

[verb] increase rapidly
[动词] 迅速增加


一眼看到 escalate 这个单词,往往很容易联想起熟词 escalator (自动扶梯)来。而 escalator 本身是美国著名电梯公司——奥的斯电梯公司(Otis Elevator Company)所生产的自动扶梯的品牌名,由 escalade (在攻城战中用梯子攀爬城墙等设防场所的墙壁)+ elevator (电梯)组合而来。

由于 escalator 牌电梯在市场中的份额巨大,使得该品牌名成了“自动扶梯”的代名词。等到了1922年后,则开始从 escalator 逆构出了动词 escalate ,最初用来表示“乘自动扶梯爬登、到达或向前移动”。

而到了1959年后,受当时可能爆发核战争的局势影响, escalate 开始被引申用来喻指今天的主要含义指“(使)逐步扩大、不断恶化、升级加剧”,即在规模、强度、严重性上变得更大,比如:

  • 工会和管理层都担心这场象征性的停工会恶化。
    Both unions and management fear the token stoppage could escalate.
  • 她失业后,经济问题更是雪上加霜。她以为他知道后会把她揽在怀中抚慰她。
    Her financial problems escalated after she became unemployed. She thought he would take her in his arms and soothe her when he found out.


  • 通货膨胀率的不断上升几乎肯定会导致物价攀升。不过,偿还的按揭贷款将会因通货膨胀而贬值。
    The escalating rate of inflation will almost certainly bring escalating prices. However, mortgage payments will be eroded by inflation.


Unexpected motion has caused the deterioration to escalate.

出自2017年上映的美国科幻动作电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》(Spider-Man: Homecoming)。


  • But the oil-price war that has broken out between them is head-on and has swiftly escalated.
  • The rest of the world now frets about becoming collateral damage in an escalating trade war.



  1. Escalate a conflict – 升级冲突。例如:”The political tension escalated into a full-blown conflict.”(政治紧张局势升级为全面冲突。)
  2. Escalate tensions – 加剧紧张局势。例如:”The provocative actions by both sides escalated tensions in the region.”(双方的挑衅行为加剧了该地区的紧张局势。)
  3. Escalate a dispute – 升级争端。例如:”The disagreement between the two countries escalated into a legal dispute.”(两国之间的分歧升级为法律争端。)
  4. Escalate violence – 升级暴力行为。例如:”The rioting escalated when the police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.”(警方使用催泪瓦斯驱散人群后,骚乱进一步升级。)
  5. Escalate a situation – 使局势升级。例如:”The protest escalated as more people joined in and clashed with the authorities.”(随着更多人加入并与当局发生冲突,抗议活动不断升级。)
  6. Escalate hostilities – 升级敌对行动。例如:”The ongoing border dispute escalated hostilities between the two neighboring countries.”(持续不断的边界争端加剧了两个邻国之间的敌对行动。)
  7. Escalate a crisis – 升级危机。例如:”The mishandling of the situation by the government escalated the economic crisis.”(政府对局势处理不当导致经济危机升级。)
  8. Escalate a disagreement – 加剧分歧。例如:”The heated argument escalated the disagreement between the siblings.”(激烈的争论加剧了兄弟姐妹之间的分歧。)
  9. Escalate a problem – 使问题升级。例如:”Ignoring the early signs can escalate a minor issue into a major problem.”(忽视早期的迹象可能会使一个小问题升级为一个重大问题。)
  10. Escalate military actions – 加强军事行动。例如:”The country decided to escalate military actions in response to the escalating threat from the neighboring nation.”(该国决定加强军事行动,以应对邻国日益升级的威胁。)
  11. Escalate an argument – 升级争论。例如:”Their heated exchange escalated into a shouting match.”(他们激烈的交锋升级为一场争吵。)
  12. Escalate pressure – 加大压力。例如:”The company escalated pressure on its employees to meet the tight deadline.”(公司加大对员工的压力,以满足紧迫的截止日期。)



  1. Escalate a conflict – 升级冲突
  2. Escalate tensions – 加剧紧张局势
  3. Escalate a dispute – 升级争端
  4. Escalate violence – 升级暴力行为
  5. Escalate a situation – 使局势升级
  6. Escalate hostilities – 升级敌对行动
  7. Escalate a crisis – 升级危机
  8. Escalate a disagreement – 加剧分歧
  9. Escalate a problem – 使问题升级
  10. Escalate military actions – 加强军事行动
  11. Escalate an argument – 升级争论
  12. Escalate pressure – 加大压力
  13. Escalate a confrontation – 升级对抗
  14. Escalate a protest – 激化抗议
  15. Escalate a negotiation – 升级谈判
  16. Escalate a disagreement – 加剧分歧
  17. Escalate tensions – 加剧紧张局势
  18. Escalate a crisis – 升级危机
  19. Escalate a conflict – 升级冲突
  20. Escalate violence – 升级暴力行为
  21. Escalate a situation – 使局势升级
  22. Escalate hostilities – 升级敌对行动
  23. Escalate a dispute – 升级争端
  24. Escalate a problem – 使问题升级
  25. Escalate military actions – 加强军事行动
  26. Escalate an argument – 升级争论
  27. Escalate pressure – 加大压力
  28. Escalate a confrontation – 升级对抗
  29. Escalate a protest – 激化抗议
  30. Escalate a negotiation – 升级谈判


surge: increase suddenly and powerfully, typically during an otherwise stable or quiescent period
soar: increase rapidly above the usual level
spiral: show a continuous and dramatic increase

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
