
adj. 狂喜的;入迷的
n. 狂喜的人




1. ec- “out” + stat- “place, cause to stand” (hist- [sist-] => st- => stat-, 从脱落、吸收、简化、缩略到过去分词的过程) + -ic.
2. => drive out of one’s mind. => 灵魂出窍,出神,入迷。=> 狂喜的,出神的,心醉神迷的,使着迷的,陶醉的。
3. 灵魂出窍 => 得意忘形。这两种情况都是差不多的,都是脱离了本体。


形容词 “ecstatic” 意为非常高兴、狂喜的。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Ecstatic joy: 狂喜的喜悦
  2. In an ecstatic mood: 处于极度高兴的情绪中
  3. Ecstatic happiness: 狂喜的幸福
  4. Ecstatic laughter: 狂喜的笑声
  5. Ecstatic celebration: 狂喜的庆祝
  6. Ecstatically happy: 极度高兴
  7. Ecstatically grateful: 极度感激
  8. Ecstatically relieved: 极度宽慰
  9. Ecstatically surprised: 极度惊讶
  10. Ecstatically overwhelmed: 极度不知所措
  11. Ecstatically inspired: 极度受启发
  12. Ecstatically in love: 极度恋爱
  13. Ecstatically content: 极度满足
  14. Ecstatically optimistic: 极度乐观
  15. Ecstatically proud: 极度自豪
  16. Ecstatically thankful: 极度感谢
  17. Ecstatically euphoric: 极度欣快
  18. Ecstatically elated: 极度兴奋
  19. Ecstatically cheerful: 极度开心
  20. Ecstatically surprised: 极度惊讶
  21. Ecstatically grateful: 极度感恩
  22. Ecstatically moved: 极度感动
  23. Ecstatically motivated: 极度受激发
  24. Ecstatically alive: 极度有生气
  25. Ecstatically passionate: 极度热情
  26. Ecstatically exuberant: 极度繁荣
  27. Ecstatically radiant: 极度光彩照人
  28. Ecstatically delightful: 极度愉悦
  29. Ecstatically optimistic: 极度乐观
  30. Ecstatically confident: 极度自信
  31. Ecstatically carefree: 极度无忧无虑
  32. Ecstatically colorful: 极度多彩
  33. Ecstatically harmonious: 极度和谐
  34. Ecstatically successful: 极度成功
  35. Ecstatically comfortable: 极度舒适
  36. Ecstatically peaceful: 极度宁静
  37. Ecstatically energetic: 极度有活力
  38. Ecstatically refreshing: 极度清新
  39. Ecstatically inspiring: 极度鼓舞人心
  40. Ecstatically fulfilling: 极度充实
  41. Ecstatically exhilarating: 极度令人兴奋
  42. Ecstatically heartwarming: 极度温馨
  43. Ecstatically splendid: 极度辉煌
  44. Ecstatically dazzling: 极度耀眼
  45. Ecstatically unforgettable: 极度难忘
  46. Ecstatically wonderful: 极度美妙
  47. Ecstatically amazing: 极度惊人
  48. Ecstatically stunning: 极度惊艳
  49. Ecstatically breathtaking: 极度令人屏息
  50. Ecstatically magical: 极度神奇

这些短语描述了 “ecstatic” 单词用于形容非常高兴和狂喜的情感和状态。


ecstatic (ek STAT ik) This word implies an extreme of happiness. While today it can be used as a synonym of euphoric, its early history often finds it used negatively, almost a synonym for being mad, deranged. (Indeed its Greek roots suggest more the idea of “being beside yourself.”) But this word has left all that negativity behind, and pure joy is what remains. Noun form: ecstasy.

  • Ingrid was ecstatic when she learned that her science project had been awarded a top prize in the Intel competition.
  • The prospect of floating along the canals of Venice in a gondola was for Lila a great pleasure; when she learned the usual high fee would be canceled, her feelings moved closer to ecstasy.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


欣喜若狂(ek STAT ik)这个词意味着极度的幸福。虽然今天它可以被用作欣快感的同义词,但它的早期历史经常发现它被负面使用,几乎是疯狂、精神错乱的同义词。(事实上,它的希腊词根更多地暗示了“在你身边”的意思。)但这个词已经把所有的消极情绪抛在了脑后,剩下的是纯粹的快乐。名词形式:狂喜。

  • 当英格丽得知自己的科学项目在英特尔竞赛中获得最高奖项时,她欣喜若狂
  • 乘坐贡多拉沿着威尼斯运河漂浮的前景对莉拉来说是一种极大的乐趣;当她得知通常的高额费用将被取消时,她的情绪变得更加狂喜
