As you go out, return the key to the place where you found it.
-放在楼梯地毯上 -对了
-Under the stair carpet? -Yes.
那 到底真正发生了什么事呢?
Yes, but what exactly is supposed to have happened?
Well, they’ll assume you came in by the window.
You thought the apartment was empty,
so you took the suitcase and went to work.
She heard something.
She switched on her light.
你瞧见了门下的灯火 就躲到窗帘后面去了
You saw the light under the door and hid behind the curtains.
当她进到这屋里时 你就在她能叫喊前攻击她了
When she came in here, you attacked her before she could scream.
当你了解了 你实际上是把她杀了
When you realized you’d actually killed her…
你慌张了 冲出院子留下了东西
you panicked, bolted through the garden and left the loot behind.
Just a minute.
I’m supposed to have come in through these windows.
-假设窗户是锁上的呢? -那是没有关系的
-Suppose they’d been locked. -It wouldn’t matter.
She often walks around the garden before she goes to bed.
而她回来时 经常忘了把窗户锁上
And she usually forgets to lock up when she gets back.
That’s what I shall tell the police.
没错 但是她可能会说…
Yes, but she may say…
但是她什么也不会说了 对不对?
But she isn’t going to say anything. Is she?
All right.
I leave the apartment.
我把钥匙放回楼梯地毯下面 然后从大门出去
I put the key back under the stair carpet and go out by the street door.
Suppose the street door’s locked.
-我怎么进来呢 -大门是从来都不锁的
-How do I get in in the first place? -The street door is never locked.
-那你什么时候会回来呢? -大约十二点
-What time will you get back? -About 12.
我会带哈利戴来 所以我们会一起发现她
I’ll bring Halliday back for a nightcap. We’ll find her together…
and we shall have been together since we left her.
And there’s my alibi.
-你忘了一件事 -什么事?
-You’ve forgotten something. -What?
当你跟他姓什么的回来时 哈利戴
When you get back with what’s-his-name, Halliday…
-你怎么进屋子来呢? -我自己开门进来呀
-how will you get in the apartment? -I shall let myself in.
可是 你的钥匙会在楼梯地毯下呀
But your key will be under the stair carpet.
他会看见你拿 事情就砸了
He’ll see you get it. It’ll give the show away.
不会的 地毯下的不是我的钥匙
No. It won’t be my key under the carpet.
It will be hers.
I shall take it from her handbag and hide it out there…
just before I leave the flat.
她又不出去 所以不会发现的
She’s not going out, so she won’t miss it.
当我和哈利戴回来时 我会用我自己的钥匙开门进来的
When I come back with Halliday, I’ll use my own key to let us in.
Then, while he’s out searching the garden or something…
我就会从地毯下拿出钥匙来 并在警♥察♥来到之前
l’ll take the key from under the carpet and return it to her bag…
-把钥匙放回她的皮包里去 -这扇门有几把钥匙?
-before the police arrive. -How many keys are there to this door?
Just hers and mine.
-梅维区499号♥ -东尼 是我
-Mavel Z4-double-9. -Tony, it’s me.
哈啰 亲爱的 节目怎么样
Hello, darling. How’s it going?
棒极了 非常动人
Wonderfully. It’s really a dreadful play.
We’re enjoying every minute.
我很难过 我是说我很高兴
I’m sorry. I mean, I’m glad.
-你会来跟我们会合吧? -我想不成
-You will join us, won’t you? -I don’t think so.
I hardly seem to have started.
亲爱的 等一下 我想门口有人
Darling, just a moment. I think there’s someone at the door.
You can be seen from the bedroom window.
抱歉 亲爱的 叫错门了
Sorry, darling. False alarm.
Look, why don’t you take Mark to Gerry’s.
-我们怎么进去? -只要说我的姓名就行了
-How do we get in? -Well, just mention my name.
我不知道乐队怎样 但是菜肴很好
I don’t know about the band, but the food’s good.
还有 你走之后摩韵打电♥话♥来
By the way, Maureen called after you left…
and wants us for dinner on Wednesday.
You’ve got something in your diary for Wednesday,
and I can’t read it.
Looks like “Al Bentall.”
他是谁? 你的另一个男朋友?
Who’s he, another one of your boyfriends?
阿伯特大厅 你这白♥痴♥
Albert Hall, you idiot.
阿伯特大厅 当然
The Albert Hall, of course.
I’m so glad we don’t have to go to Maureen’s.
-真是个差劲的厨房♥ -我得走了
-She’s such a filthy cook. -Well, there’s the bell. I must fly.
