engulf 英 [ɪnˈɡʌlf] 美 [ɪnˈɡʌlf]



  • For years the sovereign-debt crisis that engulfed Europe after 2010 seemed close to fulfilling Friedman’s prediction.
    2010 年之后的几年,主权债务危机席卷欧洲,弗里德曼的预测似乎差点就要应验。
  • At 12:47, the first of several missiles smashed into the vehicles, engulfing them in flames and leaving 10 charred bodies inside.


[verb] (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely
[动词] (指自然力量)扫过(某物)以便完全包围或覆盖它


Engulf 源自古法语 engolfer ,由 en (使)+ gulf(吞没)构成,原用于形容大海、漩涡等,现在主要指突然“包围、吞没、淹没”,比如野火继续吞噬亚马逊雨林(wildfires continue to engulf the Amazon rainforest)。

野火可以吞噬雨林,而雨林里的一些野生动物也可以“大口吞食”猎物,比如蛇囫囵吞下食物(snakes engulf their food whole)。

对于重感情的人而言,则时常容易被某种感觉或情绪所淹没,这也可以用 engulf 来表示“使陷入(某种感觉或情绪)”,比如陷入悲伤之中(to be engulfed by grief)。

另外 engulf 还有个固定搭配 engulf oneself in something 值得注意,可以用来表达“专心致志或孜孜不倦地做某事”,比如他埋头学习(he engulfed himself in his studies)。


The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny.

出自美国牧师、社会运动者、人权主义者和非裔美国人民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, Jr.,1929年1月15日-1968年4月4日)。他也是1964年诺贝尔和平奖得主,主张以非暴力的公民抗命方法争取非裔美国人的基本权利,而成为美国进步主义的象征。


engulf” 意指包围、吞没、淹没、覆盖,通常形容物体或情感迅速而强烈地包围或覆盖另一物体或个体。

以下是包含 “engulf” 这个词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. engulf in flames – 被火焰包围
  2. engulf in darkness – 被黑暗吞没
  3. engulf in sorrow – 被悲伤淹没
  4. engulf in water – 被水淹没
  5. engulf in emotion – 被情感包围
  6. engulf in waves – 被海浪卷走
  7. engulf in a sea of people – 被人群包围
  8. engulf in smoke – 被烟雾笼罩
  9. engulf in passion – 被激情包围
  10. engulf in memories – 被回忆覆盖
  11. engulf in despair – 被绝望淹没
  12. engulf in darkness – 被黑暗吞噬
  13. engulf in fog – 被雾气笼罩
  14. engulf in fear – 被恐惧包围
  15. engulf in noise – 被噪音包围
  16. engulf in happiness – 被幸福覆盖
  17. engulf in chaos – 被混乱包围
  18. engulf in silence – 被寂静笼罩
  19. engulf in sorrow – 被悲伤吞没
  20. engulf in darkness – 被黑暗覆盖
  21. engulf in mist – 被薄雾环绕
  22. engulf in grief – 被悲伤淹没
  23. engulf in anxiety – 被焦虑包围
  24. engulf in nostalgia – 被怀旧情绪包围
  25. engulf in questions – 被问题围绕
  26. engulf in beauty – 被美丽包围
  27. engulf in uncertainty – 被不确定性包围
  28. engulf in love – 被爱所笼罩
  29. engulf in doubt – 被怀疑包围
  30. engulf in fog – 被雾气吞没
  31. engulf in anger – 被愤怒笼罩
  32. engulf in the moment – 被此刻吞噬
  33. engulf in chaos – 被混乱覆盖
  34. engulf in sorrow – 被悲伤笼罩
  35. engulf in the ocean – 被大海包围
  36. engulf in darkness – 被黑暗覆盖
  37. engulf in memories – 被回忆环绕
  38. engulf in mist – 被薄雾笼罩
  39. engulf in a whirlwind – 被旋风卷走
  40. engulf in anticipation – 被期待所包围
  41. engulf in happiness – 被幸福吞噬
  42. engulf in a sea of possibilities – 被无限可能性所环绕
  43. engulf in tears – 被眼泪淹没
  44. engulf in silence – 被寂静吞噬
  45. engulf in a storm – 被暴风雨所包围
  46. engulf in memories – 被回忆所淹没
  47. engulf in excitement – 被兴奋包围
  48. engulf in the unknown – 被未知吞噬
  49. engulf in a river – 被河水包围
  50. engulf in a world of possibilities – 被无限可能性环绕

这些短语应该有助于你更好地理解 “engulf” 这个词在表示包围、吞没、覆盖等方面的不同应用。


  • inundate: overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with
  • deluge: inundate with a great quantity of something
  • immerse: involve oneself deeply in a particular activity
