
[verb] cause to become twisted together with or caught in
[动词] 使被扭在一起或被缠住


Entangle 一词由前缀 en- (置于……中)+名词 tangle (缠结)构成,15世纪初出现在英语中后即用来表示“缠住、套住、使纠缠”,一般搭配 entangle sb/sth in/with sth 并通常使用被动语态,多指使某人或某物被网、绳、圈套等缠住或者扭在一起,强调不易分离或者无法逃脱,比如:

  • 那只小鸟被铁丝网缠住了。
    The bird had become entangled in the wire netting.

从这个概念出发, entangle 很自然地被用来引申指“使卷入、使陷入”或“牵连、连累”,一般搭配 entangle sb in sth 或 entangle sb with sb 并通常使用被动语态,主要指使某人陷入困难或复杂的境地中,像被网、绳缠住了那般难以摆脱,或者说使问题、困难等更加错综复杂难解,比如:

  • 她不想与他有情感瓜葛。
    She didn’t want to get romantically entangled with him.
  • 他站不住脚的解释只是使问题更复杂化了。
    His invalid explanation only served to entangle the question further.


It was a great struggle to keep up with Hagrid, what with branches and thickets of thorn through which Hagrid marched as easily as though they were cobwebs, but which snagged Harry and Hermione’s robes, frequently entangling them so severely that they had to stop for minutes at a time to free themselves.
出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第五本《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)。


  • Espionage and business have long been entangled.
  • Photos showed the plane entangled in power lines.


entangle” 是指缠绕、纠缠、使复杂化的意思。以下是包含单词“entangle”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. entangle in a web: 缠绕在网中
  2. entangle in a relationship: 纠缠于一段关系中
  3. entangle in legal issues: 陷入法律问题中
  4. entangle in a dispute: 卷入争议中
  5. entangle in bureaucracy: 纠缠于官僚主义
  6. entangle in confusion: 陷入混乱中
  7. entangle in a mess: 卷入一团糟中
  8. entangle in a trap: 陷入陷阱中
  9. entangle in emotions: 纠缠于情感中
  10. entangle in financial troubles: 卷入财务困境中
  11. entangle in a complex situation: 缠绕在复杂局势中
  12. entangle in a misunderstanding: 纠缠于误解中
  13. entangle in a love triangle: 卷入爱情三角关系中
  14. entangle in obligations: 纠缠于义务
  15. entangle in a web of lies: 缠绕在谎言的网络中
  16. entangle in a difficult decision: 卷入一个困难的决定中
  17. entangle in legal matters: 陷入法律事务中
  18. entangle in contradictory statements: 缠绕于矛盾的陈述中
  19. entangle in a complex web: 缠绕在复杂的网络中
  20. entangle in a power struggle: 卷入权力斗争中
  21. entangle in a romantic affair: 卷入浪漫的事务中
  22. entangle in personal issues: 纠缠于个人问题中
  23. entangle in a web of deceit: 缠绕在欺骗的网络中
  24. entangle in a dangerous situation: 卷入危险境地中
  25. entangle in contradictory demands: 陷入矛盾的要求中
  26. entangle in a financial web: 缠绕在财务的网络中
  27. entangle in a moral dilemma: 陷入道德困境中
  28. entangle in a complicated relationship: 卷入一段复杂的关系中
  29. entangle in a messy situation: 卷入混乱的局势中
  30. entangle in legal complexities: 陷入法律复杂性中
  31. entangle in a web of obligations: 缠绕在义务的网络中
  32. entangle in a web of intrigue: 缠绕在阴谋的网络中
  33. entangle in a web of responsibilities: 缠绕在责任的网络中
  34. entangle in political disputes: 卷入政治纠纷中
  35. entangle in emotional turmoil: 缠绕在情感的骚动中
  36. entangle in a conflict of interest: 卷入利益冲突中
  37. entangle in legal complexities: 陷入法律复杂性中
  38. entangle in a web of secrets: 缠绕在秘密的网络中
  39. entangle in a web of relationships: 缠绕在关系的网络中
  40. entangle in a web of contradictions: 缠绕在矛盾的网络中
  41. entangle in a web of emotions: 缠绕在情感的网络中
  42. entangle in a web of obligations: 缠绕在义务的网络中
  43. entangle in a web of lies: 缠绕在谎言的网络中
  44. entangle in a web of confusion: 缠绕在混乱的网络中
  45. entangle in a web of problems: 缠绕在问题的网络中
  46. entangle in a web of issues: 缠绕在问题的网络中
  47. entangle in a web of challenges: 缠绕在挑战的网络中
  48. entangle in a web of complexities: 缠绕在复杂性的网络中
  49. entangle in a web of situations: 缠绕在情境的网络中
  50. entangle in a web of difficulties: 缠绕在困难的网络中


entwine: wind or twist together; interweave
tangle: twist together into a confused mass
enmesh: cause to become entangled in something

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
