I… know she loathes me because I adored Arlena, but this is ridiculous.
You just wait till I catch her…
你 琳达
You! Linda!
琳达 你 等等 等等
Linda. You… You just wait! Stay right…
琳达 你跟波洛先生说吧
Linda! You tell Monsieur Poirot
中午我见到过你的 你在海鸥湾游泳
that I was with you this morning when you were swimming in Gull Cove.
干嘛说 你没在
Why should I? You weren’t.
什么 你真会撒谎
What? You lying little brat!
You just tell him that you saw me on the pedalo.
你还不肯帮我把船划回去 你跟他说
You tell him that you refused to help me pedal back! You tell him!
-你快跟他说 -别拉着我女儿
-You tell him! -Take your hands off my daughter!
Then you tell her to tell him the truth!
琳达 中午你在海鸥湾
Well, Linda, did you see Mr Brewster
when you were bathing in Gull Cove this morning?
-那好吧见到的 -琳达不应该说谎
-Oh, alright then, yes, I did. -Linda, you mustn’t tell lies.
You can get people into serious trouble.
岂止害人家 会定死罪的
Serious trouble? Hell, darling! You can get them hanged!
本来就想这样 对吗 小姐
That was rather the idea, was it not, mademoiselle?
I’m sorry.
我向您赔礼道歉 先生
Kindly accept my apologies, monsieur.
Incidentally, I accept your alibi.
您真光明磊落 先生
That’s real white of you, Mr P!
波洛先生 我不像我妻子
No, Monsieur Poirot, I am not as lucky as my dear wife.
I have absolutely no alibi.
I was sitting over there on a stone bench reading my book
那个石凳上看书 一动也没动
and between the hours of 11:00 and 12:15 I didn’t move.
我也很清楚 波洛先生
Now, I’m well aware, Monsieur Poirot,
碰到干♥你♥们这一行的 出了凶杀案
that in your world, when a murder takes place
everyone automatically comes up with a watertight alibi.
However, I belong to that great world of millions of innocent men and women
说来也奇怪 总没想到给自己
who, curiously enough, don’t have the foresight
to provide themselves with an alibi
when a murder is taking place of which they know absolutely nothing.
所以结果就是 在我正大光明地看书的时候
Consequently, as I was guilelessly reading my book,
没有什么花匠在我身边走过 摸一摸自己的头发
there was no gardener to come trotting by respectfully touching his forelock
and registering the time on his grandfather’s turnip watch.
简单地说 没有任何人能够替我作证
In short, Monsieur Poirot, I don’t have the ghost of an alibi.
当然 我也可以蹦到那个山顶上去
Of course, I could have scampered over the top of that peak,
像山羊一样 再嘛
like a mountain goat, and…
swarmed down the famous steps we’ve all heard about,
and then crept up on Arlena
and strangled her with these powerful hands of mine.
您会感到失望 我没有这样做
But, unfortunately for you, I did no such thing.
我有动机 可我没有不在现场的证明
You see, I have a big fat motive but no alibi.
Next question?
Next question is what did you do
您说您坐在花♥园♥里 没有被人发现 以后呢
when you had finished being unobserved in the garden?
我回到屋子里 还是没被人发现 就去换衣服了
I went up to my room, again unobserved, to change for tennis.
我当时口渴 就按铃叫人 可服务员没来
I was rather thirsty and so I rang the bell. Naturally, no one answered.
这些服务员可真难找 恐怕只有
Where the goddamn staff had disappeared to was a mystery,
您这个大侦探才找得着 波洛先生
and worthy even of your talents, Monsieur Poirot.
我去放水 水龙头里一滴水都没有
I turned on the tap, but there was no water, not a drop.
可楼下有人洗澡 放了满满的一大盆
Someone was running a bath down the hall fit to float Noah’s Ark.
“Damned odd time for a bath,” I’d have said.
Anyway, I changed
and appeared suitably attired in my Fred Perry outfit
12点半准时赶到网球场 见到戴芬妮和马歇尔
on the tennis court at precisely 12:30 to join Daphne and Marshall.
Mrs Redfern came a few minutes later.
波洛先生 这就是
And that, Monsieur Poirot…
concludes the case for the defence.
您很风趣 先生 不过说了半天还是
You make pleasantries, monsieur, but no alibi is still…
…no alibi.
您别找了 我搬进去了
If you’re looking for that, I’ve got it in here.
I’ve been using it to sort everything out for you.
原先我让您去找那女的 我说错了
Look! I was wrong about cherchez la femme. Sorry about that.
But it’s quite obviously cherchez le fruit.
