
adj. 筋疲力尽的;疲倦极的


Dog-tired 是一个形容词,用来形容非常疲倦或筋疲力尽的状态。以下是包含单词 “dog-tired” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Feeling dog-tired – 感到筋疲力尽
  2. Totally dog-tired – 完全筋疲力尽
  3. Absolutely dog-tired – 绝对筋疲力尽
  4. Completely dog-tired – 彻底筋疲力尽
  5. Utterly dog-tired – 完全筋疲力尽
  6. Exhausted and dog-tired – 精疲力竭
  7. Beyond dog-tired – 超级疲倦
  8. Worn out and dog-tired – 筋疲力尽
  9. Dead dog-tired – 非常疲倦
  10. Truly dog-tired – 确实筋疲力尽
  11. Incredibly dog-tired – 难以置信的疲倦
  12. Deeply dog-tired – 深深疲倦
  13. Painfully dog-tired – 痛苦的疲倦
  14. Terribly dog-tired – 非常疲倦
  15. Awfully dog-tired – 极度疲倦
  16. Extremely dog-tired – 极其疲倦
  17. Profoundly dog-tired – 非常疲倦
  18. Hopelessly dog-tired – 绝望地疲倦
  19. Drained and dog-tired – 疲惫不堪
  20. Dog-tired all day – 整天都筋疲力尽
  21. Sick and dog-tired – 生病且筋疲力尽
  22. Dog-tired from work – 因工作而筋疲力尽
  23. Dog-tired after the trip – 旅行后筋疲力尽
  24. Dog-tired from the hike – 徒步旅行后筋疲力尽
  25. Dog-tired from studying – 学习后筋疲力尽
  26. Dog-tired from the exercise – 运动后筋疲力尽
  27. Dog-tired from the party – 聚会后筋疲力尽
  28. Dog-tired from the meeting – 会议后筋疲力尽
  29. Dog-tired from the event – 活动后筋疲力尽
  30. Dog-tired after the flight – 飞行后筋疲力尽
  31. Dog-tired from the chores – 家务后筋疲力尽
  32. Dog-tired after the game – 比赛后筋疲力尽
  33. Dog-tired from the commute – 通勤后筋疲力尽
  34. Dog-tired from the journey – 旅行后筋疲力尽
  35. Dog-tired from the drive – 驾驶后筋疲力尽
  36. Dog-tired from the project – 项目后筋疲力尽
  37. Dog-tired from the assignment – 任务后筋疲力尽
  38. Dog-tired from the exam – 考试后筋疲力尽
  39. Dog-tired from the practice – 练习后筋疲力尽
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
