– Huntington called. – Yeah, she has a Tylenol overdose.
亨廷顿医院来电♥话♥ 说有个孩子拿着一支断掉的牙刷奔跑
We got a kid running with a broken toothbrush, tripped, fell–
-这是…没错 这是新的 -左扁桃体撕裂伤
– Yeah, this is a new one. – Has laceration in the left tonsil.
-扁桃体? -对
– The tonsil? – Yeah.
That was 147.
Transport. Donald.
转运队 唐纳德
嘿 戴夫 你好
Hey, Dave, what’s up, man?
All of her labs are fine.
代码3事件? 他们告诉你生命体征数据了吗?
Code 3? Did they give you vitals or anything?
Does she have vitals?
Uh, in fact, we’re resuscitating her right now.
事实上 我们正在为她做心肺复苏
好 再见
All right, bye.
嘿 迪尔德丽
Hey, Deirdre.
嘿 别太悠闲了
Hey, don’t get comfortable.
他们打电♥话♥说有个行人被车撞了 正在做心肺复苏
They called us with a pedestrian struck. They’re resuscitating,
具体情况不清楚 我想让你跟我一起去
I don’t know to the level, and obviously I will like you to come ride with me.
好了 走吧
Alright, let’s go.
Hey, Ro, I’m going to go help him resuscitate, and I’ll let you know.
嘿 罗 我去帮他做心肺复苏 我会向你报告情况的
我们18分钟后到 我们出发了
We’ll be there in 18 minutes. We’re leaving now.
好的 非常感谢
Okay, thank you so much.
Come on, come on! Let’s go!
Diesel fuel is actually an arrest.
好 我们走!
Yeah, let’s go!
-嗨 -嗨
– Hi. – Hi.
有个孩子被车撞了 妈妈把孩子抱到了医院
A child was hit by a car. Mom carried the child into the hospital.
刚到医院不救 就出现了心跳骤停
Shortly after arrival, the patient cardiac arrested,
刚刚插了管 我们申请了紧急输血
just got intubated, and we requested emergency blood transfusion.
The little things make a big difference,
that’s why we bring respiratory with us and the doctor.
One person can’t do it all.
我们三个人能做的事 比六个未受过训练的人要多得多
Our six hands can do an awful lot more than 12 untrained hands.
不管我要他做什么 唐纳德都抢先做了
Anything I ask, Donald has already done it.
“你能做这个吗?” “不 我已经做了”
“Can you do this?” “No, I already did it.”
“Do you want this? Do you want that?”
– I anticipate what she needs. – Mm-hmm.
There’s no time.
You know, I think the prognosis in this situation is really poor.
It’s hard to know if there’s anything reversible here.
我会再做一轮心肺复苏 如果还是没有脉搏
I would do one more round, and I think if you’re still pulseless,
that’ll probably be like 35 minutes,
um, and unfortunately, this poor child, we’ll have to declare him dead.
很不幸 这个可怜的孩子 我们只能宣布他死亡
-我们会帮他的 -对 必须的
– We’re going to help him out. – Yup. Definitely.
开了吗 还是…?好
Is it open, or–? Okay.
那下面有输液口吗? 你的手呢?我可以给你吗?
Is there a flush port down there, where your hand is? Can I hand it to you?
我们有什么输液管? 迪尔德丽 血在我这里
What line do we have? Deirdre, I have blood.
– Can I have a board, please?
CPR board.
那些血是哪儿来的?肿了 不妙
Where’s all that blood coming from? That’s swelling. That’s not good.
What’s the time of death?
– Oh, classic, I didn’t pay attention. – Okay.
-我问问他们 我又没注意看 -好
We did a debrief there at the hospital,
我们在医院开了个简报会 确保所有人的意见都得到了聆听
just to make sure everyone’s voice was heard
and kind of get your emotions out,
经验证明 这有助于提高 员工在这一过程中的心理健康
and it’s been shown to improve staff well-being through these processes,
因为一个孩子在你怀里死去 这种事并不常见
because it’s not normal for you to hold a child, and have them to die.
这让人泄气 因为不该是这样的
It just sucks because this is not how it’s supposed to go,
and we all feel it.
– I’m gonna go back home now. – Okay.
-好 我回去了 -好
在那种时候 你得处理手头上的急事
In the moment, you got to take care of what’s acute at hand,
and deal with your emotions afterwards.
很不幸 这次我们没帮上忙
Unfortunately this time, it didn’t make any difference,
due to the patient’s injuries. They were pretty drastic.
