-我们走 布洛 -我都差点尿裤了
-Come on, Bruno. -I just shit in my pants, right?
那是老板 唐尼
It’s the boss, Donnie.
好 乔 局子里要你签字
Okay, Joe, the Bureau wants your autograph.
-你要我签什么? -得了吧
-What’s that, you want me to sign it? -Forget about it.
“Forget about it” is right.
听着 他们要你刮掉胡须 那是规矩
Listen, by the way, they want you to shave the mustache. Regulations.
How did they even know about the mustache?
-你告发的我? -我没有
-Did you rat me out? -I didn’t rat you out.
-你给他们看的 -不错
-Show and tell. -Yeah. Nice.
-什么? -他也要我去刮掉它
-What? -So does he. He wants me to shave.
-谁? 左撇子鲁吉洛? -是的
-Who? Ruggiero? -Yeah.
Regulations. Here.
You know something?
我骗过他了 他已经上钩了
I got him. I got my hooks in the guy.
Cloaked by the high grasses of the African Savannah,
the stalking cheetah moves stealthily towards his prey.
-你好 -你来找我爸的?
-How you doing? -You’re here for my dad?
是的 我是唐尼
Yeah. I’m Donnie.
-汤米 你好吗? -好
-Tommy. How are you? -Good.
-圣诞快乐 进来吧 -谢谢
-Merry Christmas. Come on in. -Thanks.
-贝尼在看电视 你遇到托米了? -是的 谢谢
-Benny’s watching TV. You met Tommy? -Yes, we met. Thank you.
Separated from the herd, the gazelle senses danger.
本尼 唐尼来了
Benny, Donnie’s here.
太迟了 猎豹冲刺了
Too late. The cheetah springs.
Benny loves animals.
-看到了吗? -我去厨房♥有事叫我
-You see that? -I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.
-猎杀与被猎杀… -你看那儿
-Hunter and hunted. -Look at that.
掠食者与猎物之前 残酷的自然法则
Predator and prey. The endless cycle of nature repeated.
给你这个 一个小小的圣诞礼物
I brought this by for you. It’s a little Christmas present.
好 等等
Yeah, wait a minute. Here.
请原谅 老左 我来得不是时候
I’m sorry, Left, but I’m in a little bit of a rush here, you know? So…
-圣诞快乐 -谢谢
-Merry Christmas. -Thank you.
That’s really nice of you.
Wow. Look at this.
你真慷慨 唐尼 孩子
Very generous of you, Donnie. Thank you. Good boy.
-好了 节日快乐 -你去哪儿?
-All right. So, happy holidays. -Where you going?
-你不是孤儿吗? -是啊
-I thought you was an orphan. -Yeah.
-你想去哪儿? -我不想打扰你
-So what are you gonna do? -Left, I don’t want to spoil your day.
过来 过来
Come on.
No man of mine is gonna be alone on Christmas. Come on in here.
Come on.
You think I cook like them goombahs in Brooklyn?
有些人就知道通心粉 一百年后 还是通心粉
All they know is manicotti. A hundred years, they’ll be eating manicotti.
-你不喜欢酒焖子鸡吗? -不
-You never ate coq au vin? -No.
There we are.
蛋白胶 蕃茄
Can of collagen, can of tomatoes.
-来一把盐 -“一把”?
-Punch of salt. -“Punch”?
-一把盐? -一把还是一撮?
-Punch. Punch of salt? -“Punch” or “pinch”?
一把 不是一撮
“Punch,” not “pinch.”
-我说过一撮吗? -不 你说的是”一把”
-Did I say “pinch”? -No, you said “punch.”
唐尼 有时你真♥他♥妈♥会胡说八道
Sometimes you don’t make no fucking sense, Donnie.
-都是你做的安妮特? -我可没贝尼那样的好厨艺.
-You got all this, Annette? -I can’t cook special like Benny.
好了 安妮特 别提了
Shut up, Annette. Forget about it.
不管在哪儿 最好的厨师都是男人
Wherever you go, the best cooks are men.
火星上也一样 真的
On Mars, the best cooks are gonna be men. That’s a fact.
Wait till you taste this coq au vin.
It’s gonna melt in your mouth, like Holy Communion.
这是干嘛 安妮特 盖上
What the fuck is that? Annette, get that.
-谢谢 -没啥
-Thank you. -Sure.
-谢谢你 安妮特 -没啥 本尼
-Thanks, Annette. -Sure, Benny.
She’s a good woman, Annette.
心眼好 能容得下任何人
One broad, that’s enough for anyone.
老爸 我要出去一会儿 好吗
Pop, I’m going out for a couple of hours, okay?
圣诞快乐 唐尼 再见
Merry Christmas. Donnie, take care.
圣诞快乐 玩得开心点
Yeah, you, too. Take it easy.