只有雷克斯下落不明 瞧 您来看
Rexy is the only one unaccounted for. Look, I’ll show you.
11点半阿琳娜还活着 霍勒斯爵士和她见面以后
At 11:30 Arlena Marshall was left here alive by Horace Blatt,
就坐船走了 就在这同时 麦拉和帕特里克在这儿
who then sailed on down here. At the same time, Myra and Patrick were here,
琳达和克里斯蒂娜在这儿 肯尼斯在这儿
Linda and Christine were here, Kenneth was here
and I was in my staff meeting.
It has just got to be our genial columnist.
And, what’s more, I know how he did it.
哦 这您都知道
Oh, you do, madame?
没错 最近我在杂♥志♥上读到有个马来亚的女人
Absolutely! Recently I was reading a magazine story about a woman in Malaya
死在一条大鳗鱼的手里 那鱼蹦出海面
who was drowned by a huge moray eel which darted out of a hole,
把她拖到海底 用它的牙咬住她喉咙
dragged her to the floor of the ocean, its teeth buried in her throat.
Now that’s what gave me the clue I needed.
Rex… Rex Brewster could’ve been lurking in the water here off Ladder Bay,
等阿琳娜坐划艇过来的时候 他就蹦出来
and when Arlena appeared on her pedalo, he could have leapt up,
pulled her off it…
对 这很有意思 夫人
Very interesting, madame.
The only snag is that Madame Marshall was not drowned.
Far less was she gnawed to death…
And perhaps even more damaging to your theory is the fact
因为已经证实了布鲁斯特先生在这儿 在海鸥湾
that it has been established that Monsieur Brewster was here in Gull Cove
with Mademoiselle Linda at 12 o’clock.
He could not possible have pedalled all the way from Gull Cove
to Ladder Bay in half an hour.
That’s very inconvenient of him.
他要不是凶手 那是谁啊
I mean, if he didn’t do it, who did?
我看谁也不是了 大家都不在现场
I just don’t see who could have. Everyone has an alibi.
不见得 夫人
Oh, no, they do not, madame.
加德纳先生就不能证明他不在场 他自己还挺得意呢
Monsieur Gardener does not have an alibi, seems rather proud of the fact.
Oh, but he does, dear, most definitely.
您在说什么 夫人
What are you telling me, madame?
At half past 11 I was having my staff meeting,
giving the hired help a pleasing stream of the old rancid,
and in particular pointing out to Andreas
that there was absolutely no point in making your curry de poulet vindaloo
so hot that it raised welts on the surface of your tongue,
when I looked out of the window and there was Odell reading a book.
我们开会他一直在外头 我敢肯定
He stayed there throughout the entire meeting. I’m positive of it.
怎么了 我说错了
What’s the matter? Have I said something?
给您说着了 夫人
You’ve said a great deal, madame.
哦 我明白了
Oh, I… I see what you mean.
您的意思是 谁也不是凶手
You… You mean nobody did it.
可是有人被杀了 夫人
And yet we still have a body, madame.
此曲为咏叹调《女人善变》 出自威尔第的著名三幕歌♥剧《弄臣》[1851]
-歌♥剧《弄臣》 -对了威尔第多好听啊
-Ah, Rigoletto -Correct. Ah, Verdi. Quelle élégance!
意大利人名朱塞佩Giuseppe在英语里是约瑟夫Joseph 昵称乔Joe
您想想 朱塞佩·威尔第要是个英国人
It’s funny to think, if Giuseppe Verdi had been an Englishman,
his name would have been Joe Green.
是会这样的 是的
Yes, I suppose it would, yes.
Well, it used to make the boys laugh
给学生们朗读拉丁语 他们都笑了
when I was trying to din some Latin into them when I was a school teacher.
Little boys laugh easily if it keeps them away,
even for a moment, from their study of Latin.
女士们 先生们 请原谅我打断大家的鸡尾酒会
Messieurs-Dames, please forgive me for interrupting the cocktail hour,
but there are two questions of great importance which I must put to you.
第一个是 今天中午有人往海里扔过瓶子吗
First of all, did anybody here throw a bottle into the sea this morning?
第二个 12点一刻有人洗过澡吗
Secondly, did any of you take a bath at 12:15 today?
真怪 挑这个时间洗
An odd time for ablutions.
How remarkable!
明明有人洗过澡 可没人承认
A bath which nobody admits having taken
and a bottle which flies by itself.
Joe Green…
It’s rather more amusing than at first I thought.
-早霍勒斯爵士 -早游泳好玩吗
-Morning, Sir Horace! -Hello, enjoy your swim?
嗯 请原谅我喘着粗气
Yes. Sorry I’m so puffed,