Mom was able to climb into bed and hold her child,
孩子的母亲爬到床上 把孩子搂在怀里 让人心酸
obviously, before the child goes off to the morgue, unfortunately.
So this will be the last time she sees her child this way.
See you later.
-你好 -你好
– How are you? – How are you?
-一切还好吗? -还好
– Everything alright? – Yeah.
-超级英雄! -不
– Superhero! – No.
-谢谢 唐纳德 -不客气
– Thanks, Donald. – You’re welcome.
对我来说 死亡和悲痛 早就是家常便饭了
I’ve been extremely conditioned to deal with death and the grief process.
There are times where you have to reset your energy,
so you can go back and be 110% for your patients.
好了 我们走吧 我拿到兔脚了
Alright, let’s get out of here. I got my rabbit foot.
老兄 你好啊 你好吗?帽子不错
Dude, what’s up? How you doing? Nice hat.
Oh, nice hat, right?
-一切还好吗? -欢迎回来!
– Everything okay? – Welcome back!
谢谢 见到你太好了! 小心我的脖子 你会弄死我的!
Thanks, great to see you! Be careful my neck, you’ll kill me!
-糟糕! -小心点
– Oh, shit! – Be careful.
– No, I’m doing great. – Good to see you.
-没事 我很好 -很高兴见到你
– Thanks a lot. – Okay.
-多谢 -好
This week’s the three-month anniversary of my surgery.
嗨 你们还好吗?嘿 杰伊
Hi. How are you guys doing? Hey, Jay.
我在康复中心待了大约一周半 然后就回家了
I was in rehab for about a week and a half and went home.
I was home for two months.
I’ve been in some physical therapy,
but now I’m back in the gym three days a week.
I have no deficits. In fact, I feel in some ways I’ve improved,
我没有落下残疾 事实上 我觉得我在某些方面有进步
because my mindset is so much better.
那种濒死体验会影响你 肯定会
Near-death experience like that affects you, you know? It has to.
不然的话 你多半没有好好利用这种机会
If it doesn’t, then you probably aren’t taking advantage of it.
如果四肢瘫痪 那就是另一回事了 我应该不会这么开心
It’s one thing if I was quadriplegic, I don’t think I’d be so happy,
但你曾经失去一切 以为自己没命了
but the fact that you lost everything, thought it was over,
然后又恢复到这种程度 还可以做这种手术?
and then come back to this level, go and operate on a case like this?
I mean, come on.
我只想让你知道 这次手术我要穿上我的幸运袜
I just want you to know I’m wearing my lucky socks for this case.
A day like today with Langer back, it’s a good day.
-他们两个都要住院吗? -不
– Are we admitting for both here? – No.
-他是病人? -他们都是病人
– He’s the patient? – They’re both patients.
We’re both the patients.
Can you spell your first and last name for us?
可以用你自己的话 告诉我你今天要做什么吗?
Can you tell me in your own words what you’re having done today?
I am donating my kidney to my son.
泰勒今年14岁 患有肾发育不良
Tyler’s a 14-year-old kid who has renal dysplasia
uh, and a solitary kidney, so that’s a birth defect.
只有一个肾 这是先天缺陷
Can you remove the mask for me?
From birth, he had one kidney that was missing,
and the other kidney was very malformed,
所以他父亲要捐一个肾给他 免得他落到需要做透析的地步
so his dad is donating him a kidney before he needs to go onto dialysis.
I see you brought me a nice vein.
Yeah, they usually don’t have a problem with that.
是的 通常抽血都很容易
他的血管很漂亮! 这话我们听过很多次了
Oh, he has really nice veins! We’ve been told that numerous times.
He’s an athlete, plays baseball.
他是个运动员 打棒球
如果要做透析 这些活动都得停止
If he had to go on dialysis, all of those activities would stop.
他的嘴里会经常有金属味 而且吃不下饭
He would get a metallic taste in his mouth often and wouldn’t be able to eat.
他会经常呕吐 腿会肿起来
He’d be vomiting a lot, he’d develop swelling in his legs.
他会完全大变样 连他的父母都认不出来
He’d become a completely different kid, unrecognizable to his parents.
He doesn’t want it, thank you.
他不想要 谢谢
It was going to be my wife or I,
但我先做检查 结果匹配
but they started testing me first, and they saw that I was a match.
我哭泣不是因为难过 我只是…
Like, I’m not crying because I’m sad, you know, I’m just…
我担心他 仅此而已
I’m worried about him. That’s all.
You look good in blue.
You’re all done with your blood? You’re all ready?
嗯 我在等医生叫我
Yeah, I’m just waiting on doc to call me.
