维多利亚车站
-Where was this? -Victoria Station.
本来我以为丢在餐厅了 可是回去也没找到
I thought I’d left it in the restaurant, but when I went back, it had gone.
你是说 你再也没找到那手提袋?
You mean you never found it?
I recovered the handbag about two weeks later…
from the lost and found,
but the letter wasn’t there.
大约一星期之后 我收到了个通知
Then about a week afterwards, I received a note.
通知上告诉我 怎样才能得回那封信
It told me what I had to do to get the letter back.
好 继续 说下去
Yes. Go ahead. Go on.
我得从我的银行里 提领五十磅 全是五磅钞票
I was to draw £50 from my bank in £5 notes…
然后再把它们 全换成一磅的旧钞
and then change them for used £1 notes.
通知上 是我去报♥警♥ 或是告诉任何一个人
It said that if I went to the police or told anyone else…
He would show the letter to my husband.
You still have the note?
印刷体 全都是大写字母
Printed, all capitals.
-任何人都会做这种事 -两天之后
-Anyone could’ve done this. -Two days later…
-我又收到了这一封 -两封都是在布瑞克斯顿寄出的
-I got this one. -Both mailed in Brixton.
“Throw half the money in a package and mail to John S. King.
23 Newport Street, Brixton SW9.
You’ll get your letter by return.”
那是人们用来 收信的小店的地址
It’s a little shop. People use it as a forwarding address.
你没有寄那些钱吧 寄了
You didn’t mail the money.
玛歌♥ 但是那信从未寄还给我
Yes, but the letter was never returned.
所以等了两个星期 我便去了那里
So after waiting about two weeks, I went there.
Said they had never heard of a man by that name.
The parcel was still there. It had never been opened.
一定有文章 这两封信给我好吗
That’s something, I suppose. May I keep these?
如果你要 可以呀
Yes, if you like.
我不明白 你为何不告诉我呢?
I can’t understand why you didn’t tell me.
There wasn’t anything you could do.
You probably would have made me tell Tony and the police.
才50英磅 我想破财消灾了事
It was only £50, I thought I’d pay and have done with it.
I’m gonna tell Tony about us tonight.
不行 马克 你绝对不能说
No, Mark, please, you mustn’t.
你不明白 东尼改变了
You don’t understand. Tony’s changed.
我希望是一年前 你来道别的时候
I wish it was a year ago, when you came to say goodbye.
我们站在厨房♥里 我几乎要说 我不能再这样下去了
We were in the kitchen. I said, “I can’t go through with this.
Let’s find Tony and tell him all about it.”
I believe you’d have done it then.
我看得出来 这将是个难挨的夜晚
Well, I can see this is gonna be a rough evening.
咱们所有的人 彼此说些好听的话
All of us saying nice things to each other.
听我说 你只有一件事没说明白
Look, there’s only one thing you haven’t explained.
你为什么 没有把那封信也给烧了
Why didn’t you burn that letter too?
你总算回来了 怎样? 我们以为你根本不回来了
There you are. We thought you were never coming.
-你在忙什么呢 -抱歉 亲爱的 我正要走
-What have you been up to? -I’m sorry. The boss blew in…
-老板进来了 -东尼 见过马克?哈利戴
-just as I was leaving. -Tony, this is Mark Halliday.
-你好 马克 -你好 东尼
-Mark. -Tony.
I’m terribly sorry to be so late.
-马克 你来这还自在吧? -好 很好
-How do you like it over here, Mark? -Well, fine. Just fine, Tony.
Is this your first visit to London?
不是 我一年前来这渡过假
No, no. I was here a year ago for vacation.
对了 玛歌♥告诉过我了 你…
Oh, yes, that’s right. Margot told me.
You write for the radio, don’t you?
不是 是电视台 写我犯的罪
No, television, for my sins.
-亲爱的 你预订了桌子了没? -订了 七点钟
-Darling, did you reserve a table? -Yes, 7:00.
-那快走吧 -亲爱的 计划有些改变
-Come on, then… -Darling, a slight alteration in plans.
-现在可别说你不能去了 -我怕是如此
-Now, don’t say you can’t go. -I’m afraid so.
Old man Burgess is flying to Brussels on Sunday.
And I have to get my monthly report in by tomorrow.
Can’t you do it when we get back?
我怕不成 要花很久才成
I’m afraid not. It’ll take hours.
有一半我还得造假 那…
I shall have to fake half of it as it is.
散场后你能来跟我们会合吗? 我们可以去别的地方
Could you join us after the theater? We might go somewhere.
Give me a ring in intermission.
-也许我能赶来 你会赶来吗? -会的
-lf I’m inspired, I might make it. -Well, do try.
马克 我去拿皮包
I’ll just get my things, Mark.
-这是戏票 -东尼 谢谢
-Here are the tickets. -Thanks, Tony.
I’m afraid this is terribly rude of me.
一点也不 你不能来我只是难过
Not at all. I’m just sorry you can’t come.
-找个晚上你一定得来吃晚餐 -谢谢 我很乐意
-You must come to dinner. -I’d like that.
还有 你明天晚上要干嘛呢?
What are you doing tomorrow night?
星期六? 我想是不干什么吧
Saturday? Nothing I know of.
Would you like to join a stag party?
-纯男性? -没错
-A stag party? -Yes.
Some Americans have been playing tennis all over the continent.
We’re giving them a farewell dinner.
-我懂了 但我不算是网球手呀 -那无所谓
-I’m not much of a tennis player. -Doesn’t matter.
You know New York and all that.
-亲爱的 马克明晚要参加派对 -那好
-Mark’s coming to the party tomorrow night. -Good.
You better drop in here first and have a drink.
-这主意好 -对 好吧
-That’s the idea. -Yes. All right.
-我去找计程车 -不用 随时都有
-I’ll try and get a taxi. -No, we can usually pick one up.
再见 亲爱的
So long, darling.
Enjoy yourself.
-东尼 再见 -再见
-So long, Tony. -Good night.
-马克 -怎样?
-Oh, Mark. -Yes?
Sell the extra ticket and have a drink on the proceeds.
-好的 东尼 这主意好 -玩得愉快呀
-All right. We’ll try. -Have a good time.
谢谢 晚安
Thanks. Good night.
-哈啰 -汉普顿7899号♥吗?
-Hello. -Hello. Hampstead 78-double-9?
-是的 -李斯盖特上尉在吗?
-Yes. -Could I speak to Captain Lesgate?
