
n. 忧郁;赤道无风带



1. from dulled, past participle of dull, ending perhaps patterned on tantrum.
2. dull => dulled => dold- => doldrum => doldrums.
3. 因为赤道无风带没有风,故没有生机、气息的样子而得名。
3. dull => dolt => doldrums.


doldrums 忧郁,消沉
来自dull, 呆滞的,阴暗的,-drum, 拼写可能是模仿tantrum.


Doldrums 是一个名词,指的是一段时间的低迷、无趣或停滞,通常伴随着情绪低落或缺乏活力。以下是包含单词 “doldrums” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. In the doldrums – 陷入低迷
  2. Economic doldrums – 经济低迷
  3. Financial doldrums – 财务低谷
  4. Business doldrums – 商业低迷
  5. Feeling in the doldrums – 情绪低落
  6. Period of doldrums – 低迷期
  7. Cultural doldrums – 文化低谷
  8. Market doldrums – 市场低迷
  9. Doldrums of boredom – 无聊的低谷
  10. Navigating the doldrums – 穿越低迷时期
  11. Sailing through the doldrums – 在低迷时期航行
  12. Political doldrums – 政治低迷
  13. Creative doldrums – 创意低迷
  14. Falling into the doldrums – 陷入低谷
  15. Doldrums of unemployment – 失业的低谷
  16. Escaping the doldrums – 逃离低迷
  17. Doldrums of inactivity – 无所作为的低谷
  18. Weather doldrums – 天气低迷
  19. Suffering from the doldrums – 受低迷之苦
  20. Creativity in the doldrums – 创造力低迷
  21. Doldrums of the soul – 灵魂的低谷
  22. Lifting the doldrums – 摆脱低迷
  23. Doldrums of routine – 常规的低谷
  24. Doldrums of monotony – 单调的低谷
  25. Doldrums of isolation – 孤独的低谷
  26. Emotionally in the doldrums – 情感低迷
  27. Overcoming the doldrums – 克服低迷
  28. Doldrums of stagnation – 停滞的低谷
  29. Doldrums of complacency – 自满的低谷
  30. Doldrums of apathy – 冷漠的低谷
  31. Doldrums of despair – 绝望的低谷
  32. Doldrums of mediocrity – 平庸的低谷
  33. Doldrums of inaction – 不作为的低谷
  34. Climbing out of the doldrums – 爬出低谷
  35. Doldrums of uncertainty – 不确定的低谷
  36. Doldrums of disappointment – 失望的低谷
  37. Doldrums of solitude – 孤寂的低谷
  38. Doldrums of failure – 失败的低谷
  39. Doldrums of indecision – 犹豫不决的低谷
  40. Doldrums of unproductivity – 低效的低谷
  41. Doldrums of melancholy – 忧郁的低谷
  42. Doldrums of routine life – 常规生活的低谷
  43. Doldrums of a loveless marriage – 无爱婚姻的低谷
  44. Doldrums of a long winter – 漫长冬季的低谷
  45. Doldrums of a lost dream – 失落梦想的低谷
  46. Doldrums of an unfulfilled career – 未实现事业的低谷
  47. Doldrums of a failing business – 业务失败的低谷
  48. Doldrums of a broken friendship – 破裂友情的低谷
  49. Doldrums of a troubled mind – 困扰心灵的低谷
  50. Doldrums of a joyless existence – 无乐的生存低谷
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
