I don’t know.
Have you any idea who might have done it?
等你们到了我会说明的 要多久呢
I’ll explain when you come. How long will it take?
-大约两分钟 -两分钟
-About two minutes. -Two minutes.
还有 什么也别碰
And don’t touch anything, will you, sir?
好 我们什么也不会碰的 再见
No, we won’t touch anything. Goodbye.
-我去穿衣服 -为什么呢?
-I’ll get dressed. -Why?
-他们会要看我的 -他们不会要看你的
-They’ll want to see me. -They’re not going to see you.
But they’ll ask me questions.
等明天 我会告诉他们要的一切
We’ll wait until tomorrow. I’ll tell them all they need to know.
-东尼 -怎样?
-Tony? -Yes?
-你为什么要我打电♥话♥呢? -什么?
-Why did you phone me? -What?
抱歉 亲爱的 这事我稍晚再告诉你
I’m sorry, darling, I’ll tell you about that later.
I just thought of something.
You said he used a stocking?
I think it was a stocking or a scarf.
-没有在那边吗 -没有 我想他们会找到的
-Isn’t it there? -No, but I expect they’ll find it.
现在 你上♥床♥去吧
Now you go on to bed.
各位 茶泡好了
Tea, gentlemen?
警佐 看另一只丝♥袜♥
Sergeant. Look. It’s the other stocking.
好啦 让开吧 大家走啊
All right. Break it up. Let’s get moving on.
几乎空了 提醒我去多买♥♥些来
Almost empty. Remind me to get some more.
当我们需要时 总是用光了
It always runs out just when we need it.
听我说 在我忘记之前 警佐要知道你
Look, before I forget, the sergeant wanted to know…
why you didn’t phone the police immediately.
-我怎能报♥警♥呢? 你在电♥话♥上啊 -我知道 但
-How could I? You were… -I know, but…
You distinctly told me not to speak to anyone…
-别跟任何人说话 -亲爱的 我知道
-until you got here. -I know…
but I told him a slightly different story.
-为什么呢? -我说你没有打电♥话♥给警♥察♥
-Why? -Well, I said you didn’t phone the police…
because you naturally assumed that I would do it from the hotel.
Why did you say that?
因为 这是合理的解释而他接受了
Because it was the perfectly logical explanation, and he accepted it.
现在 如果他们认为我们延迟报案
Now, if they get the idea that we delayed reporting it…
他们可能会追问 而问好多问题
they might get nosy and ask all sorts of questions.
-所以你要我跟你说的一样? -亲爱的 我想是的
-You want me to say the same thing? -I think so…
in case it comes up again.
一定是马克 你去给他开门吧
That will be Mark. Would you let him in?
-早安 夫人 -早安
-Good morning, madam. -Good morning.
-温地斯太太 -是的
-Mrs. Wendice? -Yes.
我是警官 我可以进去吗?
I’m a police officer. May I come in?
Of course.
失陪 我去告诉我先生你来了
Excuse me. I’ll just tell my husband you’re here.
Thank you.
-早安 -先生 早安
-Good morning. -Good morning, sir.
I’m Chief Inspector Hubbard,
in charge of Criminal Investigation of this division.
我想 我们给了你的警佐整个案情
I think we gave your sergeant all the information.
没错 我当然看了他的报告了
Yes. I’ve seen his report, of course…
不过还是有几件事 我想亲自问清楚些
but there are a few things I’d like to get firsthand.
温地斯太太 我知道警佐只看了你一下 对吧?
I gather the sergeant only saw you for a few moments, Mrs. Wendice?
-是的 我… -我太太是在
-Yes, I… -My wife was suffering…
from considerable shock.
是啊 这是你有过的很糟的经历
Yes, that was a very nasty experience you had.
Mind if I take a look around?
请便 卧室和浴室往这边走
Go ahead. The bedroom and bathroom are through here.
He certainly didn’t get in by the bathroom.
And the kitchen has bars on the window.
We assume he must have come in through these windows here.
I understand you weren’t here when this happened.
没错 我在伦顿饭店参加晚宴
No, I was at a dinner party at the Grendon Hotel…
由于巧合 事实上在我太太受攻击时 正打电♥话♥给她
and by coincidence, I was phoning my wife when she was attacked.
