emulate 英 [ˈemjuleɪt] 美 [ˈemjuleɪt]



  • The largest threat to the industry, though, comes not from its critics but its success, and those who seek to emulate it.
  • Various companies are now trying to emulate Uber’s business model in other fields, from daily chores like grocery shopping and laundry to more upmarket products like legal services and even medicine.


[verb] match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation
[动词] 匹敌或超越(某人或某个成就),通常是通过模仿


Emulate 一词源自拉丁语 aemulari (与…相匹敌、比得上),其基本含义为“比得上、赛得过”,比如:

  • 这位艺术家的素描比不上他的水彩。
    This artist’s drawings cannot emulate his water colors.

有比较就有竞争,有竞争就有差的模仿追赶好的,而 emulate 也可以用来形容这种状态,即“努力赶上或超过、同……竞争”,强调因为钦慕而通过模仿、效仿来取得同别人一样的成就,比如:

  • 她希望在运动成绩方面赶上她姐姐。
    She hopes to emulate her sister’s sporting achievements.
  • 他们希望能够效仿其他软件公司的成功先例。
    They hope to emulate the success of other software companies.

另外, emulate 还是个计算机术语,表示“仿真、模拟”。与 simulate (仿真,利用模型复现实际系统中发生的本质过程)不同的是, emulate 主要指以与另一台计算机相同的方式工作并执行相同的任务。


When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self.



emulate [’emjʊleɪt] v. 仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同……竞争n. 仿真;仿效
emulate 模仿 ←形式词→ example 榜样
eg. The idol sets a good example for us to emulate.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


emulate” 是一个英语单词,指的是模仿、仿效,通常是为了达到或超越别人的表现、行为或成就。


  1. emulate a role model: 模仿楷模
  2. emulate someone’s success: 追随某人的成功
  3. emulate a competitor: 仿效竞争对手
  4. emulate a leader’s qualities: 效仿领导的品质
  5. emulate a mentor’s guidance: 跟随导师的指导
  6. emulate a champion’s strategies: 学习冠军的策略
  7. emulate a celebrity’s lifestyle: 模仿名人的生活方式
  8. emulate a colleague’s professionalism: 效仿同事的专业素养
  9. emulate a writer’s style: 模仿作家的风格
  10. emulate an athlete’s dedication: 效仿运动员的奉献精神
  11. emulate a musician’s techniques: 学习音乐家的技巧
  12. emulate a chef’s recipes: 模仿厨师的菜谱
  13. emulate a scholar’s research: 追随学者的研究
  14. emulate a parent’s nurturing: 效仿父母的养育方式
  15. emulate a teacher’s teaching methods: 学习教师的教学方法
  16. emulate a painter’s brushwork: 模仿画家的笔法
  17. emulate a designer’s creativity: 效仿设计师的创造力
  18. emulate a model’s poise: 模仿模特的风度
  19. emulate historical figures: 效仿历史人物
  20. emulate cultural traditions: 传承文化传统
  21. emulate ethical values: 效仿道德价值观
  22. emulate social norms: 遵循社会规范
  23. emulate artistic expression: 学习艺术表达
  24. emulate innovation: 追求创新
  25. emulate leadership qualities: 效仿领导才能
  26. emulate problem-solving skills: 学习解决问题的能力
  27. emulate teamwork: 追求团队合作
  28. emulate effective communication: 学习有效沟通
  29. emulate time management: 效仿时间管理
  30. emulate resilience: 追求韧性
  31. emulate adaptability: 学习适应性
  32. emulate entrepreneurial spirit: 效仿创业精神
  33. emulate artistic techniques: 模仿艺术技巧
  34. emulate philosophical ideas: 学习哲学思想
  35. emulate cultural practices: 效仿文化实践
  36. emulate scientific methods: 学习科学方法
  37. emulate literary excellence: 效仿文学卓越
  38. emulate intellectual curiosity: 学习求知欲
  39. emulate environmental stewardship: 效仿环境保护
  40. emulate charitable endeavors: 学习慈善事业
  41. emulate educational models: 效仿教育模式
  42. emulate technological advancements: 追随技术进步
  43. emulate cultural diversity: 学习文化多样性
  44. emulate business success: 追求商业成功
  45. emulate sustainable practices: 效仿可持续实践
  46. emulate artistic mastery: 追求艺术成就
  47. emulate innovative thinking: 效仿创新思维
  48. emulate humanitarian efforts: 学习人道主义行动
  49. emulate critical thinking: 追求批判性思维
  50. emulate personal growth: 学习个人成长


  • imitate: take or follow as a model
  • reproduce: create something very similar to (something else), especially in a different medium or context
  • echo: (of an object, movement, or event) be reminiscent of or have shared characteristics with
