little bear babies as Riley here.
Ain’t-a-gonna happen.
不过呢 多亏了你
But, on the other hand, thanks to you,
I’m not exactly drowning in favorable publicity.
所以 这是我的提议 我会保留10英亩地…
So, here’s my offer. I will set aside ten acres,
turn it into a sanctuary.
You can bring all your little animal buddies there.
而且 你还能保住面子
Plus, you’ll be saving face.
不用承认自己失败了 也不会丢人现眼
You won’t have to admit you failed. You don’t look like a fool.
不行 10英亩太少了
Look, ten acres is ridiculous.
That’s the offer.
我说清楚点 星期三中午12:00就快要到期了
The deadline is Wednesday at 12:00 noon. Let me be clear.
然后12点01分 我们就会派出手下
At 12:01, we’ll be sending in every logger,
every piece of logging equipment we’ve got.
By Friday, there won’t be a tree standing.
I need to run this by my wife.
好主意 后面有个公共电♥话♥
Excellent idea. There’s a pay phone in the back.
Excuse me.
-他要跟老婆讨论 妻管严的家伙 -是啊
-Calling the wife. Always a sign of weakness. -Yeah.
喔唔-喔~~~喔 嘿 约翰
Whoo-hoo, woo, woo. Hey, Johnny.
-你来这里干什么? -医生 我知道该怎么做了 我有杀手锏了
-What are you doing?-Doc, I know what to do. I’ve got my big finish.
-你 快点进来 -好的
-Look. Come in here. Quick. -All right.
嘿 我想我不应该来这里
Hey, I don’t think I’m allowed in here.
好了 听着 我得跟你说 一切都结束了
Okay, listen. I got to tell you. This thing is over.
很抱歉 我拖你下水了
I’m just sorry I dragged you into all this.
I’m going to have to get you an audition in Vegas or something.
这些人开了个条件 这是我能够争取最好的了
These guys offered me a deal, and it’s the best I can do.
不…不…不~ 你能做的是别放弃我 医生
No, no, no. The best you can do is not give up on me, Doc.
拜托 你告诉过我 “要倾听自己的熊心” 记得吗?
Come on. You told me,”Listen to your inner bear.”Remember?
-我不确定 阿奇 -我知道要怎么把艾娃追到手了
– I don’t know, Archie. – Look, I know how I can win Ava.
好吧 我可能是疯了
Okay. I know I’m nuts or something.
但是我要再试一次 我要再给我们一次机会
I’m gonna give it another shot. I’ll give you one more chance.
太好了 好吧 让我过去
Yes! Yes! Okay, let me get over–
-哦哦… 哦哦!! -哦哦 什么? 又有什么问题吗?
-Uh-oh! Uh-oh! -Uh-oh, what? What’s the problem?
-我吃冰淇淋吃坏肚子了 -什么冰淇淋?
-Ice cream is acting up. -What ice cream?
看到桑尼跟艾娃后我变得很忧郁 然后就开始大吃
I got depressed after Sonny and Ava, and I went on a bender.
吃到第二桶的时候 我发现我爱上艾娃了…
And by the second gallon, I realized I’m in love with Ava…
and this ice cream called “Cherry Garcia.”
嘿 你千万别想吐在我身上
Hey! Don’t you dare throw up on me.
喔~~!!我忍♥不住了 喔!!!
Ohh! That’s not where it’s gonna come out. Ohh!
等等 等一下 如果你要拉的话 坐在马桶上
Wait. You got to do that, sit down on the toilet.
-我忍♥不住了 -等等 你别坐下 你得掀开马桶盖子
– I can’t hold it! – Wait! You got to lift the lid up first.
这马桶不够大啊 哦 我的天啊
This is not going to be big enough! Oh, boy!
没事的…先坐下 我帮你看着外面
You’ll be fine. Just sit there. I’m gonna keep guard outside.
-我忍♥不住了… -只要专心拉你该拉的屎就好了
-I don’t think it’s– -Just take care of what you got to take care.
嗨 我待会就去找你 我要先处理一些事
Hey. I’ll be with you in one second. I’m gonna take care of business.
-没问题 你跟谁在里面说话? -我在自言自语 你知道的
-Who you talking to in there?-I’m talking to myself.I was, you know.
-有的时候得安抚自己的情绪 让情绪缓和下来 -好吧
-Sometimes you got to coax it down. -Right.
给自己精神喊话 先失陪了
Give my sphincter a little pep talk. Excuse me.
Come on down, you.
-可恶~~天啊– -看来我得留在这里了
-Oh, my G– -I gotta stay in here with you.
我去把窗户打开 拜托 在我开窗以前 什么屎都别拉
Let me get the window open.
Please, don’t do nothing till I get the window open.
-呃 -哦哦! -这窗户只能开个小缝
– Uh-oh! – The window only opens a little bit.
That’s not going to be enough.
哦 嘿 嘿! 要开始了 你已经开始了对不对? 哇~~
Oh, hey, hey! You’re doing it, aren’t you? Wow!
-这比我想像的还要可怕 -呜~呼~!
– It’s worse–It’s worse than I imagined. – Whoo!
哦! 哦! 哦 阿奇
Ohh! Ohh! Oh, Archie!
-你只吃了冰淇淋吗? -对啊! -不只是冰淇淋吧 一定不只是冰淇淋
-You just had ice cream? -Yeah!
-That’s not just ice cream. That’s not just ice cream.
哦 阿奇!
Oh, Archie!
好啦 没那么糟啦 少来了 呜呼!!
Oh, it ain’t that bad. Come on. Whoo!