So I gather.
Can you tell me exactly what time it was?
不 我怕我没办法 我确实记得我的表停了
No, I’m afraid I can’t. I do remember my watch had stopped.
温地斯太太 你有注意到吗?
Did you notice, Mrs. Wendice?
-没有 我没注意 -探长 请坐
-No, I didn’t. -Won’t you sit down, inspector.
Why, thank you.
Have you any idea who he was?
知道 至少我们找到了他的住处
Yes. At least, we’ve discovered where he lived.
There still seems to be some confusion as to his real name.
He appeared to have several.
Had you ever seen him before?
没有 当然没有见过
Why, no, of course not.
-对 这就是他 -没错
-Is this him? -Yes.
You don’t recognize him?
不认识 我从未看过他
No, I never saw him.
But didn’t you even catch a glimpse of his face?
没有 他是从我背后攻击我的
No. You see, he attacked me from behind, and it was dark.
又很暗 我根本没看到他
I hardly saw him at all.
是的 在我给你看这些照片之前
Yes, but before I showed you these photographs…
you said you’d never seen him before.
如果昨晚从未看他的脸 你怎会知道是他呢
How could you know that if you never saw his face last night?
我不太懂你的意思 探长
I don’t quite understand.
我太太只是要说 就她所知
Inspector, my wife simply means that as far as she knew…
she never saw him before.
-这是你要说的吗 -是的
-Was that what you meant? -Yes.
那你呢 先生 你以前见过他吗
Now, how about you, sir? Had you ever seen him before?
-没有 至少… -怎样?
-No, at least… -Yes?
He’s very like someone I was at college with,
but the mustache makes a difference.
What was his name?
我不知道 那是廿年前的事了
I don’t know. It must be 20 years since I left it.
-是姓李斯盖特的 -不是
-Was it Lesgate? -No.
-威尔逊 -不是
-Wilson? -No.
-史望 -不…
-Swan? -N…
等一下 史望 对了 就是他
Wait a minute. Swan. Yes, that’s it.
这是我们大学同学会照的旧照片 我们上同一所大学
Here’s an old photo taken at a reunion. We were at the same college.
他就在那 真是不可思议
There he is there. Why, it’s unbelievable.
-你跟他熟吗 -不熟 他是我的学长
-Did you know him well? -No. He was senior to me.
-后来你见过他吗 -没有 至少…
-Have you met him since then? -No, at least…
对了 我最近看到过他
Come to think of it, I did see him quite recently.
-但是没有说话 -是什么时候
-But not to speak to. -When was that?
大约六个月前 在维多利亚火车站
Six months ago, at a railway station.
Victoria, I think. I remember noticing how little he’d changed.
先生 他那时留了胡子了吗
Had he a mustache then, sir?
温地斯太太 你可以告诉我昨夜事情发生的经过吗?
Mrs. Wendice, would you show me exactly what happened last night?
-东尼 我非得这样吗? -亲爱的 我怕是的
-Tony, do I have to? -I’m afraid so, darling.
电♥话♥铃响时 我人在床上
I was in bed when the phone rang.
然后我就起来 到这来
And I got up, and I came in here.
-你有开这个灯吗 -没有
-Did you switch this light on? -No.
Just show me exactly where you were standing.
我站在这 然后我拿起了话筒
I stood here, and I picked up the phone.
等一下 你确定 你是像这样
Just one moment. Are you sure you had your back…
-背对窗户吗? -确定
-to the window like that? -Yes.
-但是为什么呢? -为什么不呢?
-But why? -Why not?
I mean, why go around the desk?
I should have picked it up from this side.
But I always answer the phone from here.
但是 为什么呢 总之
But why?
要是我得写下什么来的话 我可以用左手拿着话筒
In case I have to write anything down, I can hold the phone in my left hand.
我懂了 抱歉 继续吧
I see, yes. I’m sorry. Go on.
When I picked up the phone…
他一定是从那些窗簾后面来 并且攻击我
he must have come from behind those curtains and attacked me.
-他在我颈部围了件东西 -东西?
-He got something around my neck. -Something?
What do you mean?
I think it was a stocking.
