

[noun] death, destruction, or some other terrible fate
[名词] 死亡、毁灭或其他可怕的命运


Doom 是一个与熟词 mood (情绪、心情)拼写正好相反的单词,该词源自古英语 dom (法律、法令、政令;司法、判决;公正、公平、正义),其中流传至今的含义仅有“判决、判定、定罪”,既可以作名词也可以作动词使用,常作书面用语指郑重地宣判某人有罪,比如:

  • 那个巧言令色的说谎高手被判处死刑。
    The plausible liar was doomed to capital punishment.

由于判决、定罪等常常是一种决定命运或不可逆转命运的决定,因此到了14世纪初后, doom 开始发展出现在的主要含义指“厄运、死亡、毁灭、劫数”。这一含义在17世纪后随着宗教用语 doomsday (最后审判日、世界末日,基督教认为在这一天世人都将接受上帝的审判)流行开来,多指最终的且常常是灾难性或毁灭性的命运,隐含不可避免之意,比如:

  • 他们的国家正处在内战的边缘。整个国家都笼罩在厄运降临的气氛之中。
    Their country is teetering on the brink of civil war. A sense of doom is hanging over the entire country.


  • 这个站不住脚的计划注定要失败。
    The feeble plan was doomed to failure.
  • 这桩做戏的婚姻从一开始就注定要破裂。
    The charade marriage was doomed from the start.

此外,还可以用 doom and gloom 或者 gloom and doom 这个押尾韵的习语来表示“悲观失望、前景黯淡”。该习语最初特指二十世纪五六十年代冷战期间对核大屠杀的恐惧,后来随着1968年音乐奇幻电影《菲尼安的彩虹》(Finian’s Rainbow)走红成为流行语,比如:

  • 为什么你对我俩之间的鸿沟如此悲观沮丧?
    Why are you so full of gloom and doom about the chasm between you and me?

而对于那些总是持悲观态度的人,则可以用习语 prophet of doom (悲观预言家)或 doom/gloom merchant (悲观派、持悲观态度的人)来表示,比如:

  • 随着高得离谱的股票价格持续上涨,悲观派将不得不改变他们对经济的看法。
    With the exorbitant share price remaining buoyant, the doom merchants are having to revise their opinions of the economy.


Hopefully, but a moment ago, as Hester had spoken of drowning it in the deep sea, there was a sense of inevitable doom upon her as she thus received back this deadly symbol from the hand of fate.

出自美国浪漫主义作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)于1850年出版的长篇小说《红字》(The Scarlet Letter: A Romance)。


  • In a more recent example, automated teller machines (ATMs) might have been expected to spell doom for bank tellers by taking over some of their routine tasks.
  • The sense that Johnson might try to reach a softer deal with Brussels, and his unwillingness to promise key jobs to Gove and other leaders of the campaign to exit the EU, helped doom his candidacy, legislators said.



  1. Verb (动词)用法:
    • Doom (someone/something) to (something): 注定(某人/某事)遭受(某种命运) Example: The decision doomed the project to failure.(这个决定注定了项目的失败。)
    • Be doomed: 注定要失败或遭受不幸 Example: The ship was doomed from the start.(这艘船从一开始就注定要沉没。)
    • Doom (something) to failure: 注定(某事)失败 Example: The lack of funding doomed the project to failure.(缺乏资金注定了项目的失败。)
  2. Noun (名词)用法:
    • Face/fear the doom: 面对/害怕厄运 Example: The villagers faced impending doom as the storm approached.(当暴风雨来临时,村民们面临着临近的厄运。)
    • Imminent doom: 迫在眉睫的厄运 Example: The city was filled with a sense of imminent doom as the enemy army approached.(当敌军逼近时,这座城市充满了迫在眉睫的厄运感。)
    • Seal one’s doom: 注定某人的毁灭 Example: His reckless behavior sealed his own doom.(他的鲁莽行为注定了自己的毁灭。)
    • A sense of doom: 厄运感 Example: The news brought a sense of doom to the already gloomy atmosphere.(这个消息给已经阴郁的氛围带来了厄运感。)
    • Escape from doom: 逃脱厄运 Example: The protagonist narrowly escaped from doom in the final scene.(在最后一幕中,主人公险些逃脱了厄运。)
  3. 形容词 (Adjective)用法:
    • Doomed: 注定要失败的,毁灭性的 Example: The expedition was considered doomed right from the beginning.(这次探险从一开始就被认为是注定要失败的。)
    • Gloomy/doomed outlook: 阴郁/命定的前景 Example: The economic forecast for the next year paints a gloomy outlook for businesses.(对明年的经济预测为企业描绘了一个阴郁的前景。)
    • A doomed attempt/effort: 注定要失败的尝试/努力 Example: Despite their best efforts, their attempt to negotiate a peaceful settlement was doomed.(尽管他们尽力了,他们寻求和平解决的努力注定要失败。)



  1. Seal one’s doom: 注定失败,宣判厄运
  2. Meet one’s doom: 遭受厄运,走向毁灭
  3. Spell doom: 预示厄运
  4. Face impending doom: 面对临近的毁灭
  5. Escape doom: 逃离厄运
  6. Accept one’s doom: 接受命运的安排
  7. Suffer a doomed fate: 遭受注定的命运
  8. Bring about doom: 带来厄运
  9. Predict doom and gloom: 预测厄运与黑暗
  10. Embrace doom: 接受命运,面对毁灭
  11. Succumb to doom: 屈服于厄运
  12. Escape the clutches of doom: 逃离厄运的掌控
  13. Tempt fate and doom oneself: 挑战命运而注定失败
  14. Looming doom: 隐隐约约的厄运
  15. Inevitable doom: 不可避免的厄运
  16. Portend doom: 预示厄运
  17. Face the doom and gloom: 面对灾难与困境
  18. Avert doom: 避免厄运
  19. Inflict doom upon: 使某人遭受毁灭
  20. Face the wrath of doom: 面对厄运的愤怒
  21. A harbinger of doom: 厄运的先兆
  22. Stare into the abyss of doom: 凝视毁灭的深渊
  23. Escape the grasp of doom: 逃离厄运的掌握
  24. Plunge into doom: 跌入毁灭
  25. A beacon of hope in a sea of doom: 厄运之中的一线希望
  26. Evoke a sense of impending doom: 引起即将来临的毁灭感
  27. Dwell in the shadow of doom: 生活在毁灭的阴影中
  28. A dance with doom: 与厄运的舞蹈
  29. Curse of doom: 厄运的诅咒
  30. Grasp the magnitude of doom: 感知厄运的巨大力量


lot: a person’s luck or condition in life, particularly as determined by fate or destiny
destiny: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future
catastrophe: an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