好的 亲爱的 好好玩吧
All right, dear. Enjoy yourself.
东尼 马丁尼里别加太多水
Tony, don’t make that martini too watery.
Now, where’s the picture of the maharajah?
亲爱的 你什么时候才能把这些剪报帖好啊?
When are you going to finish pasting in those clippings?
I shall find time one of these days.
在这里了 这就是印度王子
Here it is. This is the maharajah.
-他很迷人吧 -他有四辆劳斯莱斯和足够的珠宝
-Isn’t he dreamy? -He had four Rolls-Royces and jewels…
to sink a battleship, but all he wanted was to play at Wimbledon.
那可怜虫 近视得球拍头
The poor darling was so shortsighted, he could barely see the end of the racket…
-都看不见 -你知道 你该…
-let alone the ball. -You should…
东尼 谢谢
Thanks, Tony.
You should write a book about all this.
Why don’t you two collaborate, a detective novel with a tennis background.
怎样? 马克 你能提供我
What about it, Mark? You provide me…
-一个完美的谋杀案吗 -没有比这件事我更爱的了
-with the perfect murder. -Nothing I’d like better.
How do you go about writing a detective story?
你得忘记侦探而集中在犯罪上 犯罪才是重点
You forget detection and concentrate on crime. Crime’s the thing.
You imagine you’re gonna steal something or murder somebody.
是这样的吗 真有意思
Is that how you do it? Interesting.
对 我总是把自己想成是罪犯 然后我不停的自问
I usually put myself in the criminal’s shoes and I keep asking myself:
“What do I do next?”
你真的相信 有完美的谋杀案吗?
Do you really believe in the perfect murder?
相信 完全相信我是说纸上谈兵
Yes, absolutely. On paper, that is.
而我想 我可以比多数人计划得好
I think I could plan one better than most people…
不过我怀疑 我能把计划付诸实施
but I doubt I could carry it out.
Oh? Why not?
In stories, things turn out the way the author wants.
而在真实生活中可就不是了 总是如此
And in real life, they don’t always.
No. I’m afraid my murders would be like my bridge:
I’d make a mistake and never realize it…
-而从不知道大家都在看我出丑 -马克 干杯吧
-till I find everybody looking at me. -Drink up, Mark.
-好的 -你明天要做什么
-Yes. -What are you doing tomorrow?
-不知什么 -我们何不开车
-Nothing. -Why don’t we drive…
-去温莎吃午餐呢? -好主意
-to Windsor for lunch. -That’s a good idea.
早点来 但别太早
Come along early, but not too early.
-我们可以能会宿醉 -十一点行吧
-We may be nursing a hangover. -How about 11?
-行 -我们可以在国王头上吃午餐
-Fine. -We can have lunch at the Kings Head.
-这样做在温莎对吗? -不是 只是在外面
-Is that right in Windsor? -No, it’s just outside.
亲爱的 你有借我的钥匙吗? 我到处都找不到
Did I lend you my latchkey? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
我不知道 也许两支都在我皮包里
I don’t know. I may have them both in my handbag.
I’ll just look.
没有 我这里只有一支
No. I’ve only got one here.
Are you sure yours isn’t in your overcoat?
没有 我找过了 你的借我好吗
No, I’ve looked. May I borrow yours?
-那可不太方便 -为什么呢?
-Well, that’s a bit awkward. -Why?
I may want to go out.
Yes, I thought I might go to a movie.
你何不听无线电 周六夜转播呢?
What about the radio? Saturday Night Theatre?
不要 是恐怖剧 我一个人时不爱听恐怖剧
Oh, no. It’s a thriller. I don’t like thrillers when I’m alone.
-我知道了 -反正我会先到家
-I see. -In any case, I’ll be back…
before you, so I can let you in.
可是我们要过了午夜后才回来 那时你可能已经睡着了
But we won’t be back until after midnight. You may be asleep by then.
你反正可以 把钥匙放在鞋垫下面
You can always put your key under the proverbial mat.
没事了 钥匙在我手套里
It’s all right. Here it is. It was in my glove all the time.
那好 这就解决问题了
Well, that settles that.
What movie are you going to?
The classic, I expect.
-你进得了场吗? 星期六晚上? -我总可以试试
-Will you get in? Saturday night? -I can always try.
-可是 亲爱的 -别让我待在家里
-But, darling… -Now, don’t make me stay home.
You know I hate doing nothing.
无所事事? 你有上百件事可做
Doing nothing? There are hundreds of things to do.
你给佩姬写信 谢她的周末招待吗
Write Peggy, thanking her for the weekend.
