-Right. …that you wrote a book
about your past relationship with Kate Dibiasky.
你的说法很有意思 我还在写呢
Funny you should say that, I’m working on that now.
书名叫《与魔鬼擦肩而过》 而且…
It’s gonna be called A Brush With The Devil, and it’s, uh…
You calling security or something, with your eyes?
不是 你们可以走了
No. You’re free to go.
-听起来很不妙啊 -就这样?
That sounds terrible. Just like that?
You don’t give a shit, do you?
Sure, I do.
I care about DrinkMo’s guarantee of quality service.
Well, we don’t give a shit either.
Not one single shit.
We hang and board behind the abandoned Burger Crown
from 7:00 to whenever.
Yeah, we do.
想来的话你也可以来 只要你敢
You should come hang. If you’re not a fucking pussy.
Oh, you know, it’s me…
-妈的 好 谢谢 -…还有一瓶苏格兰威士忌
-Fuck. Okay. Thanks. …and a bottle of scotch.
开玩笑 但仍然…
It’s a joke. But also…

let me introduce you
人类的救星 巴什探索开采无人机
uh, to mankind’s savior, BASH Explore and Acquire Drone.
It’s incredible.
It’s incredible, isn’t it?
我管它叫一声部 第一台
I call this one Primo, the first.
It’s like my first child.
一声部 好孩子 爸爸来了 我是克罗诺斯
Primo, my boy. It’s your father, Cronos.
别害羞 过来 你将成为天上的神明 我会照顾你的
Don’t be shy. Come on. You’re gonna be a god in the sky.
Are you at all concerned about the sync on the BEAD explosions?
哦 博士 人总会有疑问和恐惧…
Oh, Doctor. There are always questions and fears, and…
I have a report here from a Dr. Inez.
-你可以看一下这份研究 -谢谢
-If you’d just take a look at this study. Oh, thanks.
听着 我的很多同事
Listen, a lot of my colleagues,
要么是被调离 要么是辞职离开这个项目
they’ve either been removed or resigned from this project,
显然都是因为问了太多 和这个任务有关的问题
apparently for asking too many questions about this mission here.
So I just wanna make sure that you’re…
That you’re open to the scientific peer-review process
and you’re not approaching this mission like a businessman.
-就是… -你说什么?
-You know? That What did you say?
-我想知道你是否… -你说我是生意人?
-I wanna know if you’re Did you call me a businessman?
-你确实有家公♥司♥… -你觉得我只是个生意人?
-You do own a corporate You think I’m just a businessman?
你觉得你了解我吗 博士?
Do you think you know me, Doctor?
这是进化 这是人类的进化
This is evolution. This is evolution of the human species.
-你找这种人来是要… -这个…
-What are you doing bringing this… Well–
你知不知道 巴什有超过四千万个关于你的数据点
You know that BASH has over 40 million data points on you,
记录你1994年以来每个决策 博士
on every decision you have made since 1994, Doctor?
我比你的医生早几个月 就知道你长了结肠息肉
I… I know when you have colon polyps
months before your doctor does. You got four or five at the moment actually.
它们不是什么大问题 但如果我是你 我会尽快去做检查
You know, they’re not of concern, but I’d have a checkup as soon as you can.
但更重要的是 我知道你是什么样的人
But much more importantly than that, I know what you are. I know who you are.
我的算法确定了 八种基础消费者资料类型
My algorithms have determined eight fundamental consumer profile types.
You are a lifestyle idealist.
你觉得自己受信仰驱动 崇高的道德信仰
You think you’re motivated by beliefs, high ethical beliefs.
但你只会逃避痛苦 贪图享乐
But you just run towards pleasure and away from pain.
Like a… Like a field mouse.
I’m just trying to…
我只是想确保 这个项目的科学过程没有问题
I just wanna make sure that the science is sound on this project.
希望你明白 我是说…
I hope you understand–
Our algorithms can even predict how you’ll die.
准确率高达96. 5%
To 96… 96. 5% accuracy.
I looked you up after we met.
Your death was so unremarkable and boring.
我记不清细节了 但有一点
I can’t remember the details, apart from one thing.
You’re gonna die alone.
失陪了 总统女士 我还有工作要做 我会跟他聊的
If you’ll excuse me, Madam President. I’ve got some work to do.
你在干什么啊?哦 我的天
What the hell are you doing?
-My God. I was trying to do my job.
You are just so lucky that Peter adores you.
你身边现在都是成年人了 兰德尔
You’re with the grown-ups now, Randall.
