

[verb] expel and bar (someone) from their native country, typically for political or punitive reasons
[动词] (通常出于政治或惩罚原因)将(某人)从祖国驱逐出去且禁止入境


Exile 一词源自拉丁语 exul (被放逐者),14世纪经古法语 essillier (流放、放逐、驱逐、驱赶)进入英语后,也是用来表示“流放、放逐、使流亡”,主要指出于政治或惩罚原因,将某人从祖国驱逐出去且禁止入境,也可以指因形势所迫或自愿选择而“使长期离开家乡、故土等”,比如:

  • 由于政变,国王被终生流放到一个岛上。
    The king was exiled to an island for life because of the coup.

用作名词时,exile 既可以指“流放、流亡、放逐”这个出于政治或惩罚原因而被禁止进入祖国的状态,也可以用来表示“被流放者、流亡国外者”以及“背井离乡者”,即出于强迫或自身选择而远离祖国、家乡、故土等的人,比如:

  1. 流亡政府
    a government in exile
  2. 政治流亡者
    a political exile
  3. 移居低税国家的富人
    a tax exile

值得注意的是, exile 在表示“流放”时并不完全是国外流放,也可以指流放西伯利亚之类的国内流放(internal exile)。说到这里,很容易让人联想起,在马丁·路德·金的著名演讲《我有一个梦想》中,就将美国黑人喻为“故土家园中的流亡者”:

One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.


Still you are miserable; for hope has quitted you on the very confines of life: your sun at noon darkens in an eclipse, which you feel will not leave it till the time of setting. Bitter and base associations have become the sole food of your memory: you wander here and there, seeking rest in exile: happiness in pleasure—I mean in heartless, sensual pleasure—such as dulls intellect and blights feeling.

出自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)创作的具有自传色彩的长篇小说《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)。


The story begins in 1755 in Corsica where Pasquale Paoli, a revolutionary adventurer returning from exile in Naples, imbued with Enlightenment ideas about politics, economics, law and liberty, wrote and established Europe’s first modern constitution.
As the novel opens, the Americans living in exile in an unnamed country form an underclass of low-wage labor, exploited and vilified by the locals.


Exile 是一个名词和动词,意为流放、放逐或流亡。以下是关于 “exile” 的短语:


  • Political exile: 政治流亡者
  • In exile: 流亡中
  • Living in exile: 生活在流亡中
  • Forced into exile: 被迫流亡
  • Return from exile: 从流亡中回归
  • Years of exile: 流亡的岁月
  • Exile community: 流亡社区
  • Exile government: 流亡政府
  • Exile status: 流亡地位
  • Exile population: 流亡人口
  • Exile destination: 流亡目的地
  • Exile camp: 流亡营地
  • Exile experience: 流亡经历
  • Exile regime: 流亡政权
  • Exile period: 流亡期间
  • Years in exile: 流亡的年份
  • Exile location: 流亡地点
  • Exile movement: 流亡运动
  • Exile crisis: 流亡危机
  • Exile community: 流亡社区
  • Exile history: 流亡历史
  • Exile leaders: 流亡领导人


  • Force into exile: 迫使某人流亡
  • Go into exile: 进入流亡
  • Live in exile: 生活在流亡中
  • Return from exile: 从流亡中回归
  • Suffer in exile: 在流亡中受苦
  • Flee into exile: 逃往流亡地
  • Be sent into exile: 被流放
  • Face exile: 面临流亡
  • Imposed in exile: 被强制流亡
  • Seek exile: 寻求流亡
  • Choose exile: 选择流亡
  • Be condemned to exile: 被判处流亡
  • Begin an exile: 开始流亡
  • End in exile: 结束流亡
  • Remain in exile: 保持流亡
  • Continue in exile: 继续流亡
  • Survive in exile: 在流亡中生存
  • Yearn for exile: 渴望流亡


expel: force (someone) to leave a place, especially a country
banish: send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment
deport: expel (a foreigner) from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
