

[noun] a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones
[名词] 一种必须在两个或多个(尤其是同样不受欢迎的)选择之间作出艰难选择的情况


Dilemma 一词源自古希腊语中的修辞和逻辑术语 dilemma (双重命题),16世纪20年代经晚期拉丁语 dilemma 进入英语后也是用来表示逻辑学上的“二难推理、两刀论法、假言选言推理”。

从这个概念出发, dilemma 到了16世纪80年代后开始用来泛指进退两难的“窘境、困境”,也就是一种必须在两个或多个同样令人不快或不满意的选择之间作出艰难选择的情况,强调不得不作出一个自己不想要的选择,比如:

  • 她津津有味地慢慢品尝着蛋糕,没有察觉到要么违抗父亲要么失去心上人的两难境地。
    She ate her cake slowly and with relish, oblivious of the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.

博弈论中著名的囚徒困境(Prisoner’s Dilemma)就是一个典型的例子。说的是两个共谋犯罪的人被关入监狱,且不能互相沟通。如果两个人都不揭发对方,则由于证据不确定,每个人都坐牢一年;若一人揭发,而另一人沉默,则揭发者因为坦白从宽而立即获释,沉默者因抗拒从严而入狱十年;若互相揭发,则因证据确凿,二者都判刑八年。不过由于囚徒无法信任对方,因此往往倾向于互相揭发,而不是同守沉默。


A perception of the dilemma in which his love had placed him came back in full force.

出自英国小说家托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)的长篇小说《还乡》(The Return of the Native)。


  • But America’s policy dilemma is more acute. The divergence in monetary policy between it and the rest of the world will put upward pressure on the dollar, hurting exports and earnings.
  • A panel finds that corporate and public policies in the U.S. do not ease the work-family dilemma.


  1. Face a dilemma: 面临困境
  2. Resolve a dilemma: 解决困境
  3. In a dilemma: 处于困境中
  4. Caught in a dilemma: 陷入困境
  5. Suffer a dilemma: 遭遇困境
  6. Navigate a dilemma: 应对困境
  7. Escape a dilemma: 逃避困境
  8. Examine a dilemma: 检视困境
  9. Weigh a dilemma: 权衡困境
  10. Pose a dilemma: 提出困境
  11. Confront a dilemma: 面对困境
  12. Overcome a dilemma: 克服困境
  13. Rescue from a dilemma: 解救于困境
  14. Navigate through a dilemma: 渡过困境
  15. Grapple with a dilemma: 与困境抗争
  16. Find oneself in a dilemma: 发现自己陷入困境
  17. Be torn by a dilemma: 在困境中挣扎
  18. Present a dilemma: 提出一个困境
  19. Consider a dilemma: 考虑困境
  20. Discuss a dilemma: 讨论困境
  21. Reflect on a dilemma: 反思困境
  22. Evaluate a dilemma: 评估困境
  23. Navigate ethical dilemmas: 应对道德困境
  24. Face a moral dilemma: 面临道德困境
  25. Deal with a personal dilemma: 处理个人困境
  26. Tackle a professional dilemma: 应对职业困境
  27. Navigate social dilemmas: 应对社会困境
  28. Explore a moral dilemma: 探讨道德困境
  29. Experience a moral dilemma: 经历道德困境
  30. Resolve an ethical dilemma: 解决伦理困境


quandary: a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation
plight: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation
predicament: a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