这混小子又来瘾了 你能相信吗?
My own fucking son’s a junkie. Can you believe it?
What are you gonna do?
Give him a smack in the mouth once in a while.
I got bruises on my hands.
你不知我有多担心 唐尼
You don’t know the worries I got, Donnie.
安妮特这种女人 我对不住她 我身上什么都拿不出
A woman like Annette, I can’t do right by her. I ain’t got $3 in my pocket.
我去赌马 结果连马也在那里偷懒
I put a bet on a horse, that horse don’t do what it’s supposed to do,
我的生活就是这样 我老二长了瘤
like every fucking thing else in my life. I got cancer of the prick.
知道吗? 我前妻住在一座大楼里
My ex-wife lives in this building.
Can you believe it? I run into her in the elevator.
I got to have three spritzers afterward just to calm down after I see her.
你刚才说什么? 什么长瘤?
What are you talking about, cancer of the prick?
老二长了瘤 听不懂吗?
It’s cancer of the prick. You didn’t know that?
I’m in the medical books for that.
I got this boat, too, this Bertram. 50-foot Bertram with twin Chryslers.
向红桑还钱 我把它出手了
I had to get rid of it for money I owe Sonny Red.
The vig alone is $3,000 a week.
-旁边那人是谁? -布诺 他的儿子
-Who’s that guy with him? -Bruno? That’s his son.
-我想让他脑袋开花 -不行 你别这样 唐尼
-I’d like to put a dent in that guy’s head. -No, you don’t do that, Donnie.
-你别动他 -我知道 我是说我想
-You don’t touch him. -I know. I’m saying I wish I could.
You wish?
A guy like you doesn’t touch a made guy.
You know what I did yesterday?
我当着他的所有心腹以及红桑尼 他们全部
I went in front of all the skippers. That cocksucker Sonny Red, all of them.
我想让人记得你 明白我意思吗?
I went on the record with you. You know what that means?
I think I do.
你明白? 你明白个屁
You do? You ain’t got no fucking idea, my friend.
现在没人敢碰你 你是我的人
Nobody can touch you now. I’m your man.
耶稣基♥督♥也不能碰你 因为我罩着你
Jesus Christ couldn’t touch you, because I represent you.
那么保持手脚干净 做一个会挣钱的人
So keep your nose clean, be a good earner,
遵守规则 然后谁知道呢
follow the rules, and who knows,
哪天要是有机会 你就扶摇直上了
maybe one day when they open the books, you get straightened out.
Become a wise guy.
一个老大级的人物 来举杯
A made guy. Come on, lift your glass.
为我们生死与共 我会罩着你的
I’d die with you, Donnie. Anything happens, I’m responsible.
-好吗? -好吗?
-All right? -All right.
-干杯 -干杯
-Salute. -Salute.
行了 别送了
All right, Don.
多谢了 你太好了
Thanks a lot. It was excellent.
能否为我俩的友谊表示一下? 借我个一百块钱?
Could you spot me a couple hundred?
-好 -我会还你的 放心
-Yeah, okay. -I’ll get it back to you. You got it here.
Here you go.
-我会在这里还你 -好的
-I’ll get back to you on this. -Yeah.
-相信我 明天给我电♥话♥ -好
-Believe me. Call me tomorrow. -All right.

-你总算回来了 -圣诞快乐
-Look what the reindeer dragged in. -Merry Christmas.
我上班去了 我也没办法
I was working. Nothing I could do.
-乔 谁会要圣诞节上班? -我要
-Who works Christmas Day, Joe? -I do.
-孩子们在哪儿? -他们等不了了
-Where’s the kids? -They couldn’t wait anymore.
Well, that’s nice.
Christmas, they can’t wait up for their father.
-这样就算是道歉了吗? -你知道我很抱歉
-Is that your way of saying you’re sorry? -You know I’m sorry.
我无所谓 可是你得让女儿们知道
I don’t need to know. The girls need to know.
Only be sure to introduce yourself.
They might think you’re the Fuller brush man.
-你要是知道我今天在做什么的话 -我不知道
-If you knew what I was doing today… -I don’t have an idea
-因为你不告诉我 不是吗? -那是为了保护你
-because you don’t tell me, remember? -Because it’s for your own protection.
As if any of this is for me.
You’re getting the checks, right?
-是的 收到了 -那就别把我说得一无是处
-I’m getting the checks. -Good. Then don’t say it like it’s nothing.
-不是一无是处 -对 不是也不是个好丈夫
-‘Cause it’s not nothing. -It’s not nothing, but it’s not a husband.
A lot of women would disagree with you.
Is that what you do with all your time?
-让你的女人们填调查问卷? -我不想把自己说得太好
-Conduct polls with all your women? -I’m not even gonna dignify that.
