Are you going for a swim?
太阳这么毒 连龙虾都快烤红了
The water is so hot, the lobsters are coming out red.
Good morning.
走 爸爸 你说好跟我去散步的
Come along, Daddy, you promised to come for a walk with me.
帕特里克 你一个劲划船不腻吗
Patrick… aren’t you getting a little tired of rowing?
昨晚这样 今天早上他又不称心 真是太难伺候了
That was last night. And this morning he starts all over…
安德烈 安德烈 别说了 别说了
Andre… Andre… I don’t… I don’t care.
I don’t care if Monsieur Poirot wants cement on his sausages
或者牛油上抹鞋油 你就照他说的办
or boot-blacking on his butter, just… just give it to him!
That finicky little Belgian fart will find it all on his bill anyhow.
-作为一种报复 -好的夫人
-With a vengeance! -Very well, madame.
太对不起 来晚了 帕特里克一定要绕着岛划一圈
I’m so sorry. Are we late? Patrick insisted he row me around the island.
这岛还挺大的 他呀一定精疲力尽了
It’s bigger than I thought. Poor darling, he’s exhausted.
Not in the least surprised.
对不起 没带你一块去 亲爱的
I’m sorry we didn’t take you with us, my dear.
你晒不起 会生病的 对不对
The sun would have been much too strong for you. You know that.
阿琳娜 你看看 这就是我说的那剧本
Arlena, here you are, it’s the script that I promised you.
不 奥德尔 我跟你说过我退出舞台了
No, I thought I told you last night. I’ve given up the theatre.
These two are all I’m concerned with now.
-剧本叫什么 -《这不正当这不公平》
-What’s it called anyway? -It’s Not Right And It’s Not Fair.
Sounds like a black man’s left leg.
-您过来吧波洛先生 -对不起对不起
-It’s alright, Mr Poirot. -Pardon, madame. Je m’excuse.
Please stay.
I’m just being silly.
我要能装作没事 克制自己就好了
I wish I had more self-control, didn’t show what I feel.
Well, that is sometimes not easy for the ladies.
Do you know what I am most sick of in this place?
-什么 -同情
-What, madame? -Pity.
I can’t bear to be pitied.
Everyone round here seems to feel so sorry for me.
I can tell it by the way they look at me.
“Poor little thing,” they’re saying.
“What she has to put up with, with that poor fool of a husband of hers.”
“What a pity she’s not strong enough to compete for what she wants.”
请您听我说一句 夫人
Will you allow me to tell you something, madame?
The Arlena Stuarts of this world do not count.
Their domination is of the moment.
一个女人最后的胜利要靠善良 有头脑
Really, to count, a woman must have either goodness or brains.
像您说的这种女人 男人真的喜欢吗
You can’t actually believe that men care for either of those things, can you?
会的 夫人
Oh, yes, I do, madame.
Your husband loves you.
I know that.
走 让我们去散散步吧
Come, let us take a little promenade. Hmm?
How I wish I could do that, just lie in the sun.
Mais pourquoi, madame?
您看他们躺在那儿 像陈尸场的尸体
Look at them lying in rows, like corpses in the morgue!
分不出是男的是女的 都一个样
They are not men and women. Nothing personal about them.
就像尸体 一块块牛羊肉 在太阳底下烤
They’re just bodies, butcher’s meat, steaks grilling in the sun.
真对不起 波洛先生 我有头晕病
I’m sorry, Mr Poirot, I suffer from vertigo.
I can’t bear to look down from a height.
现在好了 我一定要痛痛快快地玩
I’m better now. In fact I am determined to enjoy myself.
这地方多好 多宁静 一切都是那么安定美好
It’s so blissful here, so tranquil, so far from all violence and trouble.
说得对 夫人
Yes, you are right, madame.
蓝蓝的天 灿烂的阳光
The sky is blue, the sun is shining,
可是您不要忘了 阳光底下也有罪恶
and yet you forget that everywhere there is evil under the sun.
怎么还没换完礼服啊 要迟到了
You’re going to be late for dinner, you know.
Yes, I know.
Just having a bit of a think.
About Arlena?
也许是我说得多余了 是你活该
I suppose it’s no use saying it’s your own fault.
-不多余 -不是多余的
-Not much… -No, it never is.
那你就是自作自受 认了吧
How about, “You’ve made your bed, now you must lie on it”?
