Yup. If you could. You can scrub up over here.
Watt 7 and a half white.
动脉中的这个血块 我刚刚把它放到了生理盐水里
This clot in the artery, I just took it down to flush,
但是你看 它变平了
but look, man, it’s pancaked.
年复一年的训练 一次又一次
It’s years and years of training and just repeating the same thing
重复同样的操作 就是为了不出错
over and over and over again so that there’s no mistakes.
因为考虑到他的家人正在经历什么 我们不容出错
Because there’s no room, considering what his family’s going through,
there’s no room for a technical error,
and there’s no room for Tyler to have any other outcome
必须避免让他做透析 让他回到他的棒球队
than not being on dialysis and joining his baseball team again.

我会跟家属谈 但我想先看看她会不会醒来
I’ll talk to the family, but I think I’d rather see if she’s gonna wake up or not.
丽莎 能听见我说话吗?
Lisa, can you hear me?
Her pupils are tiny.
Yeah, it’s just unfortunate. Yeah.
是的 很不幸 对

Turn the room lights off for a second.
嘿 丽莎 能听见我说话吗?
Hey, Lisa, do you hear me?
嘿 丽莎?
Hey, Lisa?
It’s just hard to tell.
