
vt. (美)以电椅处死;使触电致死


1、electronic + execute.


electrocute 电解



动词 “electrocute” 意为触电致死。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Accidentally electrocute: 意外触电致死
  2. Intentionally electrocute: 故意触电致死
  3. Electrocute by faulty wiring: 因电线故障触电致死
  4. Electrocute by live wire: 因裸露电线触电致死
  5. Electrocute in a swimming pool: 游泳池触电致死
  6. Electrocute on a construction site: 建筑工地触电致死
  7. Electrocute while repairing appliances: 维修电器时触电致死
  8. Electrocute from a power surge: 因电压突变触电致死
  9. Electrocute from exposed cables: 因暴露电缆触电致死
  10. Electrocute from a faulty switch: 因开关故障触电致死
  11. Electrocute due to water damage: 因水损触电致死
  12. Electrocute from an electrical fire: 电火灾中触电致死
  13. Electrocute by high-voltage lines: 高压线触电致死
  14. Electrocute by lightning: 遭雷击触电致死
  15. Electrocute during a storm: 暴风雨中触电致死
  16. Electrocute from a downed power line: 因断落电线触电致死
  17. Electrocute during electrical maintenance: 电器维修中触电致死
  18. Electrocute from a defective socket: 因插座故障触电致死
  19. Electrocute from a live appliance: 电器通电时触电致死
  20. Electrocute from faulty grounding: 因接地故障触电致死
  21. Electrocute from a short circuit: 短路触电致死
  22. Electrocute from exposed wiring: 因暴露电线触电致死
  23. Electrocute while changing a light bulb: 换灯泡时触电致死
  24. Electrocute from a wet electrical outlet: 湿电插座触电致死
  25. Electrocute from a defective extension cord: 因延长线故障触电致死
  26. Electrocute from a faulty power strip: 因电源插座故障触电致死
  27. Electrocute while working on a rooftop: 在屋顶工作时触电致死
  28. Electrocute from a malfunctioning generator: 因发电机故障触电致死
  29. Electrocute from a damaged transformer: 因变压器损坏触电致死
  30. Electrocute while handling live wires: 处理通电电线时触电致死
  31. Electrocute from an overloaded circuit: 因电路超负荷触电致死
  32. Electrocute from a frayed cord: 因电线磨损触电致死
  33. Electrocute while fixing an electrical panel: 修理电力面板时触电致死
  34. Electrocute from a faulty circuit breaker: 因断路器故障触电致死
  35. Electrocute from a defective junction box: 因接线盒故障触电致死
  36. Electrocute while testing electrical equipment: 测试电气设备时触电致死
  37. Electrocute from a damaged power cord: 因电源线损坏触电致死
  38. Electrocute from a broken electrical connection: 因电路连接断开触电致死
  39. Electrocute while working with high-voltage equipment: 使用高压设备时触电致死
  40. Electrocute from a malfunctioning control panel: 因控制面板故障触电致死
  41. Electrocute from a damaged circuit box: 因电路盒损坏触电致死
  42. Electrocute while troubleshooting electrical issues: 解决电气问题时触电致死
  43. Electrocute from a damaged power supply: 因电源供应故障触电致死
  44. Electrocute from exposed live terminals: 因裸露电极触电致死
  45. Electrocute while repairing a generator: 修理发电机时触电致死
  46. Electrocute from a malfunctioning electric motor: 因电动机故障触电致死
  47. Electrocute while handling energized equipment: 处理带电设备时触电致死
  48. Electrocute from a damaged electrical panel: 因电力面板损坏触电致死
  49. Electrocute from a live control panel: 带电控制面板触电致死
  50. Electrocute while working with live electrical components: 处理带电电气元件时触电致死

这些短语描述了不同情境下 “electrocute” 这一动作的应用,涵盖了与触电致死相关的各种情况和场景。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
