Allegra Geller, the leading game designer in the world, is testing her new virtual reality game, eXistenZ with a focus group. As they begin, she is attacked by a fanatic assassin employing a bizarre organic gun. She flees with a young marketing trainee, Ted Pikul, who is suddenly assigned as her bodyguard. Unfortunately, her pod, an organic gaming device that contains the only copy of the eXistenZ game program, is damaged. To inspect it, she talks Ted into accepting a gameport in his own body so he can play the game with her. The events leading up to this, and the resulting game lead the pair on a strange adventure where reality and their actions are impossible to determine from either their own or the game’s perspective.

全球领先的游戏设计师阿莱格拉·盖勒(Allegra Geller)正在与一个焦点小组测试她的新虚拟现实游戏eXistenZ。当他们开始时,她被一名狂热的刺客用一把奇怪的有机枪袭击。她和一名年轻的营销培训生泰德·皮库尔(Ted Pikul)一起逃离,后者突然被指派为她的保镖。不幸的是,她的pod,一个有机游戏设备,包含了eXistenZ游戏程序的唯一副本,已经损坏。为了检查它,她说服特德接受自己体内的游戏端口,这样他就可以和她一起玩游戏了。导致这一幕的事件,以及由此产生的游戏,让两人踏上了一段奇怪的冒险之旅,现实和他们的行为都无法从他们自己或游戏的角度来确定。

virtual reality虚拟现实,拟境,虚拟时空
focus group焦点小组(选自各阶层,讨论某专项问题; 所得信息常为市场研究者或某政党所用)
flees迅速离开; 逃避,逃跑; flee的第三人称单数
bodyguard保镖; 警卫
play the game规规矩矩地进行比赛
up to高达; 到; 干; 胜任; …的责任