-不行 -这样还不行
-Worse. -Thought it might be.
-肯尼斯你真命苦 -我能对付
-Poor Kenneth. You do pick ’em. -Oh, I can cope.
-琳达能对付吗 -什么意思
-Do you think Linda can? -What do you mean?
她老整那孩子 给她脸色看
She’s always on at that poor child, bitching the hell out of her.
是啊 她这样不太好
Yes. Yes, a pity about that.
琳达就像她的妈妈 什么事都闷在心里
Linda’s like… like her mother, you see, she takes things hard.
-那你干嘛不解决呢 -解决
-Why don’t you do something about it? -Like what?
比方说 提出离婚 现在很流行
Like fixing up a divorce, for instance. People do it all the time.
With most of my friends it’s a full-time occupation.
阿琳娜不坏 她就是喜欢交个朋友
Arlena’s alright. She just adores to flirt, that’s all.
其实没什么 完全是无心的
There’s really nothing in it. It’s all on the spur of the moment.
是无心的吗 你真是太糊涂了
Spur of the moment? You really are blind.
帕特里克·雷德芬之所以来这儿 知道是谁把他约来的吗
Who the hell do you think booked Patrick Redfern in here in the first place?
You don’t mean…?
I’m afraid so.
Even so. With me, a deal is a deal.
I don’t approve of quick marriage and easy divorce.
Arlena is my wife. That’s all there is to it.
Till death do you part?
I see.
I could just kill that cow!
那我们以后怎么办呢 奥德尔
Well, what the hell do we do now, Odell?
Just leave it to me.
-我想想办法 -窝囊废
-I’ll think of something. -Hm! My hero.
早知道你这样 不跟你结婚了
I swear, if you were a man, I would divorce you.
亲爱的 快换衣服吧 去哪儿了
Hello, darling! You’d better get a move on. Where have you been?
I’ve just been having a word with Daphne.
你跟她打得火热 对吗
You get on like a house on fire with her, don’t you?
She’s a nice lady.
Yes, I suppose she is. As hotel proprietors go.
And you get on rather well with Redfern, don’t you?
He’s a nice fellow.
Yes, I suppose he is, as gigolos go.
What’s that supposed to mean?
你跟他在伦敦第一次见面时 还说他人不错
You liked him well enough when you met him at the Grangers’ in London.
I never set eyes on the man before.
是吗 我敢发誓你们见过
Really? I could have sworn you were there.
It must have been the night of your regimental dinner.
算了 管它什么会
Well, anyway, what does it matter?
他碰巧也来这儿 不过就请我坐趟船
He just happens to be a guest here who took me for a boat ride. That’s all.
他碰巧也来这儿 阿琳娜
He just happens to be a guest here, Arlena,
because you just happened to book him in.
The bitch Daphne!
克里斯蒂娜 这个我不谈
Christine, I refuse to talk about it!
好 你还不愿意谈
That’s rich! You don’t want to talk about it?
我说 克里斯蒂娜 我一跟漂亮女人说话
Now look here, Christine. I can’t even speak to a pretty woman
你就疑神疑鬼 怀疑我跟她有什么关系
without you jumping to the conclusion that I’m having an affair with her!
不是吗 你把我甩在一边 整天陪着她
Aren’t you? You leave me here alone all day and you go off with her.
I’m the laughing stock of the whole hotel.
没人笑话你 是你多心
Of course you’re not! You are being ridiculous!
Arlena and I are just good friends, that’s all!
我不相信 我们离开这儿吧
I don’t believe you! Please, let’s just go away.
这我做不到 来了就来了
I absolutely refuse. Here we are and here we stay!
-你要是不喜欢你就 -说啊就干嘛
-If you don’t like it you can… -Yes, what can I do?
我正想好好跟你谈谈呢 帕特里克
Well, I’m looking forward to having a nice little chat with you, Patrick.
麦拉 衣服真漂亮
Oh, Myra, that is so beautiful.
酒还合你口味吧 -味道好极了
-How’s your drink? -Incredible.
How are you?
Too much sun?
行了 琳达 小姑娘该睡了
That’s enough, Linda. It’s adult time. Off to bed.
让她多玩一会儿 现在她放假了
Come on, darling. Let her stay. She is on holiday after all.
滚吧 灰姑娘
Scram, Cinderella.
You’re the top!
You’re the Colosseum.