两位 呃 我不接受
Gentlemen, uh, no deal.
Thanks for your time.
呜! 是我吗?
Hm! Is that me?
-别盯着我看了 你让我很不自在
-Can you hear me? Pepito
-Stop staring at me. You’re giving me a complex.
-我在试着变色呢 -如果你听得到
-I’m trying to blend. -Well, if you can hear me,
-你能变成这张桌子的颜色吗? -你在做什么?
-can you changeto the color of this table–
-What do you think you’re doing?
-我觉得它听得懂我的话 -如果它听得懂我的话
– I think he understands me. – Well, if he understood me,
I’d tell him how sick I am of all these stupid animals.
嗬 这真的很伤动物的心
Oh, that really hurt.
如果你听得懂我的话 我就会提醒你 你的头皮屑…
If you could understand me,
I’d tell you to do something about those dandruff flakes.
It’s looking like Christmas in July.
I hate this place.
年幼无知 愤青一个 都是饶舌乐惹的祸
So young. So angry. Damn that rap music.
-嗨 -嗨
-Hey. -Hey.
所以 情况如何?
So how’d it go?
Well, I told Potter no deal.
I thought it wasn’t working with Archie.
阿奇有个想法 它认为它能追得到艾娃
Archie thinks he can win Ava over. I’m gonna see this through.
所以我还要一直在这里? 哦!!
So that means we’re stuck here? Oh!
-莎莉丝! -嘿 莎莉丝 嘿~~
-Charisse! -Hey, Charisse.Hey.
莎莉丝 走路回城里要花很长的时间
Charisse.Hey, it’s a long walk back to the city.
-嗯~ -嘿 我们处得不怎么好 对不对
-Hm. – Hey, we’re not gettin’along too good, are we?
-我想回家 -我也想回家 我们会回去的
-I want to go home. -I want to go home too. We’re going home.
But there’s something else that’s bothering you, isn’t it?
我不是说这都是你的错 也许是我的错
I’m not saying it’s all your fault. Maybe it’s my fault.
也许你只是在经历一个过程 但有些事让你心烦对吧
Maybe it’s a phase that you’re going through.
But something’s bothering you.
你妈妈也觉得你有烦恼 但是你不肯跟我们说
And your mother thinks that you got a problem,
and you’re not telling us about it.
-没有 -真的吗? 你没有烦恼吗?
-No. -You sure? There’s nothing bothering you?
-真的 -莎莉丝
-I’m sure. -Charisse.
-爸,我没事 -好吧
-I’m fine, Dad. -Okay, now.
我并不是说你有烦恼 但是如果你有的话 我们一定会一起解决的
I’m not saying you have a problem,
but if you do we always work things out.
-好吗? -好的
-Right? -Right.
-你还好吧? -还好
-You’re cool? -Cool.
All right.
你妈有点担心 我也开始…
‘Cause your mother was a little worried. And I was startin’–
-跟她说我没事 -好…好
-Tell her I’m fine. -Okay. Okay.

-爸? -是…是…
– Dad? – Yes? Yes?
我就知道 我就知道你有烦恼 什么事?
I knew something was bothering you. What is it?
来吧 跟我说 来嘛 跟我说 真的 你知道的 父女间的悄悄话
Come on, talk to me.Come on, talk to me.
You know, daddy to daughter.
说出来 别担心 你想哭就哭 我可以陪你一起哭 说吧–
Break it down.You can cry, whatever.We can cry together, if that’s–
-有什么事? -没事 -别这样嘛
-What is it? -Nothing. -Stop.
一定是在山里把我搞糊涂了 现在没事了
It must be the mountains messing me up, ’cause I’m fine.
-你确定没事吗? -嗯-嗯~
-You sure you’re all right? -Mm-hmm.
She’s all right!
我给你一点私人空间 我回屋里了
You have your little space. I’ll be in the house.
-好的 -好吧
-All right. -Okay.
不再光说不练了 我要为艾娃鼓起勇气
Talking time’s done. It’s time to be bold… for Ava.
它要去摘蜂窝了… 它要去摘蜂窝了…
He’s goin’ after the hive! He’s goin’ after the hive!
-谁? -阿奇
– Who? – Archie.
-谁? -阿奇啦 你这白♥痴♥ 天啊!
– Who? – Archie, you idiot. Jeez!
伙计们 这断崖比我记得的还要高
Boy, this cliff’s a lot higher than I remember.
再见啰 笨熊
Bye-bye, species.
所以这就是你的高明计划吗? 阿奇 快点回来这里 快点回来
So this is your big plan, huh?
Archie, you get back here right now! Come back in!
不行 医生 我就算死也要做到
No way, Doc. I’m gonna do this or die trying.
-这只熊还真有种 -阿奇 你在做什么?
– That bear is one bad mother. – Archie, what are you doing?
阿奇 你马上回来 快回来 别闹了
Archie, you get back in here right now. Stop playing!
I don’t think I’m gonna win Ava by eating a bunch of worms.
I’m never gonna be more woodsy than Sonny.
I have to show her how much she means to me.
对 如果你摔下来 只会证明阿奇你有多笨跟死得有多惨而已
Yeah!And if you fall,
it’s gonna prove that you’re stupid and dead, Archie.
这里发生了什么事? 哦 马戏团明星学会新把戏了
What’s goin’ on around here? Oh, circus boy’s got a new trick.
-别说话 桑尼 -好了,我可以的…我可以的…
– Quiet, Sonny. – Okay, I got it. I got it.
我很了解树 那棵树撑不住它
