enthrall 英 [ɪn’θrɔ:l] 美 [ɛnˈθrɔl]



  • Bitcoin fanatics are enthralled by the libertarian ideal of a pure, digital currency beyond the reach of any central bank.
  • Ideas that inform our existence, that permeate our universe and beyond, that can surprise and enthrall. Perhaps the most intriguing of these is the way infinity is harnessed to deal with the finite, in everything from fractals to calculus.


[verb] to keep someone completely interested
[动词] 令人完全着迷


enthrall由en-(使,放入……中)与thrall(奴役,束缚 )组成,在中古英语中原指奴役某人使之成为奴隶,但现在主要指让人像被施了魔咒一样对某事完全着迷。这个引申义很好理解,比如当你钟爱某个人时,越是着迷就越会想尽办法讨其欢心,不知不觉就成了对方的爱情奴隶。


Take me to you, imprison me, for I, except you enthrall me, never shall be free, nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.

出自约翰·邓恩(John Donne,1572年1月22日—1631年3月31日)的《圣十四行诗·第14首》。约翰·邓恩, 十七世纪英国玄学派诗人、教士,他的作品包括十四行诗、爱情诗、宗教诗、隽语、挽歌等。1598年,多恩被任命为伊格顿爵士的私人秘书。1601年,他秘密同伊格顿夫人的侄女结婚。尽管婚姻愉快,多恩却因此获罪,失去了职位,并遭监禁。出狱后十数年间,生活艰苦。后因撰文攻击天主教、维护王权而获得赏识,于1615年成为王室牧师,1621年出任圣保罗大教堂教长。


enthrall” 这个词的意思是迷住,吸引,指的是使某人入迷,被某事物吸引住。下面是包含这个词的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. enthrall the audience – 迷住观众
  2. enthrall with a story – 用故事吸引
  3. enthrall with a performance – 用表演迷住
  4. enthrall with music – 用音乐吸引
  5. enthrall with art – 用艺术吸引
  6. enthrall with magic – 用魔术迷住
  7. enthrall with a book – 用书籍吸引
  8. enthrall with beauty – 用美丽吸引
  9. enthrall with charm – 用魅力迷住
  10. enthrall with charisma – 用魅力吸引
  11. enthrall with storytelling – 用讲故事吸引
  12. enthrall with a movie – 用电影迷住
  13. enthrall with a performance – 用表演吸引
  14. enthrall with a painting – 用绘画吸引
  15. enthrall with a song – 用歌曲吸引
  16. enthrall with a dance – 用舞蹈吸引
  17. enthrall with humor – 用幽默吸引
  18. enthrall with suspense – 用悬疑吸引
  19. enthrall with mystery – 用神秘吸引
  20. enthrall with drama – 用戏剧吸引
  21. enthrall with emotion – 用情感吸引
  22. enthrall with excitement – 用兴奋吸引
  23. enthrall with romance – 用浪漫吸引
  24. enthrall with adventure – 用冒险吸引
  25. enthrall with fantasy – 用奇幻吸引
  26. enthrall with science fiction – 用科幻吸引
  27. enthrall with history – 用历史吸引
  28. enthrall with culture – 用文化吸引
  29. enthrall with nature – 用自然吸引
  30. enthrall with technology – 用技术吸引
  31. enthrall with innovation – 用创新吸引
  32. enthrall with invention – 用发明吸引
  33. enthrall with creativity – 用创造力吸引
  34. enthrall with knowledge – 用知识吸引
  35. enthrall with curiosity – 用好奇心吸引
  36. enthrall with imagination – 用想象力吸引
  37. enthrall with intellect – 用智力吸引
  38. enthrall with philosophy – 用哲学吸引
  39. enthrall with science – 用科学吸引
  40. enthrall with learning – 用学习吸引
  41. enthrall with exploration – 用探索吸引
  42. enthrall with discovery – 用发现吸引
  43. enthrall with adventure – 用冒险吸引
  44. enthrall with mystery – 用神秘吸引
  45. enthrall with beauty – 用美丽吸引
  46. enthrall with excitement – 用兴奋吸引
  47. enthrall with romance – 用浪漫吸引
  48. enthrall with emotion – 用情感吸引
  49. enthrall with suspense – 用悬疑吸引
  50. enthrall with a story – 用故事吸引



  • enchant: to attract or please someone very much
  • obsess: to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not normal
  • captivate: to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive
