Your chances are better if you’re black, Puerto Rican or everything, like me.
我是波多黎各人 – 你的表格上没写,雷夫·贾西
I am Puerto Rican. -Not on your paper you ain’t, Garci.
你♥爸♥爸为政♥府♥工作 – 那是真的
Your daddy doing government work. -That’s the truth.
他把踢跶鞋留给你,是吗? 是的
And he left you his tap shoes, right? Does he work for Pepsi-Cola too?
Does he work for Pepsi-Cola too?
Be careful.
往左边,左边 – 到另一边来
To the left. Left. -Come the other way.
All right.
Easy, now. Straight back, Bruno?
这个要放在哪里? – 那边的角落
Where do you want this at? -Far corner.
How do you do?
Okay. Fine.
太好了,这个我来弄 你把其他东西拿上来,好吗?
Great. Look, I’ll do that. You just go and get the rest of the stuff, okay?
Oh, Martelli. Bruno Martelli.
你想把设备架起来吗? 马泰利先生
Would you like to set up your equipment, Mr. Martelli?
Who taught you?
谁教我的?我爸爸教我的 他在西班牙拍《黄昏双镖客》
Who taught me? My father taught me. He’s in Spain. He makes Westerns.
你为什么想念这所学校? – 因为佛莱迪也曾在这里
Why do you want to go to school here? -Because Freddie went here.
佛莱迪? – 佛莱迪·普林兹,他棒极了
Freddie? -Freddie Prinze. He’s the best.
所以你也想当演员? – 是的,我当然想当演员
So you want to be an actor, huh? -Yeah, sure, I want to be an actor.
Judy, Judy, Judy. Top of the world, Ma.
我们不要你表演 我们要看原来的你,明白吗?
We don’t want you to perform. We want to see who you are. You understand?
明白 – 用你自己的经验
Right. -Use your own experience.
简单、诚实 但最重要的就是要表现自己
Be simple, be honest, but most of all, be yourself.
诚实、简单、做自己? – 做自己
Be honest. Be simple. Be yourself? -Be yourself.
我是上帝,明白了吗? 上帝是波多黎各人,明白吗?
I’m God, see? And God is Puerto Rican, you got that? Now.
上帝在蒸气室里工作 就是蒸气浴,可以吗?
God works in a casa de steam, you know. It’s a steam bath, right?
他正在跟这个天使说话 这个天使是部电脑,可以吗?
And he’s talking to this angel. This angel is a computer. An electronic computer.
我是上帝,所以站在椅子上 明白吗?很好
I’m God, see? That’s why I’m standing on this chair, you got that? Good.
Does he wanna be a musician or an airline pilot?
马泰利先生,我们正等着你 请你开始好吗?
Mr. Martelli. We are ready when you are. Would you care to begin?
Oh, okay. Sure.
Mr. Martelli.
Mr. Martelli.
Mr. Martelli!
Thank you. One instrument at a time will be quite sufficient.
如果你们喜欢迪斯可节奏 我可以改成4分之4拍
I could do it in 4/4 if you prefer a disco beat.
She’s a disaster.
罗密欧,你在哪里? 否认你的父亲,拒绝他的姓
Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love…
那么我将不再姓卡布… 卡布…卡布♥什♥么的
…and then I’ll no longer be a Capu– Capu– Capu-something.
卡布列特 – 卡布…足球员卡普列提吗?
Capulet. -Like Cappelletti, the football player?
很类似 – 我就是那个意思
Something like that. -That’s what I mean.
他的申请表呢? – 他没有
Where’s his application? -He doesn’t have one.
Well, get him one.
你要如何形容这个? – 邪恶
What do you call that? -Wicked.
Thou art thyself.
你不是孟塔鸠、曼塔卡… 谁知道还有什么?
Thou art not a Montagoo– Montagazz– Who knows?
好吧!这是试演会最后一天 我们看了很多学生,已经很累
This is the last day of auditions. We’ve seen a lot of students. We’re punchy.
我们现在要休息一下 到隔壁找夏米老师帮你试演
We’re gonna take a break. Go next door to Mrs. Shime. Have her audition you.
就在隔壁 – 说是你叫我去找她的?
Right next door. -I tell her that you sent me?
对 – 是的
Yeah. -All right.
By the way…
你念的是女生的口白 – 糟糕
…you were reading the girl’s part. -Shit.
你没有要念高中,记得吗? – 我只是跳舞罢了
You’re not into high school, remember? -I’m into dancing.
你在搞破坏,你很故意 只要跳舞不用进高中念书
You’re into ass, you mean. You don’t have to go to high school for that.
我是在帮你的忙,记得吗? – 帮我的忙才怪
I was doing you a favor, remember? -Some fat fucking favor.
绿单,拿着东西上3楼 把单子交给门口的学长
Take your things to the third floor. Give your forms to the senior there.
好,你到楼下更衣室换衣服 然后在那里等他
Okay, you go downstairs, change in the girls’ room and wait for him.
我就这样完了? 不用再跳舞了吗?
I’m through? I don’t have to dance anymore?
你要去哪里?里洛 他入选而我被淘汰,是吗?
Where you going, Leroy? He’s in and I’m out, right?
去死吧!里洛!这是我的试演 记得吗?你不念高中的
Fuck you, Leroy! This was my audition, remember? You’re not into high school.
我们排练是为了让我进这学校 不是你这个浑球,这很不公平
We were rehearsing to get me into this school, not you, you fucker! It’s not fair!
反正我也不想念这里 这间学校烂透了
I didn’t want to come here anyway. This school sucks.
You’ve done me a favor, shithead.
你让我不用在这所烂学校 浪费4年时光
You saved me four fucking years from this ass-licking school!
