
vt. 使仓皇失措;使困惑;破坏




disconcert 使不安
dis-, 不,非,使相反。concert, 一致,齐心。


Disconcert 是一个动词,意为使困惑、使不安、使尴尬或使混乱。


  1. Disconcerted expression – 困惑的表情
  2. Completely disconcerted – 完全困惑
  3. Disconcerted by the news – 因消息而感到困惑
  4. Disconcerted by the sudden change – 因突然的变化感到困惑
  5. Disconcerted by the unexpected outcome – 因意外结果感到困惑
  6. Disconcerted by the strange behavior – 因奇怪的行为感到困惑
  7. Disconcerted by the unfamiliar surroundings – 因陌生的环境感到困惑
  8. Disconcerted by the awkward situation – 因尴尬的局面感到困惑
  9. Disconcerted by the conflicting information – 因矛盾的信息感到困惑
  10. Disconcerted by the unexpected turn of events – 因事件的意外转折感到困惑
  11. Disconcerted by the strange behavior of others – 因他人奇怪的行为感到困惑
  12. Disconcerted by the sudden interruption – 因突然的中断感到困惑
  13. Disconcerted by the unusual circumstances – 因不寻常的情况感到困惑
  14. Disconcerted by the awkward silence – 因尴尬的沉默感到困惑
  15. Disconcerted by the unexpected result – 因意外结果感到困惑
  16. Disconcerted by the unfamiliar environment – 因陌生的环境感到困惑
  17. Disconcerted by the confusing instructions – 因混乱的指示感到困惑
  18. Disconcerted by the strange noise – 因奇怪的噪音感到困惑
  19. Disconcerted by the unexpected twist – 因意外转折感到困惑
  20. Disconcerted by the bizarre situation – 因古怪的局面感到困惑
  21. Disconcerted by the sudden change in plans – 因计划的突然变化感到困惑
  22. Disconcerted by the unusual behavior – 因不寻常的行为感到困惑
  23. Disconcerted by the unfamiliar surroundings – 因陌生的环境感到困惑
  24. Disconcerted by the awkward situation – 因尴尬的局面感到困惑
  25. Disconcerted by the conflicting emotions – 因矛盾的情感感到困惑
  26. Disconcerted by the sudden noise – 因突然的噪音感到困惑
  27. Disconcerted by the unexpected interruption – 因意外中断感到困惑
  28. Disconcerted by the unusual circumstances – 因不寻常的情况感到困惑
  29. Disconcerted by the awkward silence – 因尴尬的沉默感到困惑
  30. Disconcerted by the strange atmosphere – 因奇怪的氛围感到困惑
  31. Disconcerted by the unexpected development – 因意外发展感到困惑
  32. Disconcerted by the bizarre behavior – 因古怪的行为感到困惑
  33. Disconcerted by the sudden realization – 因突然的认识感到困惑
  34. Disconcerted by the confusing instructions – 因混乱的指示感到困惑
  35. Completely disconcerted by the situation – 完全因情况而感到困惑
  36. Disconcerted by the unexpected revelation – 因意外的揭示感到困惑
  37. Disconcerted by the unfamiliar terrain – 因陌生的地形感到困惑
  38. Disconcerted by the awkward encounter – 因尴尬的邂逅感到困惑
  39. Disconcerted by the sudden change of plans – 因计划的突然变化感到困惑
  40. Disconcerted by the unusual occurrence – 因不寻常的事件感到困惑
  41. Disconcerted by the unexpected twist in the story – 因故事的意外转折感到困惑
  42. Disconcerted by the bizarre situation unfolding – 因逐渐展开的古怪局面感到困惑
  43. Disconcerted by the sudden noise in the background – 因背景中的突然噪音感到困惑
  44. Disconcerted by the unexpected interruption of the event – 因事件的意外中断感到困惑
  45. Completely disconcerted by the unusual circumstances – 完全因不寻常的情况而感到困惑
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
