doctrine 英 [ˈdɒktrɪn] 美 [ˈdɑːktrɪn]


Love each other; he declared this to be complete, desired nothing further, and that was the whole of his doctrine.

出自法国作家维克多·雨果的长篇小说《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables,原意为“悲惨的人们”“可怜的人们”)。



[noun] a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group
[名词] 由教会、政党或其他团体持有和教导的一种或一组信仰


Doctrine 是一个与熟词 doctor 同源的单词,其中后者直接源自中古拉丁语 doctor (宗教老师、顾问、学者,在古典拉丁语中指“老师”),而 doctrine 则是源自拉丁语 doctor 的衍生词 doctrina (教学、学习)。

具体来说, doctrine 由词根 doctr (教、观点)+ 抽象名词后缀 -ine 构成,其基本概念为“大师或导师教导或规定为真的东西”,对应今义“教诲、教导”。

The venerable old man asked us to practice the doctrines of self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

从这个概念出发, doctrine 进一步泛化为“任何一套被认为是正确的原则”,并发展为现在的主要含义指政治或宗教的“教义、教条、信条、主义”或“学说、原理”。这在广义上指有证据和权威支持并被提议接受的理论,在狭义上指以信徒接受为前提的权威教义。比如:

  • 基督教教义
    Christian doctrine
  • 轮回转世说
    the doctrine of reincarnation
  • 总统说他不会反对行之有效的军事学说。众所周知:赢得战争靠战略,赢得战役靠战术。
    The president said he would not go against sound military doctrine. As is known to all: strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.

不过,对于不少小伙伴而言,可能首先接触到的并非上面说的 doctrine 的本义,而是用大写首字母的 Doctrine 引申表示政府政策,尤指政府外交政策的“正式声明、国际关系原则”,其中最为常见的就是“门罗主义(Monroe Doctrine)”,再者有1947年提出的“杜鲁门主义(Truman Doctrine)”等。


  • If the doctrine works, it could benefit millions of users, boost the economy and constrain tech giants that have gathered immense power without a commensurate sense of responsibility.
  • Using an obscure legal doctrine frequently relied upon by the apartheid government in its dying days, prosecutors did not accuse the police officers who shot and killed the strikers as they surged forward, machetes in hand.


doctrine” 通常指某个信仰、理论、政策、原则或教条。

以下是包含单词 “doctrine” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Religious doctrine – 宗教信仰
  2. Political doctrine – 政治理论
  3. Ideological doctrine – 意识形态原则
  4. Moral doctrine – 道德原则
  5. Economic doctrine – 经济理论
  6. Military doctrine – 军事原则
  7. Social doctrine – 社会理论
  8. Legal doctrine – 法律原则
  9. Educational doctrine – 教育原则
  10. Philosophical doctrine – 哲学理论
  11. Doctrinal principles – 教义原则
  12. doctrine of equality – 平等原则
  13. doctrine of human rights – 人权原则
  14. doctrine of free speech – 言论自由原则
  15. doctrine of democracy – 民主原则
  16. doctrine of sovereignty – 主权原则
  17. doctrine of nonviolence – 非暴力原则
  18. doctrine of self-determination – 自决原则
  19. doctrine of individualism – 个人主义原则
  20. doctrine of separation of powers – 权力分立原则
  21. doctrine of social justice – 社会正义原则
  22. doctrine of economic liberalism – 经济自由主义原则
  23. doctrine of environmental conservation – 环保原则
  24. doctrine of religious tolerance – 宗教宽容原则
  25. doctrine of cultural diversity – 文化多样性原则
  26. doctrine of national security – 国家安全原则
  27. doctrine of international cooperation – 国际合作原则
  28. doctrine of diplomacy – 外交原则
  29. doctrine of free trade – 自由贸易原则
  30. doctrine of limited government – 有限政府原则
  31. doctrine of checks and balances – 制衡原则
  32. doctrine of fiscal responsibility – 财政责任原则
  33. doctrine of social welfare – 社会福利原则
  34. doctrine of cultural preservation – 文化保护原则
  35. doctrine of scientific progress – 科学进步原则
  36. Religious doctrine of salvation – 救赎宗教教义
  37. doctrine of original sin – 原罪原则
  38. doctrine of reincarnation – 轮回原则
  39. Moral doctrine of ethics – 伦理道德原则
  40. doctrine of utilitarianism – 功利主义原则
  41. doctrine of individual rights – 个人权利原则
  42. doctrine of social contract – 社会契约原则
  43. doctrine of natural law – 自然法原则
  44. doctrine of cultural relativism – 文化相对主义原则
  45. doctrine of moral relativism – 道德相对主义原则
  46. doctrine of political liberalism – 政治自由主义原则
  47. doctrine of economic equality – 经济平等原则
  48. doctrine of environmental sustainability – 环境可持续原则
  49. doctrine of ethical relativism – 伦理相对主义原则
  50. doctrine of universal human rights – 普世人权原则


tenet: one of the principles on which a belief or theory is based
creed: a formal statement of Christian beliefs, especially the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed
dogma: a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true
