enamoured 英 [ɪˈnæməd] 美 [ɪnˈæmɚd]


  • His supporters seem enamoured of Nordic-style social-welfare policies.
  • Animal lovers were less enamoured of the idea.


[adjective] affected by strong feelings of love, admiration, or fascination
[形容词] 被强烈的爱、钦佩或迷恋所影响


enamoured一词是动词enamour的过去分词。enamour则来自于诺曼法语enamourer,由前缀en-和amour(爱)构成,意味“使迷恋、使倾心”。这个动词一般都使用被动形式,用法为 be ~ of / with sth,表示倾心于/迷恋某种东西,可以作为比较正式或幽默的表达。


Affliction is enamoured of thy parts, and thou art wedded to calamity.

出自莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日-1616年4月23日),华人社会常尊称为莎翁,是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是欧洲文艺复兴时期最重要、最伟大的作家,当时人文主义文学的集大成者,以及全世界最卓越的文学家之一。


enamoured” 是一个英语单词,通常用来表示被迷恋、倾心、喜爱。


  1. enamoured smile: 倾心的微笑
  2. enamoured gaze: 被迷恋的凝视
  3. enamoured feelings: 倾心的情感
  4. enamoured of beauty: 喜爱美丽
  5. enamoured by charm: 被魅力所吸引
  6. enamoured heart: 倾心的心
  7. enamoured soul: 被迷恋的灵魂
  8. enamoured of nature: 喜爱自然
  9. enamoured of art: 热爱艺术
  10. enamoured of literature: 喜爱文学
  11. enamoured of music: 倾心音乐
  12. enamoured of adventure: 喜爱冒险
  13. enamoured of learning: 热衷学习
  14. enamoured of exploration: 倾心探索
  15. enamoured of history: 喜欢历史
  16. enamoured of travel: 热爱旅行
  17. enamoured of animals: 喜欢动物
  18. enamoured of science: 热爱科学
  19. enamoured of technology: 倾心科技
  20. enamoured of fashion: 喜欢时尚
  21. enamoured of cooking: 喜欢烹饪
  22. enamoured of sports: 喜欢运动
  23. enamoured of photography: 倾心摄影
  24. enamoured of gardening: 热衷园艺
  25. enamoured of dancing: 喜欢跳舞
  26. enamoured of theater: 喜爱戏剧
  27. enamoured of languages: 倾心语言
  28. enamoured of food: 喜爱食物
  29. enamoured of poetry: 热衷诗歌
  30. enamoured of painting: 喜欢绘画
  31. enamoured of fashion: 喜欢时尚
  32. enamoured of cooking: 热衷烹饪
  33. enamoured of sports: 喜欢运动
  34. enamoured of photography: 倾心摄影
  35. enamoured of gardening: 喜爱园艺
  36. enamoured of dancing: 热爱跳舞
  37. enamoured of theater: 喜欢戏剧
  38. enamoured of languages: 倾心语言
  39. enamoured of food: 喜欢食物
  40. enamoured of poetry: 热衷诗歌
  41. enamoured of painting: 喜欢绘画
  42. enamoured by culture: 被文化吸引
  43. enamoured by history: 倾心历史
  44. enamoured by travel: 被旅行吸引
  45. enamoured by adventure: 喜欢冒险
  46. enamoured by nature: 喜爱大自然
  47. enamoured by literature: 喜欢文学
  48. enamoured by art: 倾心艺术
  49. enamoured by music: 爱上音乐
  50. enamoured by learning: 热爱学习


  • captivated: having one’s interest or attention held or captured by something or someone charming, beautiful, entertaining, etc.
  • infatuated: possessed with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone
  • enthralled: to keep someone completely interested
