
n. 团,块
vt. 厚厚地涂抹
vi. 啪地落下;噗通一声坠落


1. doll + lop => dollop => 把玩具娃娃砍成一块一块的、一团一团的。
2. 谐音“堕了扑、堕了噗、堕了啪” — 堕落、坠落下来发出噗通噗通、啪啪的声音 — 啪地落下;噗通一声坠落。
3. 谐音“dollar扑” — 几个乞丐同时看到掉在地上的dollar,都扑上去抢,结果dollar因为争抢而被撕成了一块一块的。
4. 谐音“dollar啪” — dollar啪地掉到了地上。


dollop (DOLL up) This noun probably comes from the Norwegian word for “lump” and means “a small quantity” or “splash,” usually of a liquid or soft solid.

  • For dessert, Sybil served her famous homemade apple pie with a dollop of pralines-and-cream ice cream and a smattering of crushed macadamia nuts.
  • Jad knew that he should take everything Tatiana said with a healthy dollop of suspicion; he knew she was prone to exaggeration and innuendo (see the “Oh, What a Tangled Web” section).

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


dollop(DOLL up)这个名词可能来自挪威语中“块状”的意思,意思是“少量”或“飞溅”,通常是液体或软固体。

  • 作为甜点,西比尔端上了她著名的自制苹果派,配上一团果仁糖和奶油冰淇淋,以及少量压碎的澳洲坚果
  • 贾德知道,他应该对塔蒂亚娜所说的每一句话都充满怀疑;他知道她容易夸大其词和含沙射影(见“哦,多么混乱的网络”部分)



  1. a dollop of cream: 一小勺奶油
  2. a dollop of ketchup: 一点番茄酱
  3. add a dollop of honey: 加入一点蜂蜜
  4. a dollop of whipped cream: 一团打发的奶油
  5. spoonfuls of dollop: 几勺子的一点点
  6. a dollop of butter: 一小块黄油
  7. a generous dollop: 慷慨的一大块
  8. a dollop of mayonnaise: 一点蛋黄酱
  9. a dollop of jam: 一点果酱
  10. a dollop of sour cream: 一点酸奶油
  11. a dollop of salsa: 一点莎莎酱
  12. a dollop of mustard: 一点芥末酱
  13. a dollop of chocolate sauce: 一点巧克力酱
  14. a dollop of yogurt: 一点酸奶
  15. a dollop of whipped topping: 一点打发的甜点装饰
  16. a dollop of ice cream: 一球冰淇淋
  17. a dollop of peanut butter: 一点花生酱
  18. a dollop of tomato sauce: 一点番茄酱
  19. a dollop of whipped butter: 一点打发的黄油
  20. a dollop of maple syrup: 一点枫糖浆
  21. a dollop of cream cheese: 一点奶油奶酪
  22. a dollop of fruit preserves: 一点水果果酱
  23. a dollop of salad dressing: 一点沙拉酱
  24. a dollop of caramel: 一点焦糖
  25. a dollop of horseradish: 一点辣根
  26. a dollop of marinara sauce: 一点玛丽娜拉酱
  27. a dollop of guacamole: 一点鳄梨酱
  28. a dollop of salsa verde: 一点墨西哥绿酱
  29. a dollop of pesto sauce: 一点香蒜酱
  30. a dollop of cranberry sauce: 一点蔓越莓酱
  31. a dollop of cream fraiche: 一点鲜奶油
  32. a dollop of hollandaise sauce: 一点荷兰酱
  33. a dollop of ranch dressing: 一点牧场酱
  34. a dollop of balsamic glaze: 一点香醋浆糊
  35. a dollop of tartar sauce: 一点塔塔酱
  36. a dollop of coconut cream: 一点椰子奶油
  37. a dollop of lemon curd: 一点柠檬酱
  38. a dollop of cream of mushroom: 一点蘑菇奶油汤
  39. a dollop of raspberry jam: 一点覆盆子果酱
  40. a dollop of truffle butter: 一点松露黄油
  41. a dollop of flavored yogurt: 一点风味酸奶
  42. a dollop of creamed spinach: 一点奶油菠菜
  43. a dollop of whipped marshmallow: 一点打发的棉花糖
  44. a dollop of hot fudge: 一点热熔巧克力
  45. a dollop of cream of coconut: 一点椰奶
  46. a dollop of cranberry relish: 一点蔓越莓酱
  47. a dollop of hummus: 一点鹰嘴豆泥
  48. a dollop of lemon sauce: 一点柠檬酱
  49. a dollop of strawberry puree: 一点草莓果泥
  50. a dollop of mint jelly: 一点薄荷果冻