You looking at one happy lady!
Who wants to go to a fucking school to learn to dance, anyway?
Yeah, hello?
不是,我是娜欧密·芬塞克 是她妈妈,你是哪位?
No, it isn’t. This is Naomi Finsecker speaking. Her mother. Who is this?
Replacement? What do you mean, replacement?
So is she in or is she out?
我选上了!我选上了 我进入表演艺术学校
I got in! I got in! I got into Performing Arts!
Doris, we’re in!
Get her out of there!
待会见 – 好的,好的
Hey, later on. -All right. All right!
See y’all later.
嗨! – 小妞!上车吧
Hello. -Hey, mama, get in the car!
快来!宝贝!来吧 不要去上学了
Come on, baby, come on. Don’t go to school.
马泰利,布鲁诺 – 布鲁诺
Martelli, Bruno. -Bruno. Come on.
Garcia, Raul.
贾西亚,拉乌 – 是雷夫
Garcia, Raul? -It’s Ralph.
上面写的是拉乌 – 那跟我无关
It says Raul. -I don’t relate to that.
贾西亚,雷夫 – 是贾西
Garcia, Ralph. -It’s Garci.
雷夫·贾西 我想申请单上是写错了
Ralph Garci. I think they spelled it wrong on the application.
贾西,雷夫 – 我就是
Garci, Ralph. -Here.
麦克奈尔,蒙哥马利 – 我就是
MacNeil, Montgomery. -Here.
梦露,丽莎 – 是的
Monroe, Lisa. -Yes?
Johnson, Leroy.
Johnson, Leroy?
强生先生,我希望你以后 把随身听留在家里
In future, Mr. Johnson, I’d like you to leave your ghetto blaster at home.
如果上课不是这么无聊 我会把它留在家里
I’d have left it home if it wasn’t so goddamn boring in here.
这是教室,强生先生 往后4年你都会在同一班
This is a classroom, Mr. Johnson. You’re going to be here for four years…
张大你的眼睛 把功课做好、铅笔削好
…with your eyes open, homework done, pencils sharpened…
任何食物、香烟和收音机 都不准带进来,明白了吗?
…and all food, cigarettes and radios outside. Do you understand me?
你为什么来这里?强生先生 – 因为我既年轻又单身…
Why are you here, Mr. Johnson? -Because I’s young and single…
我也喜欢打混 – 好好说话
…and I loves to mingle. -Speak English.
我想怎么说话是我的事 – 这是我的教室
I speak like I likes. -This is my room.
You’ll speak as I like.
我教的科目是英文 就算那是外国语,你也得学
I teach English. Now, if that’s a foreign language, you’re gonna learn it.
这里不是打混的地方 别以为有天份就能轻松过关
This is no Mickey Mouse school. You won’t get off easy
because of talent.
我不在乎你舞跳得多好… – 烂女人又在发表高论了
I don’t care how well you dance… -Bitch run her fucking mouth.
…或者有多少条芭蕾舞裙 如果你没有对学科…
…or how many colored tutus you have. If you don’t give academic subjects…
…花相同时间,你就会被退学 – 鬼话
…equal time, you’re out. -Bullshit.
你们必须提早到 换好衣服并做暖身
You have to arrive earlier to get dressed and warmed up.
你们必须针对主修科目 修额外课程
You have to take outside classes in your major field….
…研究芭蕾、现代、民俗 爵士以及历史舞蹈…
…and study ballet, modern, folk, jazz, tap and historical dance here…
…as well as dance history, supported adagio…
…各种课程,化妆、发型 甚至舞者的表演课程
…variation class, makeup, hairstyling and even acting for dancers.
全国有5万人自称为演员 或许有5百人真的靠演戏赚钱
50,000 people call themselves actors, and maybe 500 are making a living at it.
大部分演员靠拍广♥告♥付房♥租 其他人当服务生…
Most of those do commercials to pay the rent. The rest wait tables…
…替别人打扫房♥间 或者靠福利金和希望生活
…clean other people’s apartments, living on welfare and hope.
Don’t think talent’s enough to get you through.
你必须有好演技和好经纪人 最重要的是,脸皮要厚
You gotta have a strong technique, a good agent, and most of all, thick skin.
现在你们都是没地位的少数 你们就要开始受苦了
Now you’re part of an underprivileged minority, and you’re going to suffer.
拉筋、劈腿、肿胀的脚趾 难闻的紧身衣…
Pulled tendons, shin splints, swollen toes, smelly tights… .
Cattle calls, the humiliation, the rejection… .
旋律听写理论、键盘和谐论 基础钢琴、钢琴文学…
Melodic dictation theory, keyboard harmony, piano, piano literature…
…音乐历史、管弦乐编曲法 指挥、伴奏乐团、交响乐团…
…music history, orchestration, conducting, symphonic band… .
我们什么时候吃午饭? – 11点半,一个半小时时间…
When do we have lunch? -Lunch is at 11:30. One half-hour…
之后你们还有其他一切 – 什么其他一切?
…and then you’ll have everything else. -What’s everything else?
生物、化学、代数、英文 法文、物理、历史等等
Biology, chemistry, algebra, English, French, physics, history, et cetera.
Dance is not a way of getting through school.
那是种生活方式,再加上学业 学业的部分比较简单
It’s a way of life, plus school. The school part is easier.
所以你们最好多爱自己一点 因为你们必须如此
So you better like yourself a lot. Because that’s all you got to work with.
利用自己 你的声音,你的经验
Use yourself. Your voice, your experiences.
你想累积经验吗? 我有很多经验可以分享
Wanna accumulate some experiences? I got plenty of experiences to spare.
You know what? I live with two chicks.
Dance is the hardest department in the school.
