

[noun] a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts
[名词] 两个或多个事实之间缺乏兼容性或相似性


Discrepancy 一词源自拉丁语 discrepantia (不一致、差异),于15世纪中期进入英语后也是用来表示“差异、不符、不一致、出入”,主要指两个或多个应该相同的事实或事物之间缺乏兼容性或相似性,常用搭配 discrepancy in sth 或 discrepancy between A and B ,比如:

  • 这两份账单之间有些出入。
    There is some discrepancy between the two bills.

从这个概念出发, discrepancy 也可以进一步用来表示“不相符之处、不一致之处”,比如:

  • 上个月这一纠纷在该医疗巨兽被告上法庭时达到了高潮。但由于证人们提供的证词出现多处矛盾,官司败诉了。
    The dispute culminated last month in a lawsuit against the medical behemoth. But the lawsuit was lost because of discrepancies in the statements of the witnesses.


Langdon motioned to the glaring discrepancy. “Da Vinci painted the horizon line on the left significantly lower than the right.”

出自美国著名作家丹·布朗的悬疑惊悚小说《达芬奇密码》(The Da Vinci Code)。


  • How to explain the discrepancy? One possible answer is that bad loans are a lagging indicator.
  • In late 2008, according to one internal email, a C.I.A. official giving a briefing expressed concern about the discrepancy and was told by Mr. Hayden, then the agency’s director, “to keep the number at 98” and not to count any additional detainees.


Discrepancy is a noun that refers to a difference or inconsistency between two or more things. It implies a lack of agreement or discrepancy between facts, figures, opinions, or expectations. Here are some phrases and examples that illustrate the usage of “discrepancy”:

  1. Discrepancy between accounts – 不符合的账目
  2. Detect a discrepancy – 察觉到差异
  3. Wide discrepancy – 大的差异
  4. Discrepancy in numbers – 数字的不一致
  5. Addressing the discrepancy – 处理差异
  6. Discrepancy in information – 信息上的差异
  7. Discrepancy in data – 数据的不一致
  8. Close the discrepancy – 解决差异
  9. Discrepancy between statements – 陈述之间的差异
  10. Investigate the discrepancy – 调查差异
  11. Discrepancy in records – 记录上的差异
  12. Discrepancy in findings – 结果的不一致
  13. Identify a discrepancy – 辨认出差异
  14. Bridge the discrepancy – 弥合差异
  15. Discrepancy in measurement – 测量上的差异
  16. Discrepancy in documents – 文档上的不一致
  17. Discrepancy between expectations and reality – 期望与现实之间的差异
  18. Discrepancy in statements made by witnesses – 目击证人陈述之间的不一致
  19. Discrepancy in salary calculations – 薪资计算上的差异
  20. Resolve a discrepancy – 解决差异


disparity: a great difference
variance: the fact or quality of being different, divergent, or inconsistent
deviation: the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
