


n. 选民;选区



名词 “electorate” 指的是选民,是指有资格投票选举政府官员的人群。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. The national electorate: 全国选民
  2. The local electorate: 地方选民
  3. Registered electorate: 注册选民
  4. The voting electorate: 投票选民
  5. Electorate turnout: 选民投票率
  6. Electorate participation: 选民参与度
  7. Electorate demographics: 选民人口统计数据
  8. Electorate registration: 选民登记
  9. The urban electorate: 城市选民
  10. The rural electorate: 农村选民
  11. Electorate boundaries: 选区边界
  12. Electorate size: 选民规模
  13. Electorate preferences: 选民偏好
  14. The youth electorate: 青年选民
  15. The elderly electorate: 老年选民
  16. Electorate representation: 选民代表
  17. Electorate opinion: 选民意见
  18. The male electorate: 男性选民
  19. The female electorate: 女性选民
  20. Electorate issues: 选民关注的问题
  21. Electorate campaign: 选民竞选
  22. Electorate diversity: 选民多样性
  23. Electorate decision: 选民决定
  24. Electorate concerns: 选民关切
  25. Electorate accountability: 选民问责
  26. The religious electorate: 宗教选民
  27. The minority electorate: 少数族裔选民
  28. Electorate education: 选民教育
  29. Electorate engagement: 选民参与
  30. The suburban electorate: 郊区选民
  31. Electorate rights: 选民权利
  32. The ethnic electorate: 民族选民
  33. The conservative electorate: 保守选民
  34. The liberal electorate: 自由派选民
  35. The undecided electorate: 未决选民
  36. The swing electorate: 摇摆选民
  37. Electorate awareness: 选民意识
  38. Electorate surveys: 选民调查
  39. The working-class electorate: 工人阶级选民
  40. The middle-class electorate: 中产阶级选民
  41. Electorate turnout rate: 选民投票率
  42. The suburban electorate: 郊区选民
  43. The rural-urban electorate: 农村城市选民
  44. Electorate issues: 选民关注的问题
  45. Electorate involvement: 选民参与度
  46. Electorate expectations: 选民期望
  47. Electorate registration drive: 选民登记活动
  48. Electorate empowerment: 选民赋权
  49. The educated electorate: 受教育选民
  50. Electorate awareness campaign: 选民意识宣传活动


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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。