I can’t even follow this shit anymore!
-死胖子 -死胖子!
是 我两周前看到他了
如果我没搞错 巴什公♥司♥让奥尔林
BASH got Orlean to pay the Chilean government, if I’m correct,
给智利政♥府♥付了900亿美元 让海啸冲击他们国家的海岸
$90 billion to let the tsunami hit off the coast of the country.
That sound right to you?
Isherwell built an underground bunker
伊舍威尔给他 和他的管理层造了地堡
for him and all his executives.
不 我听说他们造了逃生飞船
No, I heard that they built an escape ship.
各位 真♥相♥比这悲伤得多
You guys, the truth is way more depressing.
They’re not even smart enough to be
as evil as you’re giving them credit for.
-怎么了? -不要
Ugh! What? No.
妈的!你让我发疯 凯特
Fuck! You’re driving me fucking crazy, Kate.
不管了 反正我们都要死了
Fuck it. We’re all gonna die. ♪ …sun, ice cream ♪
♪ You smooth like felt Soft to the touch ♪
♪ You wear repellent Smell your scent from up above ♪
♪ Angel getting carried out the club ♪
♪ For slapping Harry Harry’s just a mug ♪
(减肥倒计时 25天)
♪ I’m stood outside waiting Where you gone? ♪
♪ Cubicle lines Catch a cold, Jack Frost ♪
…movie will be released
部分人相信迪比亚斯基彗星 将要撞击地球的那天上映
the day that some believe Comet Dibiasky will impact the planet.
据透露 电影堪称经典 布里
And the early word is it’s already a classic, Brie.
是的 而且阵容群星闪耀
Oh, yes. Well, and what a stellar cast.
-德文 -我喜欢德文彼得斯
-Devin. Yeah. I love Devin Peters.
-是的 -很棒 他做什么都很好
He’s great. Everything he does.
-叫什么名字来着? -叫《全面毁灭》
-What’s it called again? It’s called Total Devastation.
-It cost $300 million to make. Whoo!
-这些电影啊… -比你赚的还多
-I mean, these movies It’s more than you earn.
可不是 我朋友法利看过了
Tell me about it. And my friend Farley, he saw it.
-他说特别有趣 是的 -法利喜欢
-He said it’s a ton of fun. That’s right. Well, Farley likes it.
好吧 法利说的都对
All right, well, what Farley says goes.
But, uh, first,
是的 从我的笑容可以猜到…
and yes, you can tell from my smile…
Stop it.
美国最性感的科学家来了 兰德尔博士 欢迎
That America’s sexiest scientist is here. Dr. Randall. Welcome.
兰德尔博士 你好吗?
Dr. Randall, how are you, sir?
我很好 好得不能再好了
I’m– I’m good. I’m gooder than good.
好了 兰德尔 我们听说彗星并不存在
All right. So, Randall, we’re hearing that there is no comet,
或者彗星存在 但这是好事 又或者是坏事
or that there is a comet but it’s a good thing or maybe it’s a bad thing.
We are so confused.
能帮帮我们吗 睿智的科学家?
So, could you please help us out here, you know, oh, wise scientist?
首先 布里 彗星当然存在
Well, first and foremost, Brie, um… …there most certainly is a comet.
All right.
我们知道有这么一颗彗星 因为我们有数据
And we know that there is a comet because we have the data.
最近 科学界越来越忧心忡忡
Um… There has been growing concern within the scientific community as of late.
You see, the peer-review process is absolutely essential…
-如果巴什的股票… -…这样我们才能获取事实…什么?
-If BASH’s stock… …for us to get to the facts of… Yes?
If BASH’s stock is any indicator,
we don’t have to worry about the peer review.
It is going gangbusters.
听我说 我全盘托出 我尽可能买♥♥了很多股份
And full disclosure. I bought as many shares as I could.
I advise you to do the same.
You are such a shameless capitalist.
这个会躺在我家后露台的全新浴缸里 泡在我从股市
Said the woman who will be in the brand-new hot tub on my back deck
-取出的钞票里的女人如是说 -你太了解我了
-when I put it in from the stock. You know me too well.
That’s right.
兰德尔博士 你还好吗? 要不要喝口水…
Dr. Randall, you sure you’re okay? You want a glass of water…
I don’t feel so good.
好吧 我想我们先进一段广♥告♥…
So I think we’ll go to commercial break–
不 拜托 布里 别断开直播 让我说几句话
No, Please, Brie. Don’t cut away. Let me say something.